
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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181 Chs

Diagon Alley (Part 2)

They proceeded to the vault through a long tunnel and opened a large door. It was not like others around, as it had a family crest. A sword pierced the sky, shattering it and flying away on the wings of lightning. It was regal and inspirational in its own right. One look and you can tell that wielder of this crest was not your average joe. Yeah, or at least something like that.

Alan went in, taken aback by the number of things within. Never the less, he dived inside and searched in a hurry.

"Look at you, losing your mind over money." - Selena scoffed in disdain, but then she noticed something and her eye's expression changed to gentleness with hidden pain. - "Hey, let's go out and leave him alone."

He withdrew a couple of interesting artifacts and returned, receiving a grip from Selena.

"Aunt, let go. Aunt?" - he looked exhausted and not one bit happy. Even the things he took out seems like a regular junk, but not something he wanted.

"Hey, be my sugar daddy." - she walked up and joked, seeing that he needed it.

"More like sugar sonny or nephewy." - parried Alan and walked out not noticing what he really said and the reaction of the woman in question. She followed him, deep in thought.

They went for a shopping spree, buying everything that seemed necessary, and eventually stopped in front of Ollivander's store.

"Do I need a wand?" - that question made Selena trip on even ground.

"How do you think?" - she looked at him with incredulity written on a gorgeous face. - "How are you supposed to even study in Hogwarts without one? Having a wand is imperative for admittance. We can say it's a test. If there is no wand willing to be your companion, you will be banned from the magic world."

"Is it that serious?" - he asked with a pondering face.

"Mostly, yes. If your magic gift cannot support any wand, learning magic will be more or less useless." - Selena nodded and looked ahead of the street. - "Go, I will purchase other things. As for owl and wand, that's on you."

"Erm... okay, I guess."

Alan walked inside the shop and heard a bell chime as a welcome.

"Coming, comi...n...g." - Ollivander stopped not far away from Alan, with a look of astonishment on the aged face. - "What?"

"What?" - he looked at himself. - "Mister Ollivander, something on my face?"

"Oh, sorry for that young man. It is just..." - he walked closer. - "Well, only a couple I can think of but no promises. Never saw such mana before. Such potency and pressure. Wait for a moment. Need to find them. Being a long time since I even tried to give them to anyone. Okay, here they are."

What he presented were two boxes as ancient in appearance as the world can be.

"This one is a wand with Black Iron Wood body and Minotaur horn with Blue Wintermane Dragon heart blood dual cores. A very rare creation where two cores could blend perfectly. Try it. It is one of the most durable wands ever crafted on the planet."

The moment Alan took it, Ollivander paled in the face and snatched it away.

"Wow... this is... young man... I'm afraid I can't help you." - Ollivander was clearly frustrated. - "It turns out all my wands are not sturdy enough to withstand your type of mana. It will be fine for two years, but after that, even the most durable wand will explode."

"Emm, fine I guess." - to his surprise, Ollivander didn't see any remorse or disbelief, as if he somehow expected it. Or to be more precise, he didn't give a damn. 'No? Oh, okay then.' attitude deeply hurt Ollivander's pride.

"Wait. I will create a wand you can wield for sure, and when I'm done, I will find you!" - old man promised. Who could have known that this act of stubbornness from a soon-to-be craftsman god and disregard from the future prime of magic will create a new era of mediums for the upcoming and renewed society of wizards?

"Use titan, maybe meteor steel or something." - Alan gave a suggestion that blew the top away from Ollivander's head.

"I'm not a blacksmith, you brat!" - he screamed, offended.

"Whatever you say, old man. As long as you are happy." - Alan shrugged with a smile. But this attitude made wandmaker nearly go insane. It took the old man some time to calm down. - "But I believe you need to give me some letter to explain myself to Hogwarts."

"Naturally." - although he was unearthed by the youth's attitude, it never changed his professionalism. But while writing it, Ollivander continued to grumble unceasingly. - "Use meteor steel he says! Where will I even get enough of such magical metal? And even if I do, does this brat have any idea the density of it? My wands then can replace sledgehammers in construction sites!"

"I like the weight. Weight means reliability." - said Alan sagely. - "If one spent all mana, you can always use a wand to give a solid smack on the face."

"Get out!" - screamed red Ollivander while throwing a letter to Alan. He wrote it very fast, using several magic quills simultaneously. Looks like an old man wanted this customer to live as fast as possible. - "Smack in the head he says! Preposterous! Did I make wands for wizards to give out smacks with them left and right? Hmpf!"

