
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Võ hiệp
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 8

A few days after the battle between kojin and the shadow puppet, kojin was In a conference meeting with the shouya (The lord of the country of raijin), Najenda(The lord of the lightning country) and lord Yamamoto (The lord of the iron country). Kojin thanks everyone for coming for the meeting and tells them that there are matters he wants to discuss very briefly, kojin says "This might seem crazy but I have a bad feeling. If you have noticed, crazy things have been happening", Najenda then responds to kojin saying "Before we get to that, what happened to your arm?". Kojin takes a look at his hand covered with a bandage and replies her telling her "Let's just say I got into a crisis. Trust me you don't want to know at all.", shouya then says "I felt a heavy shock a few days ago, and the wastelands that was connecting both the city and the country of raijin was obliterated. Did that have to do with you kojin." Kojin sighs as he says "Yeah it did. And just incase you didn't know, my city was attack a few days ago. It was attacked by a shadow puppet, its strength seemed to be on A-rank level. Its power was immense, i had to go all out against it". Shouya then says "Alright then, I can see why you appeared to seem so injured", she turns to Yamamoto and asks him why he seems so quiet, Yamamoto replies her telling her that he has alot on his mind and was hoping to get to discuss it in the meeting. Kojin then says "All this aside, there was a war proclaimed on my city by one of the dark sign members called sorata, he is abit tough considering his on B-rank level." Shouya then says "Only a few of my assassins are on B-rank level, and plus that sorata guy has power on par with yours. And I heard he's your oldest son who went rouge. No wonder he's strong.Asking my soliders to take him down is suicide" Yamamoto adding to the conversation then says "Kenji of the dark sign has also proclaimed war on the iron country as well. My strongest solider nearly got killed fighting him! I'm afraid I'll have to take care of it by myself", Najenda then says "Isn't this quite odd? Two of the strongest dark sign members proclaiming war! Not to mention that they are the most feared and powerful criminal group in the world for atleast 3 years now. And to top it all up both the people who proclaimed war are from both nations. And to make matters worses, their leader ukina is one of the strongest people as of now, she has enough power to destroy countries by herself, all of us together cant possibly take her on. Something is going on." Kojin then tells them "I'm not sure what is going on but I think ukina is planning to start a war. To put it simple, she wants to start a war against humanity" shouya is abit shocked as she says"Battle of humanity huh? That seems like an end game plan". Ukina who was sitting on the ceiling with a smile on her face without being noticed at all then replies "You are right, it is a battle of humanity!". Kojin, shouya, najenda and lord Yamamoto were in shock as too how someone was able to enter the room without them noticing. Ukina who was just smiling commends kojin as she tells him "You are smart as always. Predicting that i was going to declare war was something I didn't think you'd do,as expected from you." Shouya then gets an annoyed looks on her face and asks ukina who she is, Najenda then tells her "That's ukina! The leader of the dark sign organisation!!!". Kojin then asks her what she wants to do and what her goal is, ukina responds with a grin on her face saying "Awnn, you dont have to be so rude kojin, we were once friends after all." Kojin then replies her by saying "So my predictions were right! You really want to start a war. But why would you want to destroy humanity?!? What is your goal", shouya then charges towards ukina as she yells out "It doesn't matter what her reasons are! As long as they are evil she need to be put down!" As she lands a blow on ukina which basically scattered the entire conference room, the smoke clears as they all see ukina easily holding shouya's fists without even using her strength. Ukina turns to shouya with a smile on her face while holding her fist, ukina then insults her telling her "That punch was pretty weak you know? I can barely feel it." Ukina then releases a blasts at her which blasts shouya into a wall. Ukina then tells her if that was all that took for her to beat her, then she is just weak and useless. As Najenda prepares to attack while charging up her lightning, kojin tells her to hold on and yells ukina's name telling to stop, kojin says "Ukina! Stop this now. What's your goal?! Just tell us, what the hell are you planning?!", ukina just smiles with a very devious grin on her as she says "Right now asking questions are irrelevant. All I can do is just watch as everything falls according to plan." Kojin then gets annoyed and asks her what her plans is. Ukina then says "My plan is to erase this system of power from the world which means no one will be able to wield energy and super natural abilities. In a month time I will release a grave danger to the world! If you hope to stop me then bring all your entire army and meet me at the deserted continent of war, that is were out battle will begin. Let the battle of humanity begin!" Yamamoto is abit perplexed into hearing what she just said, kojin who was completely fed up then yell at her saying "Erasing powers from the world?!!!? Do you know what that means?!!!?! You destroy the world and put it in chaos!! Even if you end up getting your goal, how will you prevent the destruction that will come?! Huh?!, the universe and existence will crumble if you do that, you know that dont you? Answer me!!! Olivia!!!". Ukina then gets the most devilish smile on her face as a portal then opens up behind her. Ukina then begins to sink inside it as she responds to kojin with that same grin on her face "That is my problem to face. The fate of the world has been decided. In a month time, get ready for war! I will release over a thousand shadow puppets to the city, so get prepared. The battle of humanity begins now!"