
Alason Achedemia: May The Faithful Find Home

Professor_Jelly0_0 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Once In A Blue Moon

The city is a cold place sometimes, right? All the tall, grey buildings with windows on every floor. Graffiti lining the back alleys and street signs that direct you to stop. There are many birds that fly around looking for scraps and leaving droppings werever they go. And with cost rising for apartment rent, many are left to the streets to fight the bitter cold of winter.

There are all types of misfortune and unfairness in the world which causes everyone to be sucked into there own thoughts, wondering when it will get better. Everyone seems to want better here, forgetful of how the world waits for no one, and I'm no exception to this. For me I to live every day trying to cover costs of housing and food in a poor, crime ridden city. Though unlike the many others I have a chance to leave for better. The seconds I have been counting to the moment came to a chilling stop, frozen in its own limbo.

Though I am still here in the city, and apprehensive at that. You may wonder why I falter when I came so far. The reason is so small to some, so small they would laugh or chastise me over it. This is because it is not a decision only effecting me, for the decision of leaving would deviate the two people I care about most.

"Maddie! Look what I got today!" A small, energetic child called out to me as they ran through the crowded sidewalk. There fallowing behind them was a taller but more reserved girl who also had a smile on her face.

The two girls were my younger sisters. They were two years apart but we're close none the less. The smaller was a bright blue eyed child with long blonde hair. Her name is Adaline Walterson but with her small size came a child with a big personality.

"Adi, slow down! I can't run that fast!"

The taller child called after Adaline panted as she tried to catch her breath.

As she panted her emerald green eyes were obscured by her long brown hair that lightly danced in the wind. Izabela Walterson was the middle child of our family yet despite that she is the calmest out of the three of us. Very observant and reserved which makes her sweet personality even better.

"Maddie," Adi looks up at me with her mischievous grin as she rams into my legs, causing me to stumble a little. "Guess what me and Izzie did today!" Her eyes fill of excitement as her smile widens, revealing a gap between her teeth.  I can't help but let the cold world around me melt under her gaze. I look back to Izzie who has finally caught her breath.

"What did you two do today?" My question full of amusement as Adi let's go of my legs and reach's to hold my hand. 'I bet she came up with a plan to knock out her other tooth.' I think to myself as Izzie walks by my right side talking my other hand. Adi jumps up and down as she pulls my left hand down the sidewalk with excitement.

"Me and Izzie made a plan to catch the tooth fairy!" Adi giggles as she reaches into one of her skirts hidden pockets. "Look I even made a fake tooth!"

As she proudly presents her 'tooth' before Izzie begins to protest. "Adi! You where supposed to keep it secret!"

All I could do is just laugh at the pair. They continued to bicker amongst themselves as we walked down the sidewalk. This is one of my favorite week-day activities ever sense I moved out of my parents place. I graduated highschool for what seems like forever ago which lead to me moving out of my parents place to live in some low-rent apartment.

Truth be told my sisters still needed someone to look after them once school let out and our parents were going to be working then. So my elected responsibility was to pick them up from school and walk them home. But I don't mind, they always make my world brighter.

I smile at the sight of them walking infront of me as they turn there arguing into a laughing fest. The world seems to burst into colors as they smile, oblivious to all that is around them.

But everything fades as we reach the apartment and a thought crosses my mind. I stand still for a second as I look up at the countless  barred windows running along the building. The smell of smoke and filth floods my nose causing my face to contort a little. 'They need better than this.'

"Maddie?" A small voice calls to me as I snap back to reality. Adi looks at me curiously before tugging my hand. "Maddie come on! We need to watch the next episode of 'Rangers Hunt'!"

And with that last pull I was guided up the stairs and towards the apartment where the girls lived. With the creaking of the worn door we entered a basic living room with brown, carpeted flooring.

Walking in there was a TV on the wall opposite to the old fabric couch that sat by the door. Walking in a bit more you could see the entrance to the kitchen, which was obscured behind a wall of stacked boxes. The whole apartment seemed to glow in a dim yellow light that made everything seem depressing. But despite that the two small girls happily jumped on the couch and switched on the TV.

They both squirm in delight as the opening plays to there favorite cartoon. Every second Tuesday of the month a new episode plays for the show at 3:35 pm. They love the colors and songs, along with the flashy costumes the characters wear. Though no one can seem to agree who the best character is.

"It's Melody!" Izzie elates as an elegant light blue and purple fairy flies across the screen. The fairy plays note on a flute causing flowers to bloom around her. Izzie's eyes sparkled at the sight of brightly colored flowers. "She's so pretty..." Her voice squeaked out.

As the fairy flew higher and higher a bright yellow ball seemed to glow in the sky. Adi jumped in excitement as the ball of yellow light turns into an angel like figure. "Phoenix is so cool!" Adi cheers as the angel figure flies towards a castle structure along the waters coast.  As the fairy and angel fly towards the castle a mermaid jumps out of the water and waves to the audience beyond the screen. 

The episode is only the third one made for the second season yet it doesn't change the amount of love the two have for the show. The episode cycles through a dramatic scene of events that lead the characters in the show to find a magic mirror. This is were the episode cuts to credits leading the pair to protest in anger.

