
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Võ hiệp
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 27

kojin and sorata were having a devastating battle at the waste lands as they were causing huge explosions of destructive energy in which was destroying the entire environment around them. Sorata with an overwhelming amount of destructive energy while laughing menacingly punches kojin with a powerful amount of destructive energy as the punch was strong enough to make a huge explosion and wiped out a few mountains. Kojin tries to get up but then as he looks up, he sees sorata/Saito as he kept on burning up with the amount of power over flowing over his body. Kojin gets up with a serious expression on his face and asks sorata "What did you do too son? You didn't kill him, did you? If you did then I'd be more than disappointed in you.", saito who was floating in the air with his powerful destructive energy yells in excitement "Disappointed? Really? Like you haven't been disappointed in me from the start. But son is okay, I've got to say he's quit the fierce one! Although I expected that from him!" Now it's my turn to ask the questions! What happened to mom?!". Kojin gets shocked for a moment as he has a sad look on his face and responds "She... died. She died due to a mental condition, the condition I caused. After you left, she broke down and couldn't stand me anymore. Its all my fault, she died 6 months later after you left.", sorata while burning up with his huge purple destructive energy begins to laugh menacingly as he says "So it's your fault huh? You old man!", sorata launches himself at full speed as he was flying towards kojin. Kojin gathers a powerful amount of destructive energy all over his body and launches himself to sorata as they both at full power clash their fists and causes another gigantic explosion. They begin to fly at high speed in the air while causing huge explosion. Sorata launches giant balls of destructive energy at rapid fire, kojin starts to dodge them as fast as he could but then he sees a giant fist of destructive energy falling towards him. Kojin creates giant claws with his destructive energy and launches them at sorata's attack but then sorata's giant fist of destructive energy just blasts through kojin's attack with a few moments of struggling. Sorata's attack ends up blasting kojin which caused a powerful explosion but kojin was trying his best to hold the powerful destructive energy sorata shot at him. While he was struggling to hold off sorata's attacks, he monologues to himself "He has much more power than me! But the only thing Is that his output of destructive energy is lower than mine, taking it into the account that he gets himself burned by using destructive energy. But still..... he is still able too keep up with me, despite the draw back. His speed, stamina and durability exceed my own! Ukina must have thought him how to be able to beat me" kojin just smirks as he says "That stupid bitch! She really crossed it this time!". Sorata flies in at full power as he launches a giant blade made out of his destructive energy. The attack was so powerful that it incinerated 2 mountains just by flying past them. Kojin seeing this attack blasts a huge amount of destructive energy in the shape of a wolf as it clashes with sorata's attack. This clash ends up causing a giant tornado of destructive energy, as it was able to cause a huge thunderstorm. As this fight kept on going, kojin realizes that the only way to beat saito was just to use his ultimate move "Beast of destruction" in order to end the fight. Kojin yells out "Saito!! Stop this! I know it's my fault, I know I'm the reason why you turned out this way. But please, I dont want to end my own son! Please stop!" Sorata who began to burn more and more as he was flying at full speed laughs in excitement as he says "Interesting! You of all people shouldn't be saying this! After all you did mistreated me as a child" sorata then launches another attack at kojin which hits kojin and sends him flying across mountains as sorata yells "You made a mistake so deal with it! I am your mistake! So stop all these bullshit and fight me. After all, you're the one who taught me that being weak makes a man useless! Right?!! Speak up dad!!" Kojin then gets launched to the ground with sorata's powerful destructive energy, kojin was struggling to hold off sorata's attacks. As kojin was doing this, he see's sorata as a kid trying to impress him with his power. Kojin then monologues to himself "Yeah! That's my boy. You truly have surpassed me. There's nothing I can do but watch you! But I will stop you, no matter what!" As kojin was struggling to hold sorata's giant wave of attacks, he charges up a huge amount of destructive energy that starts to form a tiger. Meanwhile in the island while Kirihai was fighting with Raquel, they are having a sword clash in which raquel crystallized her hands into swords while she clashes with Kirihai who is using her sword. Kirihai flies up into the air as she comes down flying at full speed. Her sword begins to flow with dark energy. As she was flying down at full speed, serena and sukuna appeare side by side with Raquel as Raquel then addresses them saying "Its now or never guys! Let's do this or else we are dead!" Serena and sukuna begin to charge up a huge amount of electricity and plasma as they start to combine it together in order to form an even stronger attack. Meanwhile as kojin was fighting his son saito also known as sorata of the dark sign, his begins to perform his beast if destruction move while holding sorata's attacks. Kojin then begins to see everyone of his soldiers like serena, sukuna, Raquel, deo, runo, veronica, Tomoa, levi, kinto and everyone of his other comrades. He then pictures son as he says "I'm sorry kid, but this might be it for me! I've gotta atone for my sins, and as for alex and kazuki, I leave the rest too you both!" Kojin then yells "Beast of destruction" as his destructive energy bursts out of his body and forms a tiger around him.