
Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic)

Lad reborn in an alternate version of Ben Tennyson, in which the summer journey begins when Ben and Gwen are 15. The main character knows the canon very well and will use his knowledge. --- I don't know English at all, so I use Google Translate for translation. I hope it won't be that bad --- My patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zeckyll11

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158. Way to Xenon 2

(Gwen POV)

- This is all very strange… - muttered Lex, with whom we were in the hoverboard free flight simulator room together.

- What's strange? - I asked, keeping my balance and continuing to fly through the sunset clouds on my own flying board that Lex once gave me.

- We've already been flying for more than twelve hours, and nothing has happened. - Lex said, flying beside on another board that Tetrax had given him.

- You mean everything is too quiet? - I guessed, making a sharp turn to go around the holographic rock that appeared in front of me.

- Well, yes. There were no problems with the ship, no attacks, no space pirates encountered, no escape pod, not even a trace of Vilgax yet. Considering how things usually happen in our lives, this is very unusual. - Lex said thoughtfully.

- I can't disagree with you, but it doesn't always have to be like this, right? Tetrax said that Xenon is in an uninhabited system, so it's not surprising that we didn't meet anyone on our way there, given the size of space. And Vilgax just doesn't know we're in space. Moreover, according to you, he is now busy preparing a plan for revenge. - I thought for a moment, I said, glad that my idea of ​​bringing Lex into this room helped him relax even more, although not completely.

- So it is, but knowing this octopus, I'm sure that after learning that I left the planet and now, in fact, I am in his territory, he will not be able to not use this chance. Even if he can't do anything significant to me, he will at least try to annoy me. - Lex said with a slight frown.

- Maybe you're right, but the chances of Vilgax finding out about our journey are pretty low. - I said, trying to calm Lex and isolate him from negative thoughts, also about this.

- I wouldn't be so sure about that. Vilgax has a lot of spies and people loyal to him all over the universe, besides, there is a chance that he is following Tetrax, because he caused him a lot of problems, especially after I informed him about the imminent return of his race. - Lex said, sure he was right.

- That's right, Tetrax told me about it… - I muttered, remembering what the alien had said after we left Earth.

Cause, why it took so long for Tetrax to fly to Earth, although with his ship he was able to do it much faster, also in the fact that Tetrax helped many of Vilgax's victims on the colonies and disrupted many of his plans. In general, he harmed wherever he could and helped everyone who could do the same.

As Tetrax himself said, to a lesser extent, it was a small way to take revenge on Vilgax for all his atrocities, but more a way to distract him from the loss of the Petropia Back-up Crystal, which was stolen by one of Tetrax's spies on Vilgaxia.

The crystal is needed to return all the inhabitants of Petropia and restore the planet itself. This crystal was once foolishly stolen by Tetrax himself and given to Vilgax, who in turn, thinking that it was just a powerful source of energy, used it to destroy the planet Petrosapiens, because they refused to obey him.

A terrible and senseless act, which once again proves the vile essence of Vilgax. As a result, one Tetrax from the whole race survived.

Tetrax, of course, regretted what he had done and, wanting to fix everything, joined the militias who fought against the power of Vilgax. Also, it was this event that prompted Tetrax to look for the Omnitrix, because he was just the same and was created in order to preserve the DNA of sentient species in case any of them ever become extinct, which would allow the Omnitrix to restore them to life.

Tetrax was hoping for something like this, but he later visited the ruins of Petropia and was able to learn about the true purpose of the Back-up Crystal, which actually contained the genetic backup of every Petrosapiens ever born.

Using a crystal and an ancient alien from the Crystalsapien race, it is possible to bring everyone back to life, although, paradoxically, this again requires the Omnitrix.

Tetrax is lucky that his mistake can be corrected relatively easily. With humans, such a trick would not work. Luckily for Tetrax, Lex is only too happy to help him, as he has long since repaid his mistake, even though he doesn't think so himself.

Tetrax already has a Back-up Crystal, so the matter remains small. True, first we need to return the Omnitrix to working condition, which we are going to do when we get to Xenon, but Lex is clearly worried that this will not be so easy to do. And frankly, I think he's right...

I was going to say something that could support him, since now this is my main task, because the guy is now very unstable emotions, but I was stopped by Tetrax's voice coming from the intercom:

- Gwen, Lex, urgently return to the captain's bridge. It looks like we have a problem.

- Oh, just as I thought. At least won't have to wait for the trick anymore… - Lex said shaking his head and jumped off his hoverboard.

I did the same and folded the board and went to the captain's bridge, following Lex. Standing on the platform again, which in a few seconds brought us to the place, we went through the opened door and looked at Tetrax sitting on his chair with a question.

- There is an asteroid belt ahead. - Tetrax said, pointing to a large holographic monitor that showed the feed from the cameras at the front of the starship.

- And? - Lex asked gloomily, looking at the line of boulders dangling in space.

