
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Võ hiệp
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 58

Zodia's huge pillars of light started to charge up power as they all shoot out a devastating amount of energy at kazuki. Kazuki on the other hand was able to combine both his purple flames and purple lightning to form a being made out of both flames and lightning. Kazuki yells "Now go, inferno God!". The being let's out a giant roar as kazuki launches it at Zodia's attacks. The two attacks collide and cause a large explosion with their clash. Kazuki and Zodia's attacks are trying to overtake one another, as kazuki's inferno god technique and the powerful beams of energy Zodia's pillars blasted were struggling to overpower each other, kazuki realizes that this is the last trick he has up in his sleeve. Kazuki dialogues to himself "I can't continue too hold this for much longer. His attacks are far stronger than mine, this is the only thing i can think of now. Dammit, we are so screwed!" Zodia on the other hand with his attack overtaking kazuki's attacks says to himself "This boy.... he can control both flames and lightning. And its not just mere flames and lightning, it purple flames and purple lightning! Could he be....? No, that's impossible!" Meanwhile while ukina was watching kazuki struggling with zodia, she says "That kazuki boy is really skilled with both flames and lightning at the same time, that's very rear. Unlike kenji who was born with the natural talent to control both phenomenon, kazuki can wield an even stronger version of both. Its what sets him apart and takes him to A-rank. But he is far to weak compared to zodia." Ukina looks at her hand and see's the mallenia stones glowing, she smirks and says "By the time zodia is done playing, he would absorb these stones and regain his full power as a god! Our long last goal to change the world is just a step away. I'll revive the dark sign and grant them unimaginable power, all of them will be rewarded for their hard work, it's just a matter of time." As kazuki was still holding off zodia's powerful attack, zodia commends him, saying "I'm surprised you're still standing. Considering your opponent is me, I'll give you the praise you deserve for lasting this long! But I'm getting tired, so let's end this!" Zodia with a devilish smile on his face ends up overpowering kazuki and his attack as his attacks completely overtake kazuki's inferno god technique, laying waste to the entire continent. The smoke clears and kazuki is bleeding while alex Is behind him, struggling to stand up. Alex yells out kazuki's name and says "Kazuki! Are you still alive? Answer me!" Kazuki turns around and responds "Shut the fuck up, of course I'm still alive! Why would you think I'll be dead?" Alex out of anger then asks "Is there anything we can't do this guy?! Seriously what is he? We've tried everything, used all the strength we could! Used all the plans we had! Hell we even used techniques we just came up with in our heads, and we still lost!" Zodia who seemed to have lost interest then tells them "I feel so bad for you, so bad that I could give you a hug. But like I said, I'm bored. Let's end this already, shall we? But first." Zodia stretches out his hand and calls out "Illusion technique" Suddenly, kazuki feels a wierd vibe in his body, out of shock he asks himself "What the heck just happened? Its like I felt a strange vibe in my body. Was he trying to use an illusion technique on me?" Zodia was thinking to himself "Illusions don't work on him, well I guess it's to be expected. He's a spirit after all, people of the spirit clan do have immunity to high level illusions" Ukina watching this was impressed saying "Illusions don't work on him? Well even if, Zodia's illusions should have had an effect on him despite kazuki being a spirit. Or could it be.... shinki did this? He must have implanted some hidden abilities inside kazuki before he died. No wonder kazuki was able to summon giant magic circles made of lightning. That's was one of the special techniques shinki was specialised in when he was still alive" Ukina smiles and then says "Shinki you sly fox." Zodia on the other hand points his finger to alex and says to himself "Let me check if my mind control abilities work on this demon boy. It's no use trying to test it on kazuki, if mental based attacks like illusions don't work on him, then mind control won't work either." A small magic circles appears on Zodia's finger as he activates his mind control technique. Alex feels a strange vibe and starts to groan in pain. Zodia is in Alex's mind, he looks around and realizes he is in a dark void with a pool of blood covering his feet. Zodia hears a growl and see's a huge demon staring at him with an evil grin. Zodia is abit stunned as the demon proceeds to attack him. Zodia is out of Alex's head and in real time. He was abit shocked and realizes a drop of sweat rolling down his cheek. Zodia asks himself "Is this fear? If so, its been a while I felt it. This gives me a more reason to be wary of these kids and end them quickly." He looks at Alex and kazuki and says "Alright, play time is over." He prepares a beam on his finger, packed with a crazy amount of energy, it was so powerful that the weather started to change as lightning and wind started to go berserk. Zodia tells them "It was fun while it lasted, now fucking disappeare." He launches the beam at them and yells "Out of the way!". Alex and kazuki looked completely hopeless, but as the beam was about to hit them, alex hears his inner demon say "Hey brat, have this!" Suddenly, a huge amount of demonic energy bursts out of alex body as it was powerful enough to deflect Zodia's attacks back at him, causing a crazy explosion that wiped out mountains and the land scape behind him. Zodia was able to dodge it but noticed a scratch on his cheek. He looks at Alex and see's alex fiening as one side of his body is covered with spikey demon scales, his left eye red, his hair changed to a dark and red colour, and a mutated demon wing. Alex had nothing but a crazy smile with murderous intent.