
History of Merlin Part 2

I was right about the sales. After word spread from my group to their friends almost everyone who went to Hogsmead that day came back with something from ToR. The only group that didn't get something from there were the die hard pure blood supremacist who thought using muggle technology, even enhanced with magic, was beneath them.

I went to my room a bit early that night as I figured I should read more of Merlins journal. I kinda put it off because there were so many more things to read. This I could use almost immediately so reading a journal wasn't all to high on my book list, despite it being The Merlin's.

[I was born in August of 890. Sadly these were dark times for anything magical. My mother was killed in a mob attack to get to me, a demons spawn. As somehow it got out my father was a demon because someone saw him casting sorcery. Now my father is very careful and I believe that he didn't get caught using magic. I think someone saw him use one of his inventions and decided it was sorcery. Again sadly all it took was one person to rile up the masses and before we could even blink a mob was at our door. They attacked my mother before my father could react. He escaped with me into the forest unable to save my mother.

My father raised me in deep in the forest. He put up muggle repelling wards and beast repelling wards to keep out the less desirable creatures like goblins, now goblins at this time were a vicious warrior type race filled with greed. It was only later in my story they became civilized creatures or as civilized as a warrior race can be.

He taught me magic, herbology, the anatomy of different creatures, science, potions and chemistry, along with some notions of politics and etiquette. When I was 15 my father taught me of my fate and the prophecy that came with it. I was to travel to Camelot, a lawless land. Here I would find a sword stuck in an Anvil and I would have to help the one who pulled the sword from the stone. We would unite the muggle world and magical world for a time. But we also had to kill, yes the prophecy was quite clear we had to kill, a great evil that would lead the magical world to attack the mundane.

So I traveled and I met many different people and helped out any magical I could. My fathers bloodline allowed me to see the cores within people so I could separate the mundane and magicals. I do not know if you will have this gift as perhaps the bloodline got diluted. When I was 16 I meet a boy who was performing in the street for coin and food. He was making a snake dance. Despite being dirty with ragged clothes the boy held a bright smile on his face and thanked people for even a penny.

Only I could see the bright core within the boy. It was brighter than any I had seen before and I knew this boy would be great. I took him in as my apprentice. When I told him about magic he confided in me that he could talk to snakes. The boy was an orphan with no last name so I named him for his affinity with serpents. Salazar Slytherin.

I taught him how to hide his abilities and avoid the mundane. I taught him how to conjure fire, manipulate his surroundings, make water from thin air. I even taught him how to bond with his familiar who we met on our travels. A hatchling basilisk whose mother died to protect the nest. He named the young basilisk Amorta (Ah-More-Sha).

The young boy, well I guess he wasn't too young as I was 16 and he was 12 so not much of an age difference, was great with people. Friendly, polite, and ever the optimist as he believed greatly that one day we would not have to hide. I like to believe there would be a day we wouldn't have to hide as well.

Finally we arrived at the Lawless land of Camelot. There I continued to guide my apprentice until the day the sword was pulled. Here is some history on the sword. My father has told me it's story. It was ordered by the previous king to be made as none of his heirs were worthy of the throne as they all held greed in their hearts. With the help of an Ancient Dragons fire the royal blacksmith made a sword that could cut through the darkness and evil, Excaliber. It was plunged into the anvil used to beat it into shape and told whoever could pull it would be the King.

Of course the heirs tried to pull it along with a variety of others but not could. The heirs thought it was a trick. Saying no one could pull it from the anvil. Sadly their greed became rampant. They killed their own father then each other bringing even the soldiers and commoners into the battle. Hatred grew between the factions as more people died. More factions rose to replace the fallen ones. Even with the heirs deaths the fighting never stopped as hatred was already sown in too many people. Soon what was once a grand kingdom was but a gathering of bandits and thugs.

After months of waiting a farmer stumbled into the abandoned area where the stone was. He was running from some thugs. Later he would tell me that this band took over the 'protection' after they killed the previous thugs who had control of the boys farm and wanted payment even though the boys family had just paid the previous ones days before so they did not have the money. His father was killed, his mother taken, and he ran as fast as he could to escape.

I and my apprentice watched from the shadows as he walked through, pulled down, and ducked around the vines til he came upon the sword. As if mesmerized he approached and grasped it handle. Slowly pulling upward light began to glow around him. The sword was coming free til finally it emerged and the boy held it up high. A beam of light rose from the sword and pierced the sky showing all his location. The light cleared the clouds and let the sun shine down. Evil began to burn away the ones who murdered, plundered and ****ed for pleasure screamed as the light touched them and they felt remorse as they experienced the sufferings they dealt to others.

