
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · Hiện thực
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30 Chs

chapter 11

Lilly walked into Laura's department to ask a few questions and also guidelines on how to go about other things. Laura was not pleased to see Lily again but she hid her anger and showed her how it was done.

Lilly left after a few minutes, she was already done for the day, she took her phone and saw a text message from Jane she quickly texted her back.

She took her stuff ready to leave and just then a call came from the landline she picked.

"Are you done with what I assigned you?" Alex asked her.

"Yes sir, is there anything you want me to do?".

"No nothing for now, are you free, let 's grab dinner together. I'll meet you in…" he was cut off.

"Sorry sir", she interrupted him, "but I already have plans for the evening,she hangs up the call, then she grabs her stuff and rushes off.

"Did she just hang up on me?" he dials again but no one answers, "did she already leave, I can't believe she just turned me down without even considering it", he gnashed his teeth in anger.

In Lily's apartment she was seen arranging her clothes and also sorting out files mumbling and complaining about Alex's behavior.

"Does he really think after acting like I'm a stranger I would want to have anything to do with him again".

A knock startled her, she walked towards the door and opened it, "Lilly!" Jane's voice rang, "I missed you" she hugs her "aww me too come in dear" Lilly said happily.

"I brought you drum sticks and drinks, let 's get wasted darling", she flashes a bag up at Lilly's face, "aww you're a darling" she said smiling.

"So tell me how's your new workplace?" she asked, looking at her curiously.

"Well it's just so so" she said with a smug look on her face.

"What do you mean by that?" Jane asked with a worried pretend face.

"It's manageable to the least", Lilly said with a sad face.

"Baby, don't tell me it's actually worse than Qin enterprise?".

"Well... you know I always dream of working in a technical department, because I love computers but guess what, I was assigned to be a secretary more like a personal assistant to Mr Dunbar" She said with a disappointed look on her face.

"What"?Jane exclaimed "You mean you're an assistant to Mr Dunbar? Do you know what that means?".

"Well I don't and I really don't care either".

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes on what Lilly said, "well you get to see him everyday, speak to him and also adore him, c'mon girl I'm jealous of you", Don't worry he will soon be mine she said to herself she said to herself..

"Are you serious? Really there's nothing to be jealous of,he gets to boss me around with those mean and cold gazes of his".

"Either way cheers to your new job", they raise their can of drinks and toast before drinking, you could see the jealous look on Jane's face as she sips her drink.

"Well I'd prefer kyle, he has a good and approachable personality unlike someone else".

"Wait, don't tell me! You fell for junior Dunbar?"she asked, shocked.

"No no that's not what I mean, remember I told you he's just a friend nothing more".

"Well I smell something fishy", she smiles mischievously.

Chuckles, "no there really nothing, we're just friends".

"So tell me, how did it feel working with the Most handsome man today?"Jane asked, probing further.

"I felt nothing, only cold stares from either Alex or his employees", she said, rolling her eyes.

"Of course they'd be jealous of you, I bet you enjoyed it secretly", she laughs.

"what no way, You guys are really delusional, there's nothing to be jealous of, well enough about me so tell me how have you been doing all this while".

"Well it's good", ding a text on her phone she reads it, "um... Lilly I gotta go, let's catch up some other time okay?". She said standing up.

"Why? Did something come up, I thought we're having a sleepover?". She asked with a sad face.

"Sorry dear not today something came up I gotta go okay," she headed towards the door "bye" she closed the door behind her.

Lilly sits down sadly on the couch eating her chicken drumsticks.

Outside the door Jane texts back, -I'll fill you in on the details tomorrow, so Lilly you really think you can't flirt with them, not possible, I'll show you, she Stomp's off angrily.

Alex was finally back home, he was looking rather angry but he didn't show It much, but Kyle on the other hand already detected his mood and went to the dining table to wait for him, after a few minutes of showering and getting dressed he walked down from the stairs heading to dinning.

"Hey brother, you're looking pale are you okay?", Kyle asked looking worried.

"No i'm fine just a mild ache I'll be fine don't worry", he sits and was lost in thought about Lilly's rejection not even touching his food as he didn't hear when Kyle asked a question.

"So...? brother how was the first day of work with Lilly hope you both got along fine?" But there was no response, he raised his head to look at Alex who we lost in his thoughts.

"Brother! Brother!"He shouted twice, Alex snapped from his thoughts, "Huh,Did you say something?".

"Are you sure you're okay, this is the first time I'm seeing you like this, what's wrong?".

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, so what was your question?".

"I said how was the first day at work with Lilly?", at the mention of Lilly his face constructed in anger.

"Fine", he answered coldly.

Kyle sensed hostility in his tone "did she do something wrong?".

"No", Alex answered, how can she be wrong when i was the one who asked her out he said to himself.

"Then why do I sense hostility in your tone?", he stands up walking away.

"ain't you gonna touch your food?"Kyle asked.

"No, I lost my appetite", he walks straight into his room and slams the door.

"Wow and you said you're not angry", he brings out his phone to text Lilly, -hy, how was your first day?- He texts her.

She replies after a few minutes -"it was fine I guess-.

"Are you sure because my brother looks really pissed, did something happen between you both?".

Lilly replies his text "no I did everything, well if he's pissed why should I care, hold on why are you even questioning me about him?".

"Sorry? I thought you would know as his assistant he"

"Well no. it alright Goodnight", she text back.