
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Võ hiệp
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Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 30(The final curtain for two siblings)

As the shadow puppet charges up and launches up a giant attack at tobi, kazui and luck screams tobi's name and try to rush in and save him. A red beam of light just bursts out of the ground and blasts through the giant attack. The smoke clears and kazui and luck see tobi floating in the air with two wings made out of energy along with his hair which is glowing with pink energy. Tobi while floating on the air then says to himself "That's right, I wanted to become strong so that I could stay by my sisters side, that's why I tried my best to become stronger.", tobi then calls out "Sword style :stage 3: God eater" A massive amount of energy then bursts out of tobi as it formed a giant circle with a cross behind tobi, the shadow puppet seeing the amount of power tobi was exhibiting was scared as it flies backwards a little. Tobi calls out "Destroyer beam" in which the magic circle blasts out a massive and powerful beam at the shadow puppet. The beam was powerful enough to cause a huge explosion in the sky, but the smoke clears and the shadow puppet is barely regenerating from the attack. The monster shrugs backwards in fear but then flies towards tobi with aggression. Tobi seeing the monster trying to attack him at full speed says "So you want all the smoke now? Guess I'll give it to you!" Tobi stretches out his hand into the sky as the sun starts to pull closer to the earth with magic circles forming around it like a canon. Tobi then says "Fall. Solar flare!", as soon as tobi says this, the sun releases a powerful beam as it lands straight on the shadow puppet and causes a devastating explosion. Kazui creates a wall of flames as he was in shock seeing the feat tobi just pulled. He then exclaimed "That amount of power! He's drawing out 50 percent of the sun's heat!", luck responds "50 percent of the sun's heat? That's what God eater can do?!". While the shadow puppet was burning due to this amount of power generated from the sun, tobi flies towards and says "How do you like it? Feels painful doesn't it? Guess that's what you deserve. But before you die and burn away, just know this! You're weak, fodder like you cant get in my way!". The shadow puppet then roars in pain as the power of the sun makes everything around the area incinerate. After the smoke clears, tobi new form disappears and proceeds to fall from the sky. As he was about to land on the ground, luck catches him untime but tobi is unconscious. While tobi was unconscious, he see's himself in a white void sitting down, he then hears a familiar voice call him. He looks back and see's his elder sister Kirihai. Tobi is stunned and asks himself if he's dreaming or not. Kirihai giggles and tells him "Nope it's real, a place were just the two of us know.". Tobi smiles as he robs some tears of his eyes and says "Wow, I cant believe it, after all these years we finally get to see each other again." Kirihai responded "You've grown tobi, although i doubt you've changed. Still the same playfull boy, aren't you?". Tobi just smiles and says "So I'm guessing we're dead. You and I can finally be together as siblings again.", Kirihai then smiles and says "Yeah, about that. I have something else in mind" this makes tobi look in confusion and asks her what she means by that. Kirihai walks up to tobi and hugs him telling him "I know this is hard to hear, especially when we are on opposite sides, but I'll have to go." Tobi asks her "What do you mean? You can't tell me-" Kirihai responds "Ever since that day we were separated, I've always wondered whether you're alive or not. I finally got too see you again for a split second and you were in good shape." Tears begins to fall from her eyes with a smile on her face as she tells tobi "You dont know how happy I was to see you again. Even if we only got to see each other for split seconds, even if we were on opposite sides, even if we only got to see each other one last time on the verge of death, I'm still happy that I got to see you again. Wanting to see you again was the only reason why I could push forward, because I couldn't do without seeing my dear brother. Tobi... I missed you so fucking much!" Tobi's head begin to fill up with all of his memories with Kirihai as tears start falling from his eyes, tobi then hugs her and starts to cry as well. Kirihai starts to faid away as she tells tobi "No matter what happens, continue to live. You have friends that care about you, no matter what, keep moving forward. And always remember that I love you." Kirihai faids away as tobi yells with tears in his eyes "Wait! No! Come back! Big sis!". Tobi wakes up and sees himself laying on luck's lap, kazui and luck are relieved as they both hug him. As tobi was looking at the sky with tears on his eyes, the clouds are clearing and the sun starts to shine bright, tobi then monologues Kirihai's name. Meanwhile on the island while Kirihai is leaning on a rock while sitting on the floor, she realizes that she has a huge hole on her chest as she starts to cough out blood. Kirihai with a smile on her face then says to herself "I saw him again, even if it was for the last time, I saw him. My dear younger brother." Raquel was trying to help serena and sukuna who were badly injured to stand up and ask them if they are okay. Kirihai then calls to their attention and stretches out her sword, telling them "Hey! Do this dying beautiful girl a favour and take her sword to someone special, please.", Raquel gets annoyed and asks "And why should we listen to you?!". Kirihai then responds "Geez cant you girls be nice enough to accept a dying persons wish? Give this sword to tobi when you get back, tell him it's from his dearest sister." Serena and Raquel are abit shocked but serena ask her why they'll believe that lie. Sukuna then walks up to Kirihai and says "I believe you. Someone cant possibly have the strength to lie on their death bed." Kirihai then smiles and says "Unlike those two, you seem to be the only one with sense." This makes serena and Raquel annoyed, sukuna collects the sword from Kirihai. Kirihai then whispers to her "I can tell you have a crush on my brother. You seem like a nice girl so take care of him, okay." Sukuna collects the sword and responds to her telling her that she would. Kirihai slowly closes her eyes in death and says to herself "Now that my reason for living Is over, I can close my eyes in peace.", Raquel then crystallized Kirihai's body and says "She might come back to life for all we know. Its safer this way!". Serena and sukuna have a wierd expression on their faces as serena says "I think Raquel is going to have PTSD of Kirihai for the rest of her life" sukuna then responds "Yeah, I think so too."