
Akudou – a Naruto fanfiction story

what if being in the womb while having a bijuu sealed inside give someone more closeness to the bijuu. Naruto have kurama's chakra, eyes, and the same mark on his face. giving him a kekkei genkai of being able to create illusion that is indistinguishable from reality. And Kurama acknowledge Naruto as "her" son thanks to this, and decide to be a mother for him.

hikari_izuki · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

side story Madara Uchiha

Madara Uchiha, the ghost of the Uchiha clan. People thought he was dead by the hand of his old friend, but that is not the truth. Leaving the village, controlling the nine tails, the battle with Hashirama, and his death, all of this is planned by him.

After the death of his brother, he lost his reason. The world seems empty to him since that day, more so because the one who killed his brother was the brother of his old friend. Zetsu has warned him of his emotions, but it didn't manage to prepare him for this one. He challenged Hashirama, hoping it would give him something, hate, rage, peace, anything that could get his mind out of this emptiness.

He fought, he lost, and nothing changed. He couldn't feel any hate towards Hashirama, there was no rage either, he tried to act like it, like he hated him for what his brother had done. In the end he lost and Hashirama tried to kill himself to atone for what his brother had done.

He accepted Hashirama's plan. He created Konoha, at least the younger generation wouldn't have to feel what he felt. But he found out what the Senju was planning, he tried to warn his clan but they didn't listen, part of them out of spite because he chose to work with the Senju, the others are just too naive or have lost their will to fight after losing their loved ones in the never ending battle.

He had gone against Zetsu by choosing to work together with the Senju, even after the countless warnings he gave. Though Zetsu stayed, he knew he could do little now after he lost the clan's trust. Hashirama is only a puppet leader that is controlled by his clan, they pretend to follow him, but they manipulate things behind his back.

Everything has gone wrong after Izuna's death. If only he was here, things wouldn't have come to this. If only he could bring back his brother. But he knew he didn't have that power, even if he made a contact with the Shinigami to get back his brother's soul, he can't bring him back to life.

Except if he has the rinnegan, if he had the rinnegan's power, he might be able to do something. But just the rinnegan was not enough, even if he can recreate his brother's body using the rinnegan power after getting back his soul, the world would stay the same. He can't have his brother dying again after he goes to that length to bring him back.

Kaguya the rabbit goddess, Hagoromo was able to absorb her power because of the rinnegan. But just her chakra isn't enough, Hagoromo got old and died in the end. He needs an immortal body too, he has to have both Kaguya's chakra and body.

Letting people roam free isn't going to solve the problem, Kaguya already failed at that. They need to be controlled, like with a strong genjutsu like tsukuyomi. If he can use tsukuyomi to trap every human into a genjutsu, then there would be no chance of conflict. They can all have their dream world inside the tsukuyomi and the world will be in eternal peace.

But Zetsu will be a problem, he wouldn't stay still if he tried to absorb Kaguya even if he left the soul alone. He needs to get away from Zetsu and disappear until he can take care of the creature.

So Madara left the village, he couldn't let Zetsu find him, so he kept moving. First he needs to find out if he can absorb a tailed beast with a sharingan. So he comes to the fire temple, where the nine tails is.

He tried to absorb it's chakra but failed, so instead he used his mangekyo sharingan, amatsu-mikaboshi to fully control the fox. With it he moves to the next plan, gaining the rinnegan.

With the tailed beast he challenges Hashirama and takes his bloodline by swallowing his flesh. Then he ends the fight by letting Hashirama stab and kill him. He used izanagi in his last breath to fuse Hashirama's DNA with his own when the jutsu revived him.

It had taken too long for the rinnegan to awaken even after using izanagi, he had grown too old. But luck was on his side, a dying Uchiha child fell down into his hideout. He took the child's eye and replaced it with his rinnegan. Using the child's eye, again he used izanagi to rewrite reality. With the DNA in the rinnegan, he fuses his DNA with the child, making it able to use his power, return the body to its healthy state and lastly replacing the soul inside it with his own.

The body was weak, but now he has time. So he trained his new body to its full potential. He only has one eye, but that doesn't matter, in the end it's just a tool.

What he didn't think of was that instead of his own mangekyou ability, he got a different ability. Probably the child's desire in his death has awakened his own power, rewriting his own power before he managed to take over his body.


Using the new mangekyou ability Madara teleports back to Konoha after gathering information. Finding that most of the tailed beasts have been captured and sealed within a shinobi of the great five nations. The Uzumaki have been wiped out, probably by the Senju's doing, because they don't want a scenario where the Uzumaki manage to take all the sealed beast.

But they failed to stop their puppet from giving away three of the four tailed beasts they have to other nations. Hashirama probably thought that it would keep the balance and peace.

But instead, with the new weapon they got, the village started war. And Hashirama died in that war fighting against three jinchuuriki that were created using the tailed beast he gave away.


Madara finds out who is the jinchuuriki of the nine tails, and right when she was about to give birth. He kidnapped the jinchuuriki when they let their guard down, destroyed the seal and summoned it out to make the process faster.

But just when he was about to teleport it into his kamui world, Minato the 4th hokage showed up and stopped him from doing that. He didn't have his previous mangekyou ability, so he can't fully control the nine tails, so it goes on a rampage while partly in his genjutsu.

He fights Minato while the nine tails rampaging in the village. Unlike Tobirama, Minato can use the hiraishin more freely to attack and defend. Though he has the rinnegan his body is not at its peak and Minato was still able to fight him using sage technique similar to hashirama.

He finds it soon to be different from hashirama's sage technique, trying to absorb Minato's sage chakra will end up turning his body into stone. He was forced to retreat and leave the nine tails for now and get back when he can get his body back.

Later he found out that Minato used a death reaper contract to seal the nine tails into his own child. Binding the two's souls together so he can't take out the nine tails. He can try to take the child but if the nine tails work with the child it would be troublesome, the fox wasn't called a god's messenger for nothing.

Fighting it without his old eyes power and his less than desirable strength, even with the rinnegan is not possible. At the very least he will be severely injured, at worst he will be dead, or the kid might be dead in the aftermath. That means the nine tails will follow the kid to the afterlife, and he didn't know how much the price he had to pay the Shinigami to bring it back to the living world.

It's better for him to find people who would work with him and capture the other tailed beast first and leave the nine tails for last when he regains his full power and more.