

The next morning Alex wakes up and the first thing he realises that all his pants are too tight for him so he goes onto the net and orders some. After getting off the sofa he goes to his room and takes a shower. Although there is a lot of time l left in school he goes to Stile's room and wakes him up. After waking him up Alex tells him to quickly come downstairs as they have to talk. So Alex goes downstairs and starts to prepare breakfast. After 15 minutes Stiles also comes downstairs and sits on the dining table.

Alex comes to him with breakfast and says: "We have to talk about Lydia." Stiles just nods so Alex receiving his confirmation says: "I know that you have liked Lydia longer than me and probably love her more than me but she is the first girl I have come to like."

Stiles: "I know and I also know that I can also see the love you guys have for each other in yours and Lydia's eyes. I also know that with you here her chances of liking me have dropped down even more like have you ever looked at your new body and face, you could qualify as the God of lust and handsomeness." Alex replied to him: "Come on I don't look that good."

To which stiles replied: "You kidding me if you go to a mall most girls looking at you will have their hands going down. And if you go shirtless I am pretty sure you will make at least a dozen girls faint."

Alex: "Ok, now on a more serious topic. Can you help me make an excuse with your dad and the school for about a week?"

Stiles: "Why?"

Alex: "I don't have full control over my new strength yet, and I could cause a lot of damage I have become at least 6 to 7 times stronger than I was before and I also need to get used to my wings I don't want to kill anyone by mistake."

Stiles: "Ok I will help you."

Alex: "After this, I will be in the forest."

Stiles: "Ok I will be completing some homework and then going to school."

As Alex goes to the forest Stiles goes to school. His first-class is English along with Lydia and Scott. After class ends Lydia comes to Stiles and asks which classes is Alex taking to which Stiles replies: "He is taking the same classes as you, he just hasn't come to school today."

The first part made Lydia very happy but the second part caused her to immediately ask: "Why what happened to him is he sick, is he hurt or did something happen to him again."

Stiles: "It is nothing like that he is just trying to get used to his new strength." This causes Lydia to immediately sigh in relief. Then a small blush appears on her face as she thinks about her time with Alex.

The week passes by like a normal high school week. In this week Alex healed Derek, he now had full control over his wings but other than that he now had a great amount of control over his elemental manipulation as well. Alex and Scott had a fallout as Scott said: "There will be no killing in his pack" to this Alex replies: "Ok then I will make a pick of my own in which no one will be forbidden from killing as long as they have a solid reason but if they kill intentionally without any proper reason then they will also be killed." Everyone was given 1 week to choose their pack. Derek told them what happened to him but what they couldn't figure out was why did Kate de-age him. The rest of the week was the same but during this week Lydia didn't meet Alex even once which caused her to always have Alex on her mind and always be thinking about him. She even wanted to go meet him from the get-go but her pride wouldn't allow her to do so. Slowly but surely her pride was crumbling and she was about to go tomorrow but thankfully for her pride Stiles told her that he will be coming to school today.

Today was Alex's first day to school. After waking up Alex took a bath then went downstairs and prepared breakfast. First came Sheriff Noah who was getting late for work and told Alex that if he stays in bed late then to wake him up. Then comes Stiles who quickly ate breakfast and went to get dressed along with Alex. Alex decided to wear a black leather jacket and a thin white shirt along with black shoes and pants.

Stiles looks at him and then asks: "Can you lend me some of your clothes I am pretty sure even I can look good in those clothes."

Alex: "I can what do you want 1 pant or 1 shirt as I am pretty sure it will be enough to cover you who body with."

Alex then rides to school with his bike while following Stiles who is in his car. As they reach the school Alex and Stiles park their rides next to each other. As Alex slowly gets off his bike everyone is looking at him with an irritated face, because his bike made a lot of sound, just as some girls which were sitting close by were about to go and reprimand him for it, he takes his helmet off and they are shocked by the level of his handsomeness. The girls start to look at him with lust, while the guys are jealous of his looks.

Then Stiles gets off his car and they enter the school, as they enter they see Scott, Lydia, Malia and Kira talking in one part of the corridor. As Lydia sees Alex she just wanted to run off into his arms and start a make-out session with him. After coming and meeting with the pack, the first thing he does is going and whispering in Lydia's ear: "You know you don't need to hold on to that pride of yours your lust is pretty clear in your scent and I have to say that is a whole lot of lust."

