
Alchemy Over All

SolAlchemist8918 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Infinite Alchemy

As we continued our journey through the Alchemist's Realm, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something powerful and unique within me. It was as if I could sense an energy pulsing through my veins, a potential waiting to be unlocked.

I expressed this to Elinor, who smiled knowingly. "It seems that you may have discovered your true abilities," she said. "In this realm, those with the gift of alchemy can create almost anything they desire, limited only by their imagination and skill."

She went on to explain the different types of alchemy and the various elements that could be manipulated to create powerful potions and spells. As she spoke, I felt a surge of excitement within me, eager to explore this new world of possibilities.

"But what type of alchemist am I?" I asked eagerly.

Elinor paused, studying me intently. "From what I can sense, your abilities are unlike anything I have seen before," she admitted. "You have the potential for infinite alchemy, the ability to create and manipulate any element or energy with ease."