
Akame ga KILL: Killer

In 1937 before scientists of Reich the task to deduce "true Aryan", superhuman has been put. The results surpassed any expectations - among thousands of "true Aryans" several unique ones were bred, which were given the code name "crowned". In 1940, an unknown spatial anomaly was found in the occupied territory of Poland. After its discovery, research into the nature of the portals began, and as a result, the most prominent among the "crowned ones" went missing. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 14

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After the destruction of the main warehouse and also the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army in the east, the Omega Group spent three more days searching for the surviving rebels. When they were finally dealt with, the unit left the east, leaving all other problems to the local guards.

Even before Hovercraft-302 left the east, Anna sent an urgent message to the Capital detailing the successful completion of the mission. Naturally, this message immediately reached the hands of Commander-in-Chief Budo, who had already passed the report to the Prime Minister. Onest almost jumped for joy after reading it. The Revolutionary Army base in the east had been destroyed, one of the strongest members of the Night Raid was dead, and yet Omega had managed to capture as many as three teigu: Adayusu, Murasame, and Incursio! He wasn't even upset by the deaths of the rakshasa demons and his spy Borik - against the backdrop of such success, they were acceptable losses. Of course, Onest immediately told the young Emperor Makoto that this unit should be honoured as heroes, especially if it was to be done by him personally, to which the Emperor, of course, immediately agreed.


Anna sat on the couch and waited to be summoned to the throne room. It was very unexpected for her that she would be summoned to appear before the Emperor immediately after her return to the Capital. Out of excitement, the girl smoked a cigarette - it usually happens when she is very nervous, and cigarettes slightly, but relieve stress. Leon took the cigarette from her a few times in a friendly way, saying that it wouldn't do any good. She agreed with his opinion, but she couldn't quit smoking so easily, though she considered her deputy's option of switching to chamomile tea.

- I can see you're nervous. - An elderly voice sounded next to Anna.

The girl turned her head and, instantly recognising the man in front of her, stood up from the sofa and saluted.

- Greetings, ge....

- No need. I just came to check on you.

- You are as usual, father... - Anna sighed, sitting down on the sofa again.

Anna's father was a man of mature age - 56 years old, and his appearance spoke for him that this man is a veteran of many wars, in addition, he is one of the higher generals of the imperial army. The Volkov family has existed as long as the Empire itself, they have always been characterised by their loyalty, and most importantly, their intelligence. There was even a rumour that: "give Volkov only a hundred soldiers, and he will defeat an army of a thousand without loss." Sitting down next to his daughter, Alexander took a leaf out of his pocket.

- I have read your report. And I must say, you've done an excellent job.

- Thank you for the praise.

- You're going to ask the Emperor for what I'm thinking, aren't you?

- Yes... Now that we have the opportunity, I intend to take it!

- Determined... just like your mother. - grinned the man. - I'm interested in your deputy, by the way.

- Leon?

- Yes. He's the one who took Murasame's teiga and defeated Bulat. And he didn't use teigu on both occasions.

- Do you want to meet him?

- I do. But not now.

The door to the waiting room opened and a messenger came in.

- The emperor is ready for you. - the messenger reported.

- I guess it's time for you to go.

- I'll see you again, Dad. - said Anna, standing up from the sofa. - If everything goes well, we will soon change the Empire.

- I'm sure it will go smoothly.

Anna nodded and followed the messenger through the corridors of the palace to the throne room. He asked the girl if she knew the manners of behaviour with the emperor, to which she answered in the affirmative. Reaching the doors to the throne room, which were decorated with golden patterns, Anna stood in front of them, waiting for permission to enter.

The doors opened, presenting a view of the vast throne room. Anna walked closer to the throne and stood before the young emperor, opposite whom Onestus stood. Sitting down on one knee, the woman removed her cap and held it to her chest, then bowed her head.

- Colonel Anna Volkova. - addressed her as a boy of about twelve or thirteen years of age.

- Yes, Your Majesty.

