
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · Hiện thực
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

chapter 2

Hot steams fills the bathroom, as the figure of Lilly is seen from the glass with her beautiful curve she steps out of the bathroom, with her towel around her chest she she get dressed prepared for work, she goes out of the building heading to the office, she hails a taxi in her hand was a white envelope.

She arrives at the Qin enterprise, and walk in majestically she goes directly to the president office and open the door after knocking severally with no response.

Mr Qin frowns "can't you see am busy", he said as he continued kissing the girl that sits on his lap.

"get out", he shouted angrily.

Lilly just pretended she didn't hear him she throws the envelope at him " I quit " she said boldly.

"you finally have some sense you have saved me the stress of firing you myself".

"Mr Qin", she kisses him lustily, "tell this trash to get lost, She stinks eww", the girl spoke, Lilly just turns walking towards the door.

" You no I would promote you if you just give in to me huh, What do you say"?.

Lilly pauses, "you are too dirty for me" she walks out and slams the door.

bam! he slams his hand on the desk in anger "GET LOST".

"Mr Qin, don't let her ruin your mood, let's get on with what we're doing". The girl spoke as her hands massaged his shoulders.

pushes her off angrily, "GET LOST" he shouted, she stands up and runs out of the office in fear, he takes his phone and makes a call, "make sure no company accepts her".

Jane runs after Lilly panting, "Lilly! Lilly!! stop" Lilly stops on her tracks and turned towards her friends.

"You have to give me an explanation you can't just quit and leave me all alone I really need you", she said to Lilly.

She takes Lilly hands in hers, "Listen to me, I can't do this anymore, I have to look for a way to avenge my parents, I don't even know who or what killed them, I have been living the past 23 years of my life miserably blaming myself for their death, I have to look for a way" she said in a low voice.

Jane interrupts "her baby girl, How are you gonna look for them?, The world is big you need to be wealthy to be able to even have a clue, alright now your clueless listen I have a detective friend I'll help you just don't quit okay please" she said with a pleading look.

i'm sorry but I won't change my mind Jane please understand me okay, i'm really sorry".

Jane get angry and yanks her hand away from Lilly's, "you only think for yourself you don't even know what I have been going through because of you all these years, and you never knew fine", she walks away.

"Jane! Jane!! listen Jane,

Lilly turns her back and sighs heavily, "I have to find a job, hmm! let's do this Lilly storman, you can do this".

After several hours of walking Lilly is exhausted, she sits by the park and sips her water signs,"I expected this anyways" she stands up.

Someone one walks towards her, "hey miss you look beautiful can I get your contact".

"Please leave me alone", Lilly walks away the stranger Drags her hand, "hey Missy u can't walk out on me" he said dragging her, Lilly pushes him "stay away"

drags her, as he was about to hit her, "ahh" Lilly screams as she cover her head but, the pain never came she opens her eyes to see the strange guy wailing in pain on the ground.

she turns and we the most handsome and charming face she could never have imagined.

kyle smiles "uhh.. miss are you okey you can't keep staring you no right", he said with a smile.

Her face was flushed with red, "i'm sorry oh, i'm .. i'm fine thank you"

He smiles at her, "your welcome you look tired are you okey" he asked with a concerned look.

Lilly drops her head and a frown was forming on her face.

"no no no no don't frown keep smiling you look…., I can't find the right words to describe you anyways you look amazing so tell me what makes a beautiful lady like you angry, no wait let talk over coffee okay?".

Lilly lifts up her head and smiled to him, "yeah".

"now that's more like it, keep smiling" he said as they both walk away.

Alex Dunbar is seen sitting in front of his computer in his big apartment, more like a big castle meant for a king his king size bed later beside him Alex was sitting in front of his computer.

Keypad are heard clicking, he was sitting on the bed pressing his computer when a message suddenly pops up on his phone,

'ting' phone vibrates, picks up the phone and see the message, -WE READY- he smirks, -GO-, he types.

And stands up from his chair moving to the bathroom, as he stands in front of a mirror as he takes off his clothes completely naked, as he walks towards the bathroom and headed straight to the bathtub, he sink himself into the foamy warm water.


He see her face again and again then he sees the blood oozing from her head, for no reason his tights his fist feeling so suffocated in his chest, he jerks up.


He stands from the tub and moves out stark naked, and headed towards the middle door located in his room behold it's a room with shelf consisting different wines, spirits of all types and brand, it looked like a mini bar, he hummed as he walked towards the shelf that is filled with his favorite brands ,he takes out a bottle and glass and heads out.

Placing the drink on the table, he returns to the bathroom to get a white towel which he rapped below his waist, revealing his tempting body he sits on his chair pours out the wine as sips it.

kyle smiles As he sips his coffee, "I'm Kyle and you are"?.

"I'm Lilly, Lilly storman nice to meet you kyle" *she smiles at him.

"So tell me Lilly, wow I love the way your name sounds off my lips", he smiles "you look beauty when you blush".

"stop flirting with me" she said as, she cover her cheek, she smiles and says "thank you".

Raise's an eyebrow "why are you thanking me?".

"I haven't really smiled so much in a long time I haven't been this free".

kyle smilesback at her "glade I could help so tell me why were you so downcast earlier".

She sips her coffee, "I am looking from a job I quit my last job so I guess it job hunting" she forced a smile.

kyle smirks at her, "then you have found the right person I no someone who can help you, here he hands out a business card to her, here take it"

Lilly hesitate "I.. I... I can't I can't, it not right".

kyle smiles, "Fate brought us together" He takes her hand and puts the card in it, "I'm glad to help so don't turn me down okay? please".

She takes the card,"Thank you, thank you very much, I don't no how to thank you'

then consider it you owe me one okay".

"Okay", she nod's her head smiling.

"ting" his phone vibrate he reads the message. "oops I gotta go beauty, oh here's my card make sure to call me okay? remember you owe me one" he winks at her and walks off.

Lilly checks the card and see *LIBRA ENTERPRISE* she gasped covering her mouth with her hands.