
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Võ hiệp
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 24

After Kirihai created an even bigger explosion with her slash with the help of sorata's destructive energy, shinki and kenji are abit surprised. Kenji looking at the mass destruction then says "Wow, that was pretty effective. I didn't think the outcome would have been that strong.", sorata responded to him "I noticed Kirihai doesn't really have much power compared to us so I thought that I'd just help her abit although she does have skill. Kirihai, you satisfied?". Kirihai who was abit fascinated then tells sorata "That was awfully nice of you, what prompted you to do that by the way?", sorata then tells Kirihai that "Just take it as a gift. You might need too use a technique that involves using my destructive energy, my destructive energy is stronger than the average one so fusing it with your sword to perform an attack is going to be effective in battle." Later in the day while shinki, sorata, kenji and Kirihai were sitting on the heels Kirihai tells them "You all are incredibly strong, sometimes I see the battles you have and think I'm inferior too you all. Honestly I think I'm weak." Kenji after hearing her tells her "You dont need to compare yourself,we are all different. We all are here because of the things we want to achieve, be it revenge, to gain power or to regain what we've lost. It's the situation you have experienced before that determines what your going to be and what your current strength will be. So no, you are not weak." Shinki then says "Kenji has a point. We all are what we are because of what we've experienced. We aren't criminals because we wanted too, it because of the things that happened to us, like kenji said, what you've experienced determines your current strength." Sorata just smirks as he tells them that they have a point in that, he proceeds to says that all that matters are the things you do in order to achieve your goals, whether you are fighting to become stronger or for revenge, it doesn't matter. As long as you keep working hard then it doesn't matter who is stronger or weaker. Kirihai then smiles telling them "I suppose you guys are right, thanks.", the flashback ends as Kirihai while fighting in the island releases her giant attack with her sword imbued with destructive energy as she blasts it at sukuna. As she does this she says to herself "Thanks you guys. Without you I wouldn't be able to move forward, I joined the dark sign so that I could become stronger. My home was destroyed and I nearly lost my life, if not for ukina's intervention then I'd be dead. So I'm going to become stronger so i wont experience the lost I had before!" Serena appears above Kirihai with a powerful amount of electricity on her hands and punches her to the ground, causing the ground to break and shaking the island. Luckily Kirihai was able to block serena's punch with her sword as she tells her "You're a persistent one, I'll give you that. But you are in my way, so die bitch" as she proceeds to release a huge amount of dark energy and blasts serena across an entire mountain causing the mountain to blow up. As Kirihai charges towards serena who is on the floor, she performs a few hands signs as she then gathers a huge amount of energy on her hands to create giant claws made out of energy. As she was about to land her blow on her, a green beam of light flies straight towards her but Kirihai was able to deflect it easily with the energy claws on her hands. Sukuna dashes in at the speed of light as she activates a plasma gun from her battle suit and blast a huge amount of plasma at Kirihai, causing a huge explosion on the island which wiped out the tree's and other things on the island. While the explosion was still occurring, sukuna see's a black shadow figure walking out of the explosion, Kirihai jumps out of the explosion and punches sukuna on her stomach and kicks her to the ground near serena. Sukuna lands on the ground and struggles to stand up, but as she was getting up she see's Kirihai walking towards them. As soon as she looks at Kirihai, she see's her as tobi for a split second and is extremely shocked. Sukuna then asks herself "Wait a minute, now that I think of it, she looks like tobi! I remember going to Alex's house and hearing tobi talk about his dead sister. Could it be, she is tobi's sister?!?". Kirihai while walking to them tells them "You girls actually kept up a good fight, but I'm far stronger than you two." Kirihai stretches out her sword to the sky ready to kill serena and sukuna, she tells them "It was fun, but goodbye." As she was about to kill them with a dark aura overflowing on her sword, a white beam of light falls from the sky, nearly hitting Kirihai. Kirihai was able to dodge it but then as she was in shock and confusion on what happened, another one flies straight from the sky about to hit her again. Luckily she was able to use her sword to block it but the attack sent her flying as she found it hard to deflect it, making her crash on a couple of tree's. Kirihai after crashing into a bunch of tree's looks up in the sky and see's Raquel flying down from the sky with a white battle suit which she was wearing a skirt made out of crystal with her crystals eye having a different pattern. Kirihai then smirks as she says "Ohh? More competition huh? Sounds good to me." Meanwhile tobi and the shadow puppet were flying in the sky and creating huge explosions and causing huge and powerful gusts of wind in which the shadow puppet was using its sharp claws to clash with tobi's sword. While this fight was going, it was creating huge gust of wind that was so powerful that buildings and skyscrapers were being destroyed and flying of the ground. Kazui and luck were witnessing this fight as kazui created a wall of flames to protect himself and luck.