I an my apprentice emerged from the shadows and I introduced myself to the boy. I was there to help him. I gave the boy a name, as 'peasents' such as farmers had no last name, Arthur Pendragon. Pen for the laws he shall make to guide the land and bring peace and dragon for the sword forged in a dragons breath.

Now I love Arthur, I really do, as he was my best friend and like a little brother to me, but he was such a moron! Now I can't really blame him as he was raised as a farmer so he knew not how to read or write. But seriously his original idea was a Triangular Table! I had to talk him into choosing a different shape and finally we decided on Round Table where all who sat would be equal.

With the Holy Sword, as it was called at the time, at his side Arthur gathered a band of brave knights to his side. Me and my apprentice helped gather the magicals to help restore the land to a luscious state rather than the almost barren it had become. We made a charm, the Knight's Oath, which bond a knight to a wizard and vice versa. The wizard would help in battle against creatures that could not be killed with a steel sword alone and the knights would help protect magicals as they cast their spells. When one was in danger they could call the other for help. It was a good time. Salazar and me were realizing our dream.

Now my wife doesn't like me mentioning this but me and Arthur had a more intimate relationship in private. Until he met Guinevere who became his wife and the Queen. Our relationship was more of a experiment and physical thing than anything so I didn't mind that he found love.

I would find my own love in a woman called Morgana le Fey. A brilliant witch.She was a powerful healer and a master in transfiguration. It was her that found that wizards and witches have an animal inside and was the first to be called an Animagus. She almost by herself developed dozens of spells and potions to advance healing and health of the people.

For years things were going well. Arthur had his love and I had mine that was until the accident happened. A spell gone wrong distorted Morgana's mind and she ran away. Arthur had to comfort me from my grief and I spent my time teaching my apprentice and Arthur's son Amhar to distract myself from the loss I felt. Though Amhar did not have magic I taught him the same as I taught Arthur.

Years went by, I noticed I was not aging quite normally as I should have. My apprentice looked older than me by this time. In 927 Arthur turned 35 and about to pass the throne down to his son Amhar who had just turned 17 that Summer. Before the throne could be passed on large swathes of creatures attacked Camelot in waves and the one controlling it was my former love Morgana and one she claimed was her son named Mordred. She insisted that Mordred was the rightful heir to the throne of Camelot. My destiny had finally caught up to me and I would have to kill the woman I loved or Camelot would fall.]

As I closed the journal I began to collect my thoughts. My first thought is of Salazar Slytherin. Everyone knows he hates muggles, or mundanes as is mentioned in the journal a few times, but in the journal it tells him as one who wished to co-exist along side them and was even happy around them. So the question is what changed him so much?

Secondly is Arthur and Merlin shagged?! What the hell is up with that?! Ok ok not important right now. Just two very historically important people banging er I mean damnit stop straying thoughts of mine!

Morgana is noted to be a healer and master of transfiguration but not much else is none about her other than she was a dark witch who fought Merlin. Though fighting Merlin seems to be more commonly known and her accomplishments in healing seem to be dimmed down greatly nowadays. It is hard to believe that she was a great healer because she wanted to help others. Mainly because the focus is on her being a Dark Wizard no one said anything about her actually caring for people nor being Merlin's lover!

In fact if I didn't know better I would say that people are trying to cover up history to make it as if Merlin never had anything to do with anything dark. After all no one today knew that Salazar Slytherin was basically adopted by Merlin. Hell Merlin even says that he is the one who gave him the name Slytherin! Damn it Merlin! I swear somewhere out there he is laughing at me. 'Oh let's take my descendants view of history and smash it with a fucking hammer!'

I jab the journal back into my trunk as this is too much life altering information for one night. Screw you Merlin I'm going to bed.

So yea I made Merlin and Arthur have a fling, deal with it. Though of course Alex doesn't want to think of his Ancestor, the greatest wizard of all time, shagging the Now and Future king of Britain. Especially since he can only imagine Merlin with a long white beard because of that movie The Sword in the Stone by Disney. Speaking of the name of the movie is what I said but in the movie he pulls the sword from an Anvil. What's up with that?

ShadowRose13creators' thoughts