
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Võ hiệp
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 44

Rashmoun and the regradon(The divine beast of arson) were having a devastating battle as regradon kept shoot huge beams of destructive energy while rashmoun was dodging and cutting through them. These two monster go back and forth as they were blasting each other across mountains,regradon kept on charging towards rashmoun while blasting powerful destructive energy, rashmoun on the other hand kept on dodging and displaying great swords skill as it was blocking and slicing through the beams of destructive energy. Rashmoun starts to create huge and giant blades as it sends them flying at the divine beast of arson and destruction, regradon seeing this attacks coming towards it infused destructive energy to its claws, as it was able to easily move faster and counter them. Meanwhile the huge wolf veronica summoned was having a clash with the divine beast of wind and the divine beast of water which was a huge water snake. The divine beasts of wind was flying at high speeds while sending huge wind slashes at the wolf, while the wolf was running and dodging the attacks, the divine beast of water creates a powerful water tornado and launches it at the wolf. The wolf gathers some energy in its mouth and blasts it at the water tornado which made a huge explosion that devastated the entire battle, causing large mountains to get destroyed.The divine beast of wind then sours down as it starts to shoot feathers made out of light at the wolf. The wolf seeing this dodges a few of them and then gathers even more energy and starts to blast them at rapid fire at the attacks which caused an even bigger explosion. The wolf jumps out of the smoke, prepared to finish of the eagle, but then the water dragon comes in and slams it to the ground. The wolf tries to get up but then before it knows it, a huge current of water rushes at it. It overtakes the wolf and forms a huge water bubble around it which traps the wolf. The wolf tries to struggle out of it but then ends up shooting a beam to escape. In the other side of the battle field, the giant polar bear and the divine beast of sand which was also a bear were throwing each other across the battle field as they both were sending huge Ice and sand attacks at each other. They kept on battling like this as they were carrying each other and slamming one another across the battle field. Suddenly, magic circle made of ice Start to appear around it as it charges up a huge ice attacks and shoots them at full power which turned everything around it too ice just by being launched, but then the divine beast of flames which was a dragon made out of flames, rushes in and blocks the attack. The polar bear creates a huge and enormous ball of energy made out of ice. It was so powerful that it started to change the clouds, it launches the ice attack at the bear and the fire dragon, but then the divine beast of flames and the divine beast of sand gathers their energy together and form a huge beam of energy and blast it at the upcoming attack. When the two attacks collide it forms a nuclear explosion. Later on, the divine beasts and the monsters veronica summoned regrouped with each other, the divine beast gathered all their energy together to form a huge energy bomb while the other monsters summoned by veronica do create a huge magic circle as a powerful amount of energy starts to charge up. After the two sides of monsters charge up their final attacks, they launch it and as the attacks hit each other, it causes an explosion that completely wipes of the entire continent of war. The explosion also wiped out the monsters and the divine beast which caused a huge thunderstorm. After the huge explosion, ukina jumps out of a portal and lands on the hill she was standing on in the battlefield, looking at the damage caused. The sun starts to come out as the day and night combination starts to faid away. Ukina just smiles as she says to herself "Oh my! Look at all this. The entire battle field got completely wiped out in an instant. I wonder what kind of battle they had." While the sun completely comes out, ukina looks down the hill and see's an entire army pulling up to the battle field, the army consisted of soldiers from the lightning country, iron country, and the country of raijin as well as soliders from the city. Ukina was not fazed as she still had a smile on her face, she then monologues to herself "There is about twenty five thousand lightning soldiers, twenty five thousand raijin county soldiers, fifty thousand iron country soldiers, and fifteen thousand soldiers from the city. All these soliders should be on C-rank level. Only a few countries have a few B-rank soliders which is only the lightning country, and the city and a few from the country of raijin, but I dont see them here." She does some hand signs as a statue just bursts out the ground. All of a sudden, the statue opens up and then a man with long spikey white hair, blue eyes with a long black jacket. Ukina immediately bows to her knees and says "Welcome back. Lord zodia!", zodia stretches a bit and responds "Ahh, ukina! Indeed it's been a while and it's good to be back. It took you long enough to unseal me, but I'm glad you did. 16 years in there was like a nap!" As zodia looks down the hill, he see's a large army as he just smirks and asks himself "Well well! What do we have here."