

Aleezeh, a beautiful girl, is constantly in trouble. She tries to escape from difficulties, but is unsuccessful each time. She is tired of avoiding them. Let's see if she will have a good life again.

Amna_Salman_35310 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Physics Teacher

Aleezeh saw a large shadow. It was her physics teacher who asked her, "What are you doing here alone?", She replied while crying, "I can't find my mother." He told her," Your mother is at my house waiting for you." She was surprised, forgot everything, and started going with him. She was side by side, thinking about how her mother reached them, but she didn't focus on it because she was excited to meet her mother.

Her excitement was ruined by her not seeing her mother. She asked, Where is my mother?

He starts laughing loudly.She was so confused about how a teacher could do this because it's the duty of teachers to instruct their students on the right path.

She tries to run away, but the teacher locks her in the room. She was afraid and crying. She shouted for help, but unfortunately, no one was here to help her. There was no window in the room. She was having suffocation. She was hopeless. It was a terrible situation, and even if she escapes it, it will still be traumatizing for her.

She heard a foot's voice coming near the door. She tries to hide herself, but she can't. He entered with a bad smile. She hit the lamp on his face and tried to escape, but he caught her, and then something horrible happened.

That night passed like a year for her. The door was opened, and she ran from there. She was crying and had a fear of how she would face her mother. She met his cousin Hassan, a handsome bad guy, who told her that her mother was in the hospital and he had been searching for her since the night. He comforted her by saying that her mother is fine and the house owner has agreed.

She was happy to see her mother and started crying in happiness. She hugged her mother and told her that she was worried for her. She was happy, but she was thinking about what happened last night. She was afraid to tell her mother, and she promised herself not to tell her mother.

They went home, and then she prayed for her mother's health. She cooks soup for her mother. Her aunt also stays with them for a few days. Now she has to go back. She said Allah hafiz to her aunt and went back to her room. She doesn't like to read, but she starts reading novels so she can be distracted from them.

She met her friend and decided to tell her about that night. Her friend comforted her by saying that Allah will do justice and told her not to talk about this again. As the days went by, she forgot everything, and everything was going well.

Now it's nighttime, and she is preparing her bed for sleep. She is excited for tomorrow because she has to go to her friend Affifa's house. Her enjoyment caused her to not get enough sleep. She wakes up early and begins her preparation.

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