
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · Hiện thực
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30 Chs

chapter 10

Opening the door to the office, the view that welcomed them was that of a handsome devil standing majestically with his hand in his pocket, and facing the plain transparent glass.

Her heart skipped a bit, the moment he turned looking like an angel but actually he was a devil in disguise.

"Brother I have brought your personal assistant Miss Lilly storman", he said and chuckled.

Alex and Lilly looked at Kyle in total confusion, "I thought I was applying for the technical department, You never told me I was supposed to be his assistant" she said looking very unhappy with the situation.

Alex stares daggers at Kyle for taking this decision without his consent. Most importantly, he didn't discuss it with him.

"Well I'll leave you both to it, Lilly get yourself familiarized with the office and the building, I'll assign someone to give you a tour of the building later, bye" he leaves.

Lilly faces the ground, blushing hard as she remembers their encounter.

"Have a seat miss Lilly", she walks and sits "so you're my personal assistant well I have three rules that must be followed here".

"One, you are not to shout or talk unnecessarily or disturb me in my free time". He spoke without looking at her.

"Two you are not to get close to me, always keep your distance from me".

"Some rules huh" she muttered to herself.

"Did you say something?" He asked her.

"No no I didn't" she said with a fake smile.

"Okay, so three, you only speak when you're spoken to, are we clear?"

Why does he sound so cold like he's some kind of stranger, after what happened, he hasn't even bothered to give me an explanation of what happened I really don't..... .

"Miss Lilly", he snaps from her thought, what could she be thinking of.

"Sir," she said, blinking her eyes.

"Are we clear?" He asked her.

"Yes yes", she said Frowning and mumbling words, "what a hypocritical guy".

"Did you say something?"

"No no", She walks out of the office and sights, "I thought he could be a man and take responsibility for his actions but I think not", she spoke.

Alex drops his shoulder in relief, "why is she making me feel all tensed up and nervous?".

Meanwhile in Qin enterprise Xavier is seen sitting in his office, in a very foul mood, he had already lost several contracts he was already losing his patience,he couldn't figure out what was going on between lily and Mr Dunbar.

He picks up the landline and dials a number, summoning his assistant. Soon his assistant knocked on the door and entered, "Sir, you called for me?".

"Yes," he replied,"call Jane to report to my office right now".

"Okay sir" he said as left the office.

Jane walks in after a few minutes, "you called for me sir".

"Yes,I heard you're close to Lily, now I want to give you an important task, I want you to get too close to Lily and spy on her. I want to know every detail of what's going on between her and Mr Dunbar,understood?".

"Yes S-sir", she stammered nervously looking disturbed.

"You may now leave my office", he gestured towards the door. She turns immediately and leaves.

Jane is seen sitting on her desk looking carried away, thinking aloud. "I won't let you have them both, this seems to be a perfect opportunity for me to get close to kyle through lily I might pretend to be her friend one last time to get what I want and complete my task",.

killing two birds with one stone, she chuckles silently. She was startled by her colleague who called out to her several times, "Will you go with us for dinner tonight?".

"No, I already have plans for the evening", she answered. "Alright I'm off for lunch break ,don't work overtime, as she turns and leaves", her colleague said.

"Got you", she answered.

Few minutes later, she picks up her phone and texts Lily, -are you free tonight, lets hang out-, She grabs her bag and leaves for lunch break.

Meanwhile in Libra enterprise,Kyle was seen walking towards Lily whose desk was opposite Alex's office with a lady.

"Lily, this is Miss Laura, she'll give a tour around the company and put you through your work line. She was the previous assistant till she got transferred to another department, Turning to Laura,this is Lily, the new assistant. Lily stretches out her hand, hello I'm lily nice to meet you, my pleasure laura replied hesitating before shaking her hand, faking her smilesThis way.

It took an hour before the tour came to an end, Laura was looking very angry and exhausted though she tried to hide it.

Lily on the other hand, was beyond fascinated by all she saw, to notice the scowl plastered on Laura's face, the interiors, furniture and most especially the computers in the technical department, also the company had one of the biggest canteens she had ever seen, but she was much on interested in the technical department.

She returns to her desk and not long after Alex calls her on the cell phone.

"Hello Miss Lilly, I'd be traveling in a few days time, draft out my schedule before i travel, and also a business proposal while you're at it.

"I haven't actually learned those,"she replied in a frustrated manner.

"Meet Laura, she'll put you through,and keep in mind you're coming with me, so start packing up and 'DON'T BE LATE', he emphasized the word to make sure she understood what he meant.

"what? I…", before she could finish her words Alex hung up on her, she slammed her hand on her desk in frustration, "oh my God his a pain in the ass, I can't believe him, I never signed up for this, Kyle has a lot of explaining to do". She stands up angrily and storms off heading towards Laura's office.