
Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic)

Lad reborn in an alternate version of Ben Tennyson, in which the summer journey begins when Ben and Gwen are 15. The main character knows the canon very well and will use his knowledge. --- I don't know English at all, so I use Google Translate for translation. I hope it won't be that bad --- My patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zeckyll11

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182 Chs

171. New Mysteries

(3rd POV)

Two teenagers continued to hug each other in the crater, enjoying each other's warmth, while the guy accepted his flaws and mentally reborn to become a more mature person, and the girl was glad that she was able to return her beloved boyfriend, and that he was able to overcome today's events, instead of plunging into the abyss of self-flagellation.

But, this couldn't go on for long, because they still had unfinished business, so the girl lifted her head from the guy's shoulder and reluctantly asked: - We should probably go already, right?

The guy opened his eyes and, looking at the girl, nodded decisively and said: - Yes, it's time for me to correct my mistakes and deal with the annoying squid.

- Then we should hurry. Tetrax, Gluto and Azmuth have already been waiting and are probably already worried that we have been gone for a long time. I hope they are ok. - standing up slowly, Gwen said.

- Don't worry, Tetrax is strong enough to take care of himself and smart enough to keep his head down when it's dangerous around him. I think he just waited out my rampage and the robot attack somewhere safe so that Gluto and Azmuth wouldn't get hurt, and now they are either looking for us, or, knowing Azmuth, they are creating some kind of weapon of mass destruction against Vilgax's reinforcements. - Lex said calmly, handing Gwen the spare clothes he keeps for her in his dimensional ring.

- Let's hope you're right. - Gwen said thoughtfully, dressing and not at all embarrassed by her nakedness, because there is nothing to be embarrassed about, everything has already happened.

Lex, who no longer needs ordinary clothes, summoned Cloth and ordered it to take on the form of his everyday clothes when he noticed that something was wrong.

Frowning, Lex listened more closely to the sensations that the Cloth conveys to him, and immediately noticed one problem...

- What is it? - noticing the expression on Lex's face, Gwen, who had finished dressing, immediately asked.

- Apparently the Cloth wasn't as strong as I thought. When I lost control and began to turn into Anodite, it seems that my magical power was able to damage the Cloth and tore off a significant piece that was on me at that time, in the form of clothing, and now it is completely useless. I noticed it just now. - Lex said, frowning as he got to his feet.

- Oh yes, I remember. Your skin, along with your clothes, gradually exfoliated and fell to the floor. The clothes continued to lie, and then you lifted the rest of your pants to pick up the phone when Tetrax called. I didn't pay attention to it then, but it's strange and it shouldn't be like that, right? - Gwen said after some thought.

- Right. In theory, despite my transformations, the clothes should have remained on me if I did not wish otherwise, but at that time I was not up to it, so the fact that it was shattered into pieces is really strange. I already checked the Cloth for weak points and what could damage it, but I didn't find anything. And the fact that my magic was able to destroy part of the Fabric is nothing short of a miracle, and I have no answer as to how this happened. - Lex nodded his head.

- But besides being mysterious, there is no problem, yes? - Gwen asked.

- Of course, you are right and there is nothing critical in this, but it is unpleasant. You see, I have a limited supply of Cloth. The same piece I found from the Forever Knights Storage and later ate is all I have. It's just that it blends into my whole body and stretches well to follow my commands and it seems that I have an unlimited amount of it, but it's not. And now, I've lost about 1/8 of the Cloth and I don't know why. - Lex said with obvious annoyance.

- Maybe it's because of Anodite's power? Or because of your anger? - Gwen suggested.

- Perhaps, but unlikely, given that Mana cannot damage Cloth, and only an increase in strength and power would hardly change that. And to my emotional state, the Cloth, most likely, would have responded more aggressively and would not have self-destructed, in fact. I know too little about it and the answer is now impossible to find. - Lex shook his head.

- But you have a hunch, right? - with a smile, the girl asked, noticing the sparkle in Lex's eyes.

Hearing Gwen's question, Lex just snorted, because she understood him so well, and thoughtfully said: - This is just an assumption, but given my frenzied state, in which, all my alien instincts awakened, it probably seemed not only my Anodite legacy.

- You mean that alien part you got from your mom? – immediately understanding what it was about, Gwen asked with surprise.

- Exactly. And while I don't have any proof, my gut tells me that my other heritage couldn't help but show signs of awakening when I succumbed to my instincts and had little to no control over myself, letting go of my body. And given the oddities with the Cloth, it sounds logical to the wave. - Lex said.

- Don't you remember how you felt when you were rampaging? - Gwen asked.

- No, I don't really remember anything. All my attention was occupied with the fact that I would not finally become brutalized and not harm you. Although, then I completely forgot until you brought me back, in a very pleasant way. - Lex said shaking, with a slight smirk.

- Then what are you going to do with that assumption? - Gwen asked, ignoring Lex's joke.

- Nothing yet, because now is not up to it. Let's put it off until we return to Earth. But I think it's no longer worth putting it aside and I should finally deal with who was my mother's ancestor and where my psionic abilities come from.

Previously, I did not want to get into this, as I was sensitive in all matters, concerning my parents, and convinced myself that there was nothing special about it and that it was just telekinesis and telepathy, but it is obvious that this is not so. If this power really caused the destruction of a part of the indestructible Cloth, then this legacy belongs to a far from simple race. - Lex said seriously.

- If you think that the time has come for you to reveal this secret, then I fully support you. - Gwen said with a smile, kissing the guy on the cheek.

- Thanks. It won't be easy for me, but thanks to you, I know that I can handle it and find all the answers. Also, it will help me to be annoyed that I feel that I allowed myself to lose control and my legacy guided me, just after I gave in. - first with a smile, and then with incredible irritation, said Lex.

- Well, it's only partially your fault, because it turned out, that Anodite men have a problem with absorbing emotions. - Gwen reminded.

- Eh, that's right too. No wonder they say that you can't relax with Magic, and it always has pitfalls. I was already sure that I was in full control of my Anodites 1/4, but it turned out that I was not. At least it's a good lesson for the future. - Lex said with a sigh.

- But everything ended well and practically without consequences. And we finally reconciled. Repeatedly. - A little shyly, Gwen said.

- I can't help but agree. And although I wanted to wait until your sixteenth birthday, but how could I resist when you attacked me like that and asked for more and more ... - Lex said with a smirk.

- I'll do you a favor and I'll assume that you haven't quite come to your senses yet, but if you joke like that again, I'll tear something off for you... - Gwen said threateningly, putting your hand where it doesn't belong.

- Understood, no jokes. - Lex said meekly, raising his hands up, but then he added more calmly: - But, I'm honestly glad that we made up. It didn't happen the way I wanted it to, and I did a lot of wrong to you, but thank you for forgiving me and accepting all my shortcomings. I love you.

- …I love you too. - Hearing such sincere words, Gwen instantly forgot all her grievances and said shyly, passionately kissing Lex on the lips.

Unfortunately, the kiss did not last long, and Gwen noticed how the ship so familiar to her was descending from the sky. Lex noticed this too, and without further ado, picked up Gwen and quickly flew in the direction where he felt the minds of the three aliens.



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The next chapter will be on Monday.

Zeckyll11creators' thoughts