- There are no problems in the belt itself, Gluto will be able to overcome it without problems, but the trouble is that I feel a catch here. - Tetrax said thoughtfully, carefully looking at the screen.

- Do you suspect a trap? - Lex asked.

- Honestly, yes. Everything is too calm and I can't shake off the idea that something is wrong. My gut tells me that this asteroid belt is wrong. - Tetrax said with a sigh.

- Yes, I understand how you feel. - Lex nodded his head.

- You guys are both scary paranoids. - shaking my head, I said.

- Paranoia saves lives. - Lex said confidently.

- I agree. - Tetrax added absolutely seriously.

- All right, all right, whatever you say. – I decided not to argue, I said, and then asked, returning to the topic: – But we can't just stop here just because of your precaution. Is there any way to check this asteroid belt for traps or ambushes?

- The ship's scanners can't read anything, though that doesn't prove anything. Any ideas, Lex? - Tetrax said.

- Without the Omnitrix aliens, there aren't many options. - Lex answered thoughtfully, and then added: - With my telepathy, I don't feel anything, the distance is too great, it also touches from my supervision. Only magic remains.

- Do you have a spell that can test several thousand kilometers of empty space? - I asked skeptically.

- Oddly enough, yes. It does take a LOT of Mana though. - Lex said as he pulled out his grimoire that Hope had given him. He never let me look into it, greedy….

Opening the book on a seemingly random page, Lex hung in the air in a lotus position, and then folded his hands in front of his chest and began to read a spell in an unknown language: - [asasesin kɛse bi ho nimdeɛ ankasa]

After that, Lex's eyes shone blue, a huge amount of magic began to gather between his hands, which he was trying to keep in the form of a ball with obvious difficulty.

After a few seconds, he succeeded, and in addition, Lex compressed his mana into a small pearl, from which I felt such power that goosebumps went down my spine. That might be enough to destroy half the planet.

- Close your eyes! - Lex shouted, and with a clap of hands, he destroyed the pearl.

I followed Lex's orders and didn't see what happened next, but I felt a wave of energy that instantly pierced us all and headed further into outer space, exploring the vast territory around us.

- Huff… Huff… Huff…you can open your eyes…. - Lex said with difficulty, breathing heavily, lying on the floor.

- Are you all right? - I asked worriedly, sitting next to the guy.

- Huff…. Yes… Just tired… The spell required a lot of energy… I even had to use the emergency supply from the tattoo. - Lex said, gradually regaining his breath.

- It was reckless. Do not do this anymore. - I said worriedly, wiping the sweat off Lex's face.

- I can't promise... - Lex said with a smirk. Even though it pisses me off, it's better than what he was like in the morning...

- What could you find out? - asked the rapidly blinking Tetrax, who closed his eyes late and was blinded by a bright flash.

- We were right, there is a trap. The entire belt is mined so much that we would simply be wiped off the face of the universe in a second. - a little accepted, said Lex.

- Whose handiwork is this? - Tetrax asked seriously.

- Six-Six, with his family. I was able to locate them on a camouflaged ship, several thousand kilometers away, behind the satellite of the nearest planet. - Greedily swallowing water, said Lex.

- Six-Six? But shouldn't he be in jail after that The Galactic Enforcers thing? - I asked, remembering the alien mercenary.

- That's what I thought too, but it looks like he's out now. - Lex said as he stood up.

- Actually, he was never put in jail that time. - Tetrax spoke up.

- So these 'heroes' losed him after all? - Lex asked irritably.

- You can say that. They are all dead. - Tetrax said grimly.

- Seriously? - Lex asked in surprise.

- Yes, and this is the work of Vilgax. More specifically, his subordinates. Not too long ago, they attacked the Galactic Enforcers base and killed the whole trio, and for some reason they took Ultimos' corpse. I have never been able to find out the reasons for this, or why they were attacked at all. Six-Six was then able to escape and appears to be working for Vilgax again. - Tetrax said, with anger in his voice.

- It doesn't get any easier from time to time. Looks like Vilgax is really serious this time. - Lex said, and thought about something.

- And how could they find us, and also set a trap? - I asked.

- Honestly, I don't know. A week ago I fought Six-Six and his brother on one of Vilgax's colonies, but fight ended before it could begin, for for some reason they quickly retired. - Tetrax shook his head.

Before I could ask anything else, Lex took the floor: - Check your suit, you'll probably find the bug. I think that meeting was scheduled to tag you, and when they did, they left.

Tetrax nodded seriously and removed some of the equipment and released sharp crystals all over his body, which passed through the suit without problems, since it was created for such a thing, which cannot be said about a small device that was destroyed and fell from under the alien's armpit, strongly spark.

- You were right. I was followed all this time. - Tetrax said angrily, returning to his normal form.

- And now what we can do? - I asked, voicing the question that was on everyone's mind.



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The next chapter will be on Monday.

Zeckyll11creators' thoughts