

It’s about a girl named Sarah McCoy, who is finding the four stones to the sword and defeat the evil Queen name Cynthia and finding out if her parents are alive or not. But, she falls in love with a sorcerer, and helping her situation in hand.

Artistic_Sayan · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

A Sorcerer Boy

I sneaked in the ship and went behind the boxes, checking the other people out and what they do. Apparently, he was so distracted by the girls looks and boobs, he can't even talk straight.

"Ugh boys, no wonder my mom told me to live alone" as I slapped my palm into my face.

As I tried to fly away, I felt one of their eyes staring me down for some reason. But that didn't stop me from flying to where I need to find a place to stay. Suddenly something flew in the air and caught my wings on fire. I was out of control and couldn't fly correctly. I landed towards the nearest ship I could find. Turns out it was the weird boy on the ship.

I felt dizzy and couldn't see at the time, so I was sliding to find a wall when I see a crowed over me.

"where did she come from?" said a girl's voice in front of me.

"woooaaahhhh, look at her wings"

After a few minutes, my wings disappeared into ashes. flowing away like leaves from fall.

I felt like throwing up. I zig-zagged my way to the side of the ship and vomit.

A person walked up behind me slowly, while the rest stand back.

"quickly, I'll tie her up" said the voice behind me.

"If you can catch me first" running around and he kept grabbing my ankles to drop me to drag me towards him.

To be honest, I was ready to kick his ass.

"let's see if you can duel me in a battle, and if I win, you will get to be my sorcerer boy" as I looked up to him with my serious game face on.

"FINE!!!, and if i win, you will be my only servant" with his pounding rage structure, ready to take that challenge.

"Will see about that" with me, putting my hand up, chanting to bring the cloud down, to turn into shadows.

"What the fuck" with his surprising disgusted face.

"You like what you see. Take a pic, it will last longer" with a smirk on my face.

"Yeah, well what about this" as he was making weird hand signals that chanted the three big underdogs.

"Wowww, very interesting" as I clapped slowly, and tried to stop time with my angelic powers.

Sorry this took me so long, I had struggle with homework so i took the time to study that. But, I will be giving y'all more chapters from now on......Maybe in my own time. Oh! and i will make a pt2 for this chapter. Hope y'all will comment it and let me know.

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