- I, Emperor Makoto, on behalf of myself and all citizens of the Empire, would like to thank you and your unit for destroying the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army in the east and a member of the Night Raid. As a reward, you, as well as your subordinates, will be honoured with the Order of the Hero of the Empire. You are also promoted to the rank of Colonel General, and your subordinates deserve to be promoted as well. And of course, you receive the promised sum of twenty-five thousand gold coins for the destruction of the revolutionaries in the east, for the head of a wanted terrorist and for the return of the teigu to the imperial treasury.

- Thank you, Your Majesty. But I'm not interested in money.

- Really? Then what would you like as a reward? You can ask for anything.

- Your Majesty. There is a civil war brewing in the Empire. And as I've watched it unfold, I've realised one truth.

- What is that?

- Our country is threatened by an enemy far more dangerous than an external enemy. The so-called internal enemy.

- "Internal enemy?" - Makoto interjected, looking at Onesta, who only shrugged his shoulders.

- 'Yes, your majesty. The inner enemy is much more dangerous than the outer enemy. It's like a disease or even a poison that slowly destroys a state from within. Before we simply did not notice this disease, but now we see its symptoms in the form of revolutionaries.

- And what do you propose? - asked the young emperor, in whose voice one could sense anxiety.

- For every disease, like poison, there is a cure. And I want to create it, your majesty. To combat the disease, I am going to establish the Secret Imperial Police, whose purpose is to seek out and destroy undesirable elements, criminals, terrorists, and anti-government individuals. That's all I'm asking for.

Makoto and Onestus looked at each other. The establishment of a new governmental organisation to eliminate the internal enemies of the Empire... Such a structure interested both of them, especially Onest, who immediately began to look for opportunities that this organisation could provide to strengthen his power.

- Your Majesty. I believe that if we create this organisation and put it under the command of General Anna, we will no longer have to worry about rebellions within the Empire. - Onest said with a nod of approval.

- If you think so, then so be it. General Anna. You will be given everything you need to set up the Secret Imperial Police.

- Thank you, Your Majesty. But I have one more favour to ask of you.

- What is it?


All members of the Omega were sent letters inviting them to a restaurant that had been rented for the whole night, no less, and not just any restaurant, but a named restaurant of the highest category! Some of the fighters even doubted that the letter was addressed to them - the place was too expensive.

Leon arrived there with Hector, talking to him about the operation and the information they had obtained during it. Leon also asked Hector how Hector liked Incursio, to which he replied: "It's like I can tear down mountains!". Everyone was very surprised at the fact that Hector was compatible with Incursio, even more surprised at how they found out about it. Hector then simply took the sword and activated it, which caused both anger and congratulations from the commander, for on the one hand he could die, but on the other hand he became the owner of one of the strongest teigu. Then an attempt was made to find one compatible with Adayusu's scythe among the Hovercraft 302 fighters, but alas, there were none, and the teigu had to be returned to the Imperial treasury. Omega now had three teigu owners, which couldn't be more gratifying.

As Leon and Hector approached the glittering lights of the posh restaurant building, they saw familiar faces: Mia and Anna, who were standing at the entrance, waiting only for them. The servants bowed to all the officers as they entered. In the foyer, a cloakroom attendant helped them remove their overcoats. And now they were seated at a table in the spacious hall, waiting for the rest of the Omega members to do the same. Afterwards, the first toast was given - to the health of the Empire. With the second toast, Anna congratulated the unit on the successful completion of the mission. Then all those gathered in dead silence, standing and not cheering, raised the third toast to their fallen comrades. Then the officers, including Leon, raised a toast to their commander, after which she had to walk along the hall with a glass of champagne, clinking glasses with the soldiers, and everyone wanted to say something good personally, which made her even a little mellow... The evening began to gather momentum. Anna, as promised, arranged a celebration in honour of the successful completion of the operation. The table was bursting with treats, the Omega members were enjoying the evening, listening to music and being in the best of spirits.

When Anna noticed the high spirits of her men, she decided to make the announcement that the Omega was now growing from a special military unit into a full-fledged government organisation - the Secret Imperial Police. To which she immediately received a standing ovation from her soldiers.

- What are we going to be called? - Hector asked.

- That's what we're called. The Secret Imperial Police... well, or Imperpol for short.