
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Võ hiệp
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Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 11

As alex was fighting his demon while he was glowing with red energy, he began to fire giant blade of death at rapid at it. The demon on the other hand was just shooting out beams made out of lava as he was using it too counter Alex's attacks which caused an explosion in the process. Alex then jumps in the air as he was ready to deliver a very powerful punch at the demon but the giant demon yells out "Ohh hell no!" as it blocks Alex's powerful punch as it then blasts him with a very powerful beam. As Alex gets hit by the attack, he monologues to himself "Damn this guy is strong! The crazy thing is that I can feel his power being suppressed. Maybe due to the fact that its sealed inside me. But still with this current level of power I have, it's still not enough. Even though I've mastered the first stage of controlling my demonic powers its still not enough". The inner demon then mocks alex saying "Is that all you can do? Remember, right now I'm your enemy! If you want to actually achieve your full potentials then you have to go through me" it then yells out saying "Otherwise all this would be in vain!" as it charges at Alex at the speed of light and then blasts him into the deep skies of the inner void. As Alex was sent flying, the giant demon appears behind him and begins to smack him around the place without stopping. Alex couldn't react untime to get himself out of this situation, the demon then yells out "You better do something or else you'll die and then if you do that then you wont have all the power you've always wanted, after all you cant be the strongest while you are dead, right?!?". Alex started yelling at himself to fight back while he was being trashed around but in the process of continuously telling himself to fight back, he began to see a woman with long white hair standing in a space filled with white flowers while she was facing a tree with the sky being white and clear. Alex see's himself in that void filled with white flowers with a white sky, he then see's a woman with long white hair wearing a white dress as she was facing the tree while her dress was flowing with the wind. Alex gets up In confusion as he asks himself "Where am I? And who is that lady? What's going on?" The lady facing the tree with a smile on her face then responds "I suppose its time you actually saw me. I haven't seen your face since the day I gave birth to you my dear Alex." Alex out of curiosity asks the lady who she is and how she knew his name, the lady respons as she slowly turns around saying "Im misaki, also known as your dear mom.But you can call me mom. It's been a long time, Alex." Alex eyes light up as he then rushes towards her and hugs her with tears rushing down his face saying "You dont know how long... how long I've always.. wanted to see you." Misaki pats alex on the head and tells him "Now now, dont cry. You're making me feel emotional as well." Alex with an excited look on his face then jumps In happiness saying "I've always wanted too see you. I mean I always wondered how it was like to have parents, but I guess my wish actually came through!" Misaki then says "You have grown so big and strong, you even took my hair and your dad's looks. And your eye Is the same red colour as mine. Awn you are so handsome.". Alex then giggles and tells her to stop it, misaki then hears a loud roar and says "You are right! Right now we need to defeat that divine beast, after all it's the reason why i showed up." The environment of beautiful white flowers with a white sky slowly disappears as alex and misaki see the giant demon standing in front of them, the demon shruck in fear as it saw misaki. Out of fear it says "It can't be!! The legendary misaki mio?!?! The only demon who was able to unlock all seven demon forms, the strongest demon! Also known as one of the children of the prodigy generation!!" Misaki then stretchs out her hand as her white hair begins to float as it turn red along with her eyes turning red as she says "That's right! And anyone who lays a hand on my precious son shall be punished! Now kneel!!". A huge wave then slams the demon to the ground as it as unable to stand at all, alex was completely flabbergasted with his mouth wide open as his eyes could not believe what he just saw, he asks himself if this woman is really his mom. Misaki then tells the demon "You hold yourself too high upon you are kneeling before me!" she then opens a giant red circle above it as she then says "Blade of death: Catastrophic clash" as a mountain sized blade of death crackling with powerful energy descends from the magic circle and falls like a beam of light at the demon, causing a huge explosion. After the smoke clears, alex see's the demon chained to the ground with some chains covered with red energy, misaki then says "Secret technique: Hell's chain". The demon began to become even more furious as it was growing aggressively, Alex was in shock after seeing what his mom just did, he gulps due to being nervous but then alex just smiles as he thought to himself "For someone to wield this kind of power, it means the person is crazy strong... Awesome, so this is who my mom is. Misaki mio?! Generation of prodigy!! She's so cool!!!". Misaki then turns around with a smile on her face as she says with excitement "Now alex! We have alot of catching up to do." The demon then gets annoyed as it roars in anger and breaks out of the chains, misaki then turns around with a corner of her eye with a cold expression on her face as she says "I thought I told you to sit down?!" as she gathers little energy on her palms and blasts it at the giant demon, as it was about to get up, it realized that misaki was standing on its head while glaring at it, the demon was in shock as misaki with a cold expression says "Move a muscle! I dare you." Alex seeing this happen then realized that he had a mother, who stood on business.