
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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181 Chs

Classes (Part 1).

"Why are you so angry?"

"No reason." - she grumpily pouted. Damn, it looked adorable. Her thirty and something years of age didn't diminish ability to act cute at all. Alan snickered. - "What are you laughing at? You just wait and see, first I will kick that Severus Snape out, then pluck the beard of that Dumbledore! Flitwick is ok, though... but that McGonagall needs to let some steam out! I should make her drunk! That would be one hell of a view, alright! That's the plan!"

That's Hufflepuff diligence and hardworking attitude in trouble-making on the run! Oh boy, some shit is about to brake loose.

"Aunt, don't antagonize Snape." - Only said Alan, as other things were alright in his books. If anything, drunk McGonagall can be a sight to behold and really need to cut some slack.

If there is a wizard who got the worst of it and, at the same time, was one of the brightest people at heart, it would be Snape. He really is the bravest person Alan read about in fiction books. Someone like him, who forgo everything for love, even his life and name... there are no words to properly describe how Alan felt about him, only that he is a man worthy to be remembered and rescued, not condemned and hated.

But that so if he is similar to the one from books he has knowledge of.

Still, there was another, darker emotion inside him, a contradicting one. The only mention of Snape's affiliation with Death Eaters made Alan very angry. It was lingering there all the time. And partly he felt that what happened in the books was his rightful punishment. But still... he can't blame him, after all Snape didn't have the best childhood too.

So, all in all, he decided not to get close to potionmaker, but at least to make sure no additional trouble will be made from and for his side.

"What?" - she looked fiercely at Alan with disbelief clearly written all over her face. - "Alan, he is a Death Eater! The dark wizard! He is part of a group who killed you parents!"

"Everyone in the world thinks that my parents are Death Eaters and maniacs, too." - Alan glared at her with very scary aura lingering on the rims of his eyes.

"Bullshit!" - yelled Selena outraged that he said that.

"But that's what they see!" - stated Alan in return to get to her and sighed. - "That's what everyone see."

"We will make it right." - Selena patted his head and than asked in small voice hastily deciding to change the subject. - "About Snape... do you happen to know something?"

"All I will say is that a man can make mistakes. We all do at some point, one can't be faultless, it is life. Bad man will forget it and continue doing wrongdoings. Good man will remember it and spent his life for correcting what he had done no matter the price he had to pay." - he paused. - "And I think Snape is a good man."

"I-Isn't it a bit... exaggerated?" - Selena made a step back and looked at Alan seriously.

"Maybe, but what if it is not?" - he said seriously. - "Please, don't look at the shell. Do you think Dumbledore will let a real Death Eater be a professor in Hogwarts, if he is not sure about his affiliation?"

"Fine. You know, Wolfie, somehow you sound like an adult now." - she nodded meaning every word and made a smug face at him.

"I learned from you for three years. Eidetic memory, remember? Look what you've done? Now I'm old man in child body. How will I find a date like that?" - he joked in return.

"Yeah, yeah. Go to your lovely Fleur for that talk, boy. Don't bug this charming lady here." - she waved him off. - "Now go back to class. Bu the way, will you really be fine without a wand?"

"Can I even be called a wizard, if I can't make do without a wand?" - he said smiling while going away.

"You know more than nine tenth of wizards will puke blood at this statement in severe trauma due to existential crisis." - Selena smirked and then, after some thought, took out a little bottle out of the hem of her robes, muttering something under breath.

Alan made his way back to class. Lessons in Hogwarts were very long. Everyday they have at most three and if the schedule is full it will be studying from eight in the morning to nightfall. Usually, it is one starting after breakfast and until dinner and another one until supper.

So he didn't spend even half of the time, meant for transfiguration lesson, in Dumbledore office.

"Alan, this Dumbledore brat seems to be a wizard of fourth Permission, right?"

"Gramps Amal? Yes, he is widely known as one, why?"

"He is too weak!" - said Amalgal, but his voice was clearly confused. - "I mean not like a bit, but several times weaker than standard. And I'm not talking about really gifted wizards of my race, even untalented among us, Isu, were several times stronger."

"You are Isu..." - Alan grumbled.

"You don't understand. Magical talent of humans and Isu was never a part of one's race, it's origin situated inside our souls and energyform! Body is more or less irrelevant, unless you are a pure magical creature. But that is another story, as neither Isu nor humans are one. What I mean, even among us Dumbledore brat will be a very talented wizard, a real genius. His weakness is not about talent... but Permission itself and lack of comprehensive knowledge. The later is not his fault at all, it is adhered more to the level of magic science of the world as a whole." - what Amalgal said made no sense to Alan at all. But the more the old Isu talked the more he felt shocked. In the end Amalgal muttered. - "Could it be our war with them made more lasting damage to the world than what we thought and divined?"

"Who are 'them'?" - asked Alan, receiving classics in return.

"It is too early for you to know." - sternly answered Amalgal. - "And it is irrelevant now."

'Well, I'll be damned this is some plot covering shit for better effect.'

"Alan, until I figure out what is going on I will block your approaching Permission and baptism. Just so you know."


"I can't say for sure what is going on, but it seems Permission of wizards of current time is... incomplete. We damaged the system spell of it in our war." - he sighed. - "Okay, I said it. You better hurry and find another piece of Eternium. By that time it will be possible for me to create a small space with proper laws to undergo Permission as it should be. As Eye of Eternium is now, it lacks mainframe for that."

"Another 'to do' on my long list. Noted." - he then sighed and remembered an idea that came up in his mind after creation of a layer of false memories for Dumbledore. - "Gramps, I have a thought of creating something for myself using Eternal Mind. Combat oriented. But I need your help later. Can you help?"