Alan left the store with a letter as thick as his head. The outcome was to his satisfaction. What's the use of having a wand if he can't use Isu magic with it? If he can convert spells from typical magic to the one using Isu knowledge, he won't be able to use the wand to cast it at all.

It will just blow up.

Let alone wandless magic is not unknown in this world. In Uagadou School of Magic they normally use hands to cast spells, albeit not like Alan, with gestures, but still, it is known as wandless magic.

"If you need a medium, you already have a couple on you, lad." - Alan froze for a moment, but after broke in a large grin.

"Amalgal! Where have you been all these years? Why didn't you contact me?" - he asked through Vibe.

"I am always here, but my current functions are limited. So there is nothing to do to help you. You did well with True Form. That is how Isu made their own animage forms too. Although your way was perilous and extreme, it ended very well with a Primordial Origin Beast at that." - Alan memorized every word.

"You said I have two mediums?"

"Naturally. One is the ring Eye of Eternium converted to. Another is Cloth of Asterath Blood."

"What is the second? Is it a scarf?" - Alan made his way to the Magical Managerie. There he planned to buy a pet for himself and as a present for Fleur. Her birthday is coming near. He wants to gift her something special and has a way to do it.

"Well, it is a piece of a bigger thing. But even this part has tremendous power. You can find out about it slowly yourself." - Amalgal said. - "Also, what you are about to do is dangerous so, be very careful. Such involvement in the evolution of beings might go bad. It won't be bad for you, but for the future. It can shift the balance of nature." - Alan nodded, deep in thought. Should he sterilize the beast after all? Isn't it too brutal to play god like that? No way.

"Shopkeeper, show me your best products." - the man nodded with a laugh and led Alan through the shop.

"When I say best I mean it." - what was on a display is just regular accepted merchandise.

"I don't know what you are talking about." - the man admonished the newcomer with a scornful gaze.

"How about now? Do you think a spy will have that amount of money for a false transaction?" - Alan showed him his card and greed got the better of a man.

"Let's go." - he said and walked him inside the inner space of the shop behind a small crevice and a door there.

"Here is our finest and rarest finds. Some of them are scarce."

Alan nodded and walked from cage to cage. This time creatures inside were more than meet the eye.

"This... you even have occamy egg? And this..." - he looked at the cage in the corner with a flabbergasted face. - "Something is wrong."

He came to the creature and frowned.

"By all means it is a Snallygaster, but how come it is so small?" - Alan turned around to the merchant. The man just shook his head.

"I don't know. Actually, we were trying to figure out how it happened too, but couldn't."

"Okay, I take it, occamy egg, and also a little bird in a regular section."

"Bird?" - the shopkeeper looked with an imploring gaze.

"Just a present for a birthday to a girl." - Alan waved him off with a shrug.


They went back and Alan pointed at the cage with a little red bird. He was excited to buy it. Although one might not know, it is a very rare type of bird – Hoo-Hoo, native to Japan. But also, just one glance at it gave Alan enough understanding of its nature.

It has very thin phoenix blood, but there is a catch. It is not a blood of typical phoenix, but a Primordial one. With his way to purify bloodline with mana it will not take long for it to undergo evolution and become an actual phoenix of old, the true lord of the sky. Such a guardian will be perfect for a tomboy like Fleur.

Yes, she is one hell of a tomboy inside, albeit a gentle piece of art outwardly.

I noticed that readers find it confusing to understand what actually happened to MC personality and why he acts like a “knowledgeable kid”.

Maybe my writing wasn't good enough to explain what Eternal Mind trait that awakened in him actually did to his person and mind. There will be a moment in the future to reveal it all. Surprisingly I found it hard to elaborate on every single thing MC does to let it be clear all the time due to chapter type of publishing. All I can say – many of your doubts will be explained later in the story.

Some explanation about Amalgal – he is just a sentient program. An AI with very strict regulations on actions. He really can do nothing, only talk and teach advanced magic language and he was unable to teach any spells due to restrictions put on him.

So yeah, he can't help MC at all.

With all said, for the captivity ark MC is just a lamb surrounded by wolves who completely control his life. He was able to negate some things using methods he learned, but that's it. One can say that he is incapable and stupid. Incapable – well, yeah, he is. He has no ground to be capable of fighting a whole hideout of DE. Stupid? Sometimes environment is stronger than a person and one can only adjust. What he tried to do is continue living.

As for more explanations, read the story, more things will be revealed in due time.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Greymarkcreators' thoughts