
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Tranh châm biếm
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514 Chs

Age of Ultron Part 2


"What is attacking us?" Alex asked as he frowned, as his Spider-Sense continued to react.

"Sir, a large number of intercontinental ballistic missiles have been fired, and the target is Genosha" Alex answered.

Callisto is stunned, but Alex is not and quickly orders:

"Immediately notify everyone and keep them alert, also tell me who ordered the attack"

"I already informed them sir, and I have no information about the attacker, someone is blocking me and I can't access the external network" Alexa quickly replied.

"I see, can you override the blocking?" Alex asked.

"I can sir, but Genosha's defenses will be reduced by 45%" Alex answered.

Alex is silent for a few seconds and says:

"It's fine, just concentrate on defending Genosha, we'll find the culprit later"

"Understood" was the only thing Alexa said.

Activating his suit and glider, Alex flew into the Genosha sky.

There he could see that the energy barrier already covered Genosha.

Alex looked into the distance coldly waiting for the attack.

Near him, Magneto, Polaris, Wanda, Riri, Est, Lina, the Phoenix and Jean appear, since they are among the few who can fly.

At that moment, a large number of missiles appear in the sight of Alex's group.

Alex could count about sixty missiles.

"Father, should I destroy them?" Est asked calmly.

Lina also looks at her father.

"Don't worry, Genosha isn't weak. Besides, the barrier will do a good job" Alex said as he gently stroked Est's hair.

And at that moment, the anti-aircraft defenses activated and started firing at the missiles.

They were effective as they destroyed a third of them, the rest of them hit the barrier and turned to dust.

That barrier was created with the power of the Reality Stone so it was very effective.

Seeing that, the citizens of Genosha heaved a sigh of relief and let out shouts of celebration.

Alex's group also heaved a sigh of relief, but that didn't last long as Alex heard what Alexa said through his suit.

"Sir, another ballistic missile round is headed for Genosha"

Alex's face darkened as he more or less understood what his attacker intended to do.

It wanted to keep him in Genosha and prevent him from leaving.

That put a question in his mind: what was happening outside and who is the cause of it?

Most of Alex's group is also aware of that fact.

"Somebody really wants us not to know the situation outside, they have blocked everything from the internet to satellite signals" Riri said as she tried to reconnect with the Network.

"Damn, who is so malicious to do this?" the Phoenix said annoyed.

"There is something strange with this situation. Once this is over, we must find the culprit and also, the countries that own these weapons must give us an explanation" Magneto said with a dark expression.

Although his hatred for humans has lessened, he still harbors a bit of resentment.

After the second ballistic missile round was destroyed, a third round came minutes later.



Alex just smiled coldly.

Whoever the bastard was, he would crush it.

This was a psychological game, which made it impossible for them to get out of Genosha.

Whoever did it, had time to plan it.

But Alex was really curious about what was going on outside.

Unfortunately, he could only hold back his curiosity.


With the events that occurred in Genosha, the countries of the world were in shock, since most of the missiles came from them and they could not control it since they had been hacked.

What they feared was that Genosha wouldn't believe them and that left them helpless.

They could only sigh and wait for that to happen.

But inside they were cursing the guilty one.

The only thing they could do was intercept and destroy as many missiles as possible to reduce the pressure on Genosha.


An hour before the missile attack on Genosha

7:00 PM

At Pym Technologies

Hank Pym and his daughter Hope Van Dyne looked at Darren Cross, who had captured Scott Lang (Ant-Man) while making deals with Hydra agents to sell them the Pym Particles.

If Alex were there, he would know that these are the events of the final part of Ant-Man movie.

Hydra's men were pointing their guns at the father-daughter duo, which left them helpless and unable to stop Darren Cross's plans.

"You know what you're doing will only bring chaos to the world, thousands of lives will be lost" Hank Pym said as he glared at Darren Cross.

Darren Cross smiles as he walks over to where Scott Lang is locked up and says:

"It's a small sacrifice for humanity to make great progress, I'm sure you will be happy to be martyrs"

"You're sick" Hope Van Dyne said as her face showed her disgust at Cross's words.

"It's too bad Hope, I always thought you understood me" Cross said while shaking his head in disappointment.

Cross prepared to give the order and thus end the lives of Hank Pym and Hope, when at that moment, Ant-Man used one of the articles of his suit and enlarged the place where he was trapped which caused it to be destroyed and will escape from it.

Ant-Man shrunk and began attacking the Hydra men with great ease.

Seeing that, Cross picked up the briefcase where the Yellowjacket suit was and wanted to escape.

But at that moment and under the surprised gaze of all those present, a figure appeared behind Cross and with its metallic arm pierced his chest killing him.

The figure that killed Cross ignored everyone else and picked up the Pym Particle that Cross had.

Hank Pym, Hope and Ant-Man managed to see the culprit.

A humanoid robot with a metallic color and the most striking thing was the Stone that shone on its forehead.

For some reason, Hank Pym felt like he knew him.

If Alex were there, he would recognize him.

It's Ultron.

Here I ask, couldn't he send a teleporter or someone through portals to outside? Or did he prefer to keep everyone in Genosha just in case?

LeonTorallacreators' thoughts