"Sure. I believe you got yourself a curious girl. Go back to your lessons already." - grumbled Amalgal, clearly wanted some free time for his own Isu-devices and Isu-entertainment.

"Alan?" - he finally heard a whisper and felt someone nudging him by the side.

"Sheron? What's up?" - she shoved at him that contrast of white skin on smooth face, crimson hair and emerald lanterns in place of eyes. Alan used his finger, pocking her forehead to move all that undoubtedly interesting scenery away with poker face. - "I don't have trouble with eyesight and can see you clearly, even if you are farther away."

"I..." - she turned red and pouted. - "Whatever, not talking to you anymore for the rest of my life." - but her eyes darted at his sitting figure from time to time. And the more she did the more she pouted. Eventually even her head went low and periodically Alan heard something like 'stinky rogue' and 'bad Alan ignoring me' from her. It was so adorable to watch that even he wasn't able to win against curiosity and cuteness of this particular girl.

"Okay, that's it. What's up with you, really?" - he sighed in exasperation fully admitting defeat.

"Can you teach me how to do that?" - she immediately brightened up and looked at him with expectation shining brightly in her beautiful eyes. Puppy eyes assaulted Alan with full power and were splendidly ignored.

"Do what?" - he feigned ignorance. - "Ditch half of the lesson? Oh, that's easy and on the road of ditching magic art there are many paths one can take! I, your master, have reached a very high attainment on the path of ditching class law and was enlightened. Several times." - he said with a mannerism of a sage.

"No!" - she pouted, while barely containing laughter. She is so cute, it is a fun on it's own to tease her. - "I mean transfiguration. I tried to do it, but I couldn't."

"Actually, it's quite easy when you get the knack of it. There are two things you need to know. First is precision and calmness. You need to have a vivid image of what you want to create and enough tranquility in mind to not lose focus. And second is control." - Alan waved his finger at the candle and it morphed into a spoon. - "Control can be gained through practice only. It is basically you familiarity with the spell and how magic power behaves inside and outside while performing it."

"It didn't work." - Sheron hang her head in shame, expecting laughter or ridicule, but instead she felt a hand patting her head.

"Don't fret. You can do it. It is not easy, I myself trained a lot to do what I can do now. And for you to know I was trained by a special auror!" - Alan said encouragingly while patting her hair like Selena used to pat him. - "Try again."

Sheron smiled to herself and while nodding waved her wand. It was complementary in color to her hair and possessed intricate design looking like a feather of some sort of beast. Griffin perhaps? Her movements were quite good, no rashness or acceleration on the edges. They were even and smooth like water.

"Very good, you achieve it just with today practice?" - Alan asked.

"Achieved what?" - she looked and the candle that grew soft and fell down like a deflated balloon instead of becoming a bottle and felt defeated.

"Sheron, try to think about object you want to create in several steps. First – form, than you add material and only after it behaviorism. For example, my spoon has a form of, well, spoon, material – steel, behaviorism – solid. Just do it step by step if you can't imagine in one go and note one thing that although three steps seemed different, they are, after all, a description of one object. To minimize amount of magic power you use, your form, material and behavior need to match as much as possible with real life objects. It will take far more power to make steel spoon be like rubber, than a solid metal it meant to be." - Alan thought for a short time before coming up with advice. It was similar how he avoided the wand part of transfiguration spells. Perhaps this will also help the girl.

Sheron shined all over and with a bright luster in her eyes concentrated once more. Well, she is really a genius, one move and it is done flawlessly.

"I did it." - she smiled, turning to Alan and giving him a hug, that he interrupted on reflex and awkwardly scratched his head afterwards. Sheron was a bit surprised, but didn't take it to heart at all, as she was too engrossed in her success.

"Well done miss Williams, five points to Ravenclaw. And you, mister Salvatore, the advice you gave is very good for beginners to cope with image creation for transfiguration and later concentration. Ten points to Hufflepuff." - McGonagall was near them from some time back and overheard everything. - "Now continue with your practice."

Contrary to his first lesson, dinner was spent quiet and in loneliness. He sat at the corner of the table and people moved away. Sheron went to Ravenclaw, but from time to time she kept glancing at him, Jessica and Cedric were at the front, after all Alan was a bit late and there was no place for him.

He looked around and saw a fiery duo at the center of Griffindor table, but struggled to approach them. What can be easier – just go and talk, but for him it was not so simple. Somehow he never found a suitable opportunity. From one point it is not like Fred and George are girls. What opportunity? Just go and say hi. But the point is – they disliked him as all Griffindor brats aside from Grace. And even that is already questionable after all the talking and discussion around.

With the attitude most of the school shows him he wasn't thick skinned enough to just come up and ask for a place, even if he had a really serious agenda, there will be time to do it and even different ways to do it. He just didn't know where to start the interaction with people. So he ate in silence and thought about his own stuff.

He found comfort in his own devices while avoid disturbance from people around.

Second and last lesson for the day was a potion making with Snape. Alan didn't interact much with him, as the guy in question was showing everyone cartoon hate and bad attitude. Well, one would expect that from a double agent with a legilimency monster like Voldemort as a boss he spies after.

Generally this lesson went well except him being wandless and thus finding it hard to control fire. He burned through ingredients, but managed to achieve some minor improvement. But it will be long time, perhaps months, until he will be able to create a potion on his own.

On this lesson he was paired with Cedric and they both braved the storm of Snape's spit and ridicule like a real tough dudes from brotherhood of steel.

"Damn, that Snape. His temper is really explosive and as bad as older students implied." - Cedric commented while on his bed.

"Next time we will do better." - said Alan in what he thought is comforting tone, while also encouraging himself.

"Naturally!" - nodded Diggory in return believing it fully.

That guy is really loyal. At least during classes. Others might think about changing partners, but Cedric didn't even register the possibility on his radar.