"What!? No! They can't do that!" Izzie shouts in anger.

"Why did they do that!?" Adi whined as they both look at me for an answer.

"Well they know how to get you to watch the next episode." I chuckled before venturing to there school bags and finding there homework.

I find there folder for today and show them the work they have to do. It wasn't easy helping them with the homework, but we managed. "So when multiplying you are just adding that many times." I guide Adi with her math homework. "So let me show you. If we have to multiply six by two we have to draw six lines twice." I draw a pair of size lines before circling the group.

After an hour of math homework we all started to get a bit hungry. "I'll go make something, you two can go play now." I instructed both of them as I made my way to the kitchen. I looked through the cupboards and refrigerator only to find small amounts of food scattered. Luckily I found the bell peppers I brought over the other day along with a box of pasta. I get to work boiling the water and heating the pan.

Within an hour I finished making dinner and the smell wafers through the house."Hey, dinners done!" I call to the pair that were playing with there dolls. I fill two plates with pasta and peppers. In the kitchen sat a small wooden table with four chairs. It was next to the wall that divided the living room from the kitchen.

They rush over with excitement as I place the two plates down. 'I got lucky with the fresh peppers I was given by Mrs. Hun the middle of February.'  My thoughts linger as I watch them both eat the dinner I made. 'It's usually hard to get them to eat the peppers but today I stir fried them.'


The sound of the front door opening catches me off guard along with the two girls. We all turn to see mom walking in with a large bag of groceries on her left side. On her right is her work bag with her laptop placed carefully in it. I stand up to help her with the groceries while the two girls great mom with open arms.

"Mom!" They both shout as they jump into her arms as I try to clear away the bag of groceries. I grab the bag off of mom and sat it on the counter. It have different types of canned food and boxes snacks. I smile as I remember the dinners mom use to make for me. "Aw, sweethearts, how was your day?" Mom laughs as she hugs them back.

The house seems lively for a while. The girls talk to mom as we all put away the groceries. Mom soon send them to bed leaving us to talk alone.

"So, you cooked dinner again?" Mom asks me as I start to clean the dirty dishes and pots. "Yeah, the girls and I were getting hungry. Sorry about using the peppers.." my voice trails off as mom grabs my arm.

"It's alright. I'm just happy the girls are eating something." She smiles as she looks at me and I smile back. But my smile is short lived as I think about what I have to do.

"What's wrong?" Mom asks as she sees my frown. I try to stay positive under her gaze.

"I'm....I found a job that pays good." I say somberly leading mom to be more confused. "Well what's wrong with that? That's a good thing." She squeezed my arm a little out of concern. "The job is asking me to move somewhere far from here, I won't be able to see anyone until a few months into the year." It grows quiet as we both just look at one another. And for a second I see a shadow move in the corner of my eye causing me to look at the door to the kitchen, but nothing was there.

That is were we left the conversation as I look down at the dirty water. "I think it's getting late, I'm going to say goodnight." I kiss my mom's cheek as I say goodbye as I walk down the hall to the girls room. I creak open the door two see the two girls fast asleep. I walk over to each of them, gently smoothing out their hair and planting a kiss on their foreheads. After doing so I walk towards the open door which seemed so far and depressed as the pale yellow light barley trickled in. I to hide my tears the best I could as my voice slightly shook. "By girls, I hope you have sweet dreams. I love you." After saying a somber goodbye I gently close the door behind me.

Once again I say goodbyes to mom with a hug and start to walk to the elevator. Inside I switch on my phone and glance at the date and time.

Tuesday, February 9th, 5:17pm

My stomach churned at the sight but I looked passed it as I flipped through my phone to find my music playlist. I rummage through my pocket for my wireless earbud and tap the screen when my playlist appears. I look around the empty elevator as it shakes slightly as it moves down. The rusty corners on the ceiling makes the yellow, flickering light make the elevator seem like a death trap.


The elevator reaches the ground floor and I walk out into the lobby and out to the cold, semi empty sidewalk. I look up to see the bright silver moon staring down on the city. It's glow is almost mesmerizing, for alluring hum of pale light seemed like the only warm thing in the cold winter night. I try to keep my mind off of my sadness as I walk home. Though over a certain amount of time anxiety built up inside my chest, for it felt like someone was watching me.

My pulse quickens as the sidewalk becomes more and more empty, leaving me in the company in the dim white light of the street lamps and the intense glow of the moon. Though it's strange for over the time spent getting to the apartment I can't clearly remember how I got into my room.

My head feels fuzzy as I close the door behind me. I take off my coat and set aside my keys. I continue listening to my music as I scroll through my phone and reach my bed. Right next to it is a window that directly allows the moon to bathe me in its light. Through my scrolling on my phone I stop at the family photo I have saved on my phone.

My heart aches at the sight as I decide to just turn it off, stuffing it into my pocket along with taking out my earbuds and putting them away in their case, also settling them in a pocket. The unsettling pale moon illuminated the room allowing you to hazily see that a few boxes are scattered through my small apartment as I prepare for the move tomorrow. "I wish I didn't have to do this." I cry into my sleeve until the fuzzy feeling in my head becomes sleep.