
Akame Ga Kill: Garou

After his final battle against Saitama, Garou got thrown in the world of Akame Ga kill where no hero present only the corrupts and killers stand above the society

Milk_Is_My_Drug · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs


Akame spent the night watching Garou, who was meditating silently. She didn't attempt to talk to him again, she didn't have anything to say and she didn't have the will to do. Garou's presence deprived her of sleep, as she couldn't get relaxed about the man who caused her and her friends all these troubles even if it was their mistakes in the first place. And so the night passed.

The next day, Garou stared at Akame as she picked her weapon.

"Since moving doesn't seem to trouble you anymore, I will be taking my leave" Garou said these words then turned around and left. Akame stared at him as he was going further and further away. She sighed and then continued her way to the revolutionary army camp.

Her mind is still thinking about her conversation with Garou yesterday. She didn't know how the others would react to the news, Garou was not their enemy and those who died... died for no reason. Losing friends and comrades always hurt a lot, but knowing you lost them for nothing and you were part of the cause hurts even more. Akame continued her journey with a depressed expression.


Hours later, Garou arrived at the capital and made his way straight to the orphanage. When he was a corner away from the orphanage, he heard Bodou's voice screaming madly, Garou frowned as he fastened his pace.

Upon turning around the corner, he couldn't help but get shocked. The twin and the little emperor were fighting against each other, or to be more exact, the poor emperor is being ganged by the two. Garou watched as the twins were thrashing the poor boy. In addition, Bodou was standing at the side screaming madly, cheering for the little emperor while not forgetting to insult and threaten the twins. Garou was shocked by the great general attitude, was this the same strict general from before? Another thing he noted was a group of soldiers behind the general passing money to the other children from the orphanage with disheartened looks while others taking money from the children with happy faces. Were they betting? Garou wondered.

"What is going on here?" Garou asked which made everyone stop in their tracks.

Everyone turned around looking surprised to see Garou, Ari and Eren were the first to react followed by the beaten emperor.

"Teacher !!" All of them said

"Care to explain why the three of you were fighting? And what do you and your soldiers think yourselves doing?" Garou asked the children first before his stare moved to the Bodou and continued his second question.

"Cough…'' Bodou faked a cough trying to retain his deposition and get rid of this embarrassing situation. He then said "His majesty came here for a specific purpose and the spar was needed to prove how foolish the others could be" At the end, he gave the twins a glare promising pain.

"What about your soldiers? Why were they betting on the fight with the other children?" Garou asked again.

The general became stunned for a moment before turning around to look at his soldiers, who were sweating as they avoided his gaze. One of the soldiers glanced at the general and their eyes met. The general eyes had nothing but fury in them, the soldier shivered as he spoke hastily "I B.BET ON HIS MAJESTY"S VICTORY" then he pointed his fingers at the soldier next to him and said "HE BET THAT HIS MAJESTY WILL BE DEFEATED" making the poor guy pale in terror.

The general's eyes had a burning fury inside them as he screamed "ARE YOU STILL ROYAL GUARDS? YOU DAMNED FOOLS, I SHALL PUNISH YOU ALL MYSELF"

"You are no better than them, I could hear your scream from afar" Garou commented.

The general heard Garou but didn't look or react to him, he was too embarrassed to even look at Garou. He continued scolding the guards ignoring everything else.

"Teacher!! Why did you come back early? I thought it will take you a few days or even more than a week to come back" The little emperor asked while nursing his bruises.

"I got what I wanted and it was boring to stay there, so I came back. And again, why were you fighting like that? Even if it is a spare, why two vs one?" Garou said.

"Because he thought he was great and mighty Ari said with a huff.

"He thought he was strong enough to do whatever he wanted." Eren added

Garou was now more curious than before. As he looked at the three pupils of his. Two of them were angry and acting arrogantly, while the third, who is an emperor, is looking down depressed.

"Welcome back, Garou" Himiko came from the inside and said with a smile.

"Thanks. Do you know what is going on here?" Garou asked her, as he felt it was pointless to ask the children or the stupid soldiers.

Himiko started laughing, while Garou frowned again [ What the hell is going on here? I was absent for two days only ]

"Sorry ..." Himiko said while trying to contain her laughter "It is just his majesty came to propose an engagement to Ari. He wanted her to be his fiance and future wife. But she and Eren refused immediately saying he was not good enough for her and he was too weak. And so, the fight broke to prove he was qualified"

Once she finished speaking, she started laughing again, while Garou was now even more confused and shocked. He turned to the depressed emperor and said "Where did you get the idea from? Aren't you too young for this? "

The emperor looked up with shame as he said "The prime minister has pointed out that I came of age and I need to find a suitable fiance, while the marriage should be postponed a few years until I'm a little older. He also suggested a few candidates of what he deemed fit. But I didn't like any of them, I prefer Ari as she is beautiful, smart and a follow student under you"

Garou was now staring dumbly at them. At this moment, he was truly stunned beyond words, and to the first time, he lost his focus to the point he was defenceless. Even Esdeath's antics couldn't make him reach this point. Garou head moved slowly to the general and asked dumbly "Hey Bodou, you didn't object this?"

Bodou stopped shouting and scolding and look at Garou seriously then he replied " A stronger wife means stronger and better heirs"

The great general clearly didn't mind, he was a practical man. In his opinion, Ari was better than the noble girls, she was not arrogant nor spoiled. Moreover, he saw her courage, strength and how hardworking she was first hand. He naturally wouldn't object.

On the other hand, Garou finally facepalmed himself.


In the palace, the prime minister was pacing like a madman.

"That fucking filthy shit, how could this be? I showed him the most beautiful and noble girls, but he refused to even consider them and wanted a filthy orphan!!! I was supposed to retain my control over the little fool!!"

The prime minister walked closer to a nearby table and punched it with all of his strength, he screamed "It is his fault, all of this shit is his fault!!! First, Esdeath made him her highest priority, then the emperor started to listen to him and ignore me. That damned beggar, I can't let this go on!!"

The prime minister's face twisted into a sinister scowl.