
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Võ hiệp
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Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 37

Lady rimeta along with a guy with long grey hair and blades drawing out of his hands along with another lady who had long blue hair were standing on a building while looking down on kazuki. Kazuki doesn't seem to like their presence and asks "My execution? What does that mean?", lady rimeta then responds "You're a threat to this city! No, to humanity! You are of young age but yet you posses such power, well given that your brother and dad were both strong and powerful, it's only normal if that's the same with you! And to make things worse, you're diablo's student who was once a special threat himself. It's only natural if you're this strong!" Kazuki then asks "So in other words you're here to kill me! Guess diablo was right about you people!", lady rimeta then says "These two standing beside are one of the top class assassins in the city that trained and worked under me, I sent one of them to kill you a few months ago but she never came back, I'm guessing you killed her. She was my favourite student you know." Kazuki then ask "You mean that fodder girl with some kind of special sword? She was abit interesting, but fodder is fodder." Lady rimeta then says "Well for that, you will die! Magnus (The guy with long grey hair and sharp blades as hands) Elisa(The girl with the long blue hair) kill him!" Magnus and elisa both charge towards kazuki, Magnus uses his blade like hand to hit kazuki across city blocks and countless buildings in the destroyed city. The smoke clears and kazuki was seen using a dagger to block the hit. While kazuki was struggling to use his dagger to hold of magnus sharp blades, he seems to be having difficulty. Kazuki then flashbacks to three years ago when he was training with veronica, while kazuki was sitting on the training grounds, he asks her "So why did you bring me outside today? You said that today would be a rest day for me.". Veronica replied "I noticed something about you in your training. Kazuki, you dont realise the dangers of battle.", kazuki asks "What do you mean? out of all the out of pocket things you've said and done, this one has to take the cake!" Veronica then tells him "Look, I'm serious! Kazuki, when you fight, you don't think that you'd die. Not because you're dependent on your skills and power, its because most of the fights you've had weren't a death match. Maybe a few of them, but most of them." Kazuki who seems to be taking her talk abit unnecessary then says "Okay? I don't get your point, is it really that important whether I find myself in a life or death situation?", veronica then says "You're missing my point. As a soldier and assassin, you have to take it to mind that you might die in a fight. If you don't have that in mind then you're going to face alot of problems, that's why Alex is stronger than you, because he has it at the back of his head that he might die, that why he strives more, because he understands the dangers of battle." Kazuki finds this abit offensive and tells veronica "That was unnecessary you know? You didn't have to drag that idiot into this.", veronica then pokes kazuki on the head and says "Look kazuki, if you dont take your fights seriously, you're going to die!" Kazuki snaps out of the flashback with a serious look on his eyes while struggling with Magnus. He then recalls veronica telling him that if he doesn't take his fights seriously, he will die. Kazuki then says to himself "If I dont take my fights seriously then I'm going to die, huh?" He gets a cold look in his eyes and kicks magnus across several destroyed buildings, causing them to collapse. Elisa then appears behind him and starts to shoot giant needles made of ice. As the ice attacks were heading towards kazuki, he easily punches them away with purple lightning as the ice attacks flew to another direction and destroyed even more buildings. Elisa is abit shocked that kazuki easily evaded her attack, kazuki then says "Since I'm about to get killed, I guess I'll have too do everything in my power to stay alive! Which means I'll have to kill you guys!". Kazuki's spirit mark (Diamond shape with four dots) activates, as a huge amount of purple lightning and flames burst out of his body. The purple lightning formed a scarf around his neck, while the purple flames formed claws on his hands. Kazuki had murderous intent in his eyes, lady rimeta then tells magnus and elisa "Be careful! He's getting serious." Magnus then says "Understood ma'am! We'll make sure to kill him!", magnus hair starts to become spikey as they were as sharp as needles as well as his body turning into steel. He then charges towards kazuki with an incredible speed and tries to land a strike. Kazuki stretches out his hand and uses his finger to block the strike, although the impact of the strike caused the ground below them to break. Kazuki says "Use everything in your power, you won't be able to land a strike on me! I doubt I'll need my force field for you." Kazuki and Magnus start to fight as they were running around the city with powerful speeds and blasting attacks at each other while destroying the entire city. Kazuki kept creating multiple lightning arrows and started to fire them at rapid fire which was destroying everything just by flying towards Magnus. Magnus started to dodge and slice through the lightning arrows and started to create giant slashes. Kazuki started to move at a high speed in order to dodge these attacks, as the attacks kept coming at rapid fire, kazuki managed to hit one of them away which ended up destroying an entire mountain. Kazuki was abit shocked and says to himself "Such power and force, he's definitely on B-rank level! Well he's nothing I can't handle." Magnus start to release giant waves off slashes that were capable of destroying the entire city at once in which they were tearing up the entire city. Kazuki starts to create multiple spiritual shuriken's which seemed to be extremely packed with a huge amount of energy and starts to launch them at the giant slashes. The attacks collides and started to make forceful winds and explosions that were tearing up the city. As this continues, elisa rushes behind kazuki and starts to blast out giant slabs of ice which traveled all over the city, causing huge destruction. Kazuki managed to avoid the attack and says to himself "God, if I need you more than anything then it's now. Coz these guys aren't planning on playing fair with me!"