This causes Lydia to contemplate on what she was feeling and after what was not even a second she kisses Alex which surprises both Scott and Stiles, while the girls, not so much as they had spent more time with Lydia and It was as clear as crystal that she was in love with him, though it felt weird that she had fallen in love so quickly, she was also known to be difficult to handle but she was doing everything as Alex said because although it may have been impossible to hear for normal people but they heard it with relative ease due to their supernatural hearing.

Thoughts of Lydia/ Alex: 'I want to lay her/him down right here and right now.'

The rest of the day went normally other than the fact that whenever Lydia and Alex met each other they would kiss. Now it was the end of the day and as Alex was about to go to his locker to change into his Lacrosse clothes he whispered to Lydia: "Hey, do you remember that date you promised me I think I am gonna take you up on that right now." This instantly made Lydia happy as much as she could be after meeting her crush and spending the whole day nearly making out with each other. They even skipped a whole period to make out and get to know each other better.

In practice, Alex was immediately put in the team and the coach even went as far as to say that if a team captain was not already present he would surely make Alex the team captain.

After practice, they decided to go to Lydia's house as her mother was not present there and watch movies 1 chosen by Alex and the second chosen by Lydia which was obviously the notebook. Alex chose to watch twilight as it has a bit of both romance and action. After going to Lydia's house and as they had finished watching twilight they decided to watch the notebook and as they were not even 15 minutes in the movie the seating arrangement and the mood in the room became perfect for a make-out session. But Alex decide to stop this he moved Lydia from above him, a bit of shock passed through her as all the guys she had met till now mainly wanted her body, this also caused her a bit of happiness as this showed that he didn't only care about her body.

After moving her Alex seriously looked at her and asked her: "Hey Lydia I have been thinking of this the whole and I want to make it official between us." This caused Lydia a lot of happiness, as this went to show her that Alex cared about her feelings. Lydia only nodded.

Then Alex got up and stood in front of Lydia, he then presented his hand to her gesturing her to put her hand on it. After she put her hand on his he kissed it and said to her: "Does my lady Lydia accept to be my bride." to which Lydia laughed and replied jokingly: "I wouldn't have it any other way, Sir Alex Salvatore" to which Alex showed fake anger and said: "You know this is my family ritual that you are making fun of right." This made Lydia to instantly stop laughing and show anxiousness on her face. Now it was Alex's turn to laugh and he did so unrestrainedly, causing Lydia to pout and say: "Why you bully me" not being able to hold back anymore Alex pressed his lips against hers and instantly put his tongue inside too. Lydia also replied in kind and immediately a battle of tongues started in which Lydia was winning in the end but Alex instantly got the hang of it and exerted his dominance. As this battle of the tongues was going on before they knew it they both were lying in their underwear on the sofa when a breathless Lydia asked: "You... want to con....tinue here.... or go on to the bed."

To which Alex replied: "I think the bed will be better for the first date." so they went to Lydia's room and continued having fun about for 3 hours continuously. After this Alex had an urge to give his blood to Lydia so he bit his arm and presented it to Lydia who was looking at him with a questioning gaze so he gestured her to drink it and although she was weirded out by it she did as he told her. After drinking his blood and waiting for something to happen and nearly giving up she suddenly started to feel a lot of pain in her body so she screamed for about 10 minutes then she changed into a tiger with the mark of a tiger with wings on her head. The tiger was a white Bangali tiger with deep red eyes like Alex's though a bit lighter. Seeing her Alex took off his clothes and also changed into a tiger, he towered Lydia by being nearly twice her size. They both then circled each other and rubbed their heads together. Alex now also had the sigh of a tiger with wings on his head. Then they both changed into human form. Lydia was now a little taller and was also a bit more beautiful.

After turning into a human they noticed that the mark was now on Lydia's cheat just above her heart while Alex had it on his right arm as it. They could feel each other's feelings and condition through it which made both of them happy as they could now be sure that the other was in a good mood and was also safe and had nothing wrong with them. They could also now tell the location of each other.

After turning back into a human the first question that Lydia sked with confusion clear on her face was: "Alex why do I have full control over my shift, and I also have a special power psychic attack and it works exactly like yours." Alex: "It is because I can also turn people through my blood but I will have control over them and it will make me weak for a year but the plus side is that you are at-least thrice as strong as any other were-wolf even Alphas and I think the psychic attack is due to you being a Banshi. Try to see if you still have your Banshi powers ." Lydia then tried her Banshi powers and surprisingly they were still there and even more of a surprise was the fact that she now had more control over it. But there was a limitation which was that she could only use them in human form. She was really happy with it but Alex wasn't.