
Alchemist Of Dead

The Alchemist of Dead returns after 2000 years of imprisonment. He a finds very peculiar path ahead of him which consists of Drama, Romance, Adventure, Action and others. The man whose past is nothing but Pain and Suffering. The mission in front of him to end his suffering might cause his death but still he moves forward and fights with all he has.

Pledis_Prime · Kỳ huyễn
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107 Chs

Ch-9 Save A Life

Sen- "I Just looked carefully."

A Few days earlier

Sen and Free head to a dome-like shelter while investigating.

Sen heads inside first and searches the dome, Free follows him

Suddenly a woman falls down out of nowhere in front of them.

Sen and Free head to her

Sen observes that she has fresh scars of X on her chest.

Sen-"We have to do surgery to save her!"

Free- " It will take too long for the medical team to arrive she will die."

Sen-" Oh we don't need a medical team. I will do it."

Free-"Wait you are a doctor?"

Sen-"Yes, I used to work on dead bodies."


Sen-"Don't worry living ones too."

Sen- " Look Free I am going to use a very sacred spell right now while I'm inside this spell I need you to protect me."

Free-" Boring work but fine I guess."

Sen takes the woman and places her on a table

He then uses a spell that forms a big water bubble and surrounds sen and the women.

Free starts observing from the side

Sen starts the surgery.

After a few minutes, a person appears on the upper floor of the shelter

He looks down and looks at Sen and free

???- "Hmm now I didn't think there would be anyone here. Let me first take the guy in a bubble. I should be able to manage 2 people at once. That guy on the side wha- Where did he go?"

Free appears behind the man

Free-"You were telling something about me I assume."

??-"How did you?"

Free kicks the man in the stomach

The man gets hit hard and coughs blood

???-" Light Blue Hair and Golden eyes it cant be!! You are a SEBASTIAN."

Free- "So what if I am?"

???-" It can't be the SEBASTIANS were wiped out years ago."

Free- "well I guess your wrong then."

Free takes out an axe from his pocket dimension.

???-"AHHH the strombreaker."

Free starts to fight with that man

Meanwhile At joes office

David-"Joe I need to know!"

Joe-"Know what?"

David-"Why you paired Free with Sen."

Joe-"Well water and Lightning go pretty well together don't they."

David-"You know pretty well that Free is a Maniac he loves to kill."

Joe-"Yes David I am aware of that. But you are looking down on Sen."

David-"I just don't want them to fight."


Joe laughs

Joe-"HAHAHA That was funny. Free cant even fights him."


Joe-"Because even tho he is a maniac he must have understood by now."

At the shelter

Free-" say your goodbyes man."

He uses his ax and tries to cut the man's neck while the man is cornered.

But Free stops Inches away from his neck.

Free-"Ahhh I can feel it."

???-"Feel what?"

Free-"I can feel his anger."

Sens bubble pops, he turns back and gives a look at the man.

Free-"Till now I thought I was unstoppable and I was strong. But this guy."