
Aizen Sōsuke: The Savior

Aizen is sent to the Naruto verse for unknown reasons, he is given a mission by the gods. Will he succeed? Or will he perish?

OHRashed1 · Tranh châm biếm
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25 Chs

Chapter VI

Previously -

"Now, I must rest," Aizen declared, a hint of weariness creeping into his voice. "It's already late, well past 2 a.m." Without a trace or sound, he effortlessly vanished from the scene, leaving behind no evidence of his departure. The once-displaced wall seamlessly reassembled itself, as if guarding the secret of Aizen's presence.

Naruto(reminder: I will say "Naruto" when he is acting like Naruto and "Aizen" when he is acting like Aizen), as he assumed his true self, found solace in the embrace of sleep. The dreamscape awaited him, laden with untold possibilities. But his respite would be brief, for the following day held an important engagement at the academy—a reminder of his dual existence as both Naruto and Aizen. As he succumbed to the beckoning realm of slumber, his mind brimmed with anticipation and uncertainty, ready to navigate the trials that awaited him.

This Chapter -

Unknown place -

"_______-sama, you needn't worry about a pest, you are already well over level 10,000," a deep voice echoed, filled with both authority and amusement.

"It looks like he still has to grow in order for me to fight him. Well, whatever. Keep up your training, Uzumaki Naruto," another voice responded, laced with a smug tone.

1 month later at the academy -

Within the hidden village, life continued to unfold, and the ninja academy buzzed with excitement. It had been a month since the last time.

As the students gathered in the academy, Iruka's voice resonated through the room, announcing the arrival of a new transfer student. "Class, today we have the pleasure of welcoming Inglis Eucus!" he declared, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. The classroom buzzed with anticipation, curious eyes turning towards the entrance.


Again for clarification, just so there is no misunderstanding. She is an actual girl in this, soul and body. If you watched the anime I am sure you understand what I mean.

Inglis stepped into the room, a radiant figure that commanded attention. Her long, silvery gray hair cascaded gracefully down her back, complementing her captivating red eyes. Whispers of awe and admiration swept through the students as they took in her ethereal beauty.

"My name is Inglis Eucus. Nice to meet you all," she greeted the class, her voice gentle and melodic. The boys and girls alike were captivated by her presence, each forming their own thoughts and impressions.

"Inglis, go sit near the yellow-haired one. He has an empty seat," instructed Iruka, gesturing towards Naruto. Inglis's eyes scanned the room, her gaze eventually settling on Naruto, who seemed lost in his thoughts while staring out of the window.

Inglis approached Naruto and took the seat beside him, breaking his reverie. "Hi, I'm Inglis. What is your name?" she asked with a warm smile, her genuine curiosity shining through.

Naruto turned his head, meeting her gaze with a calm expression. "Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "Nice to meet you, Naruto," Inglis responded, appreciating his reserved nature. Naruto simply nodded in acknowledgment, redirecting their focus to the imminent start of the class.

As minutes passed, Aizen sat contemplatively in his seat, absorbed in his own musings. 'Now, I need to find a way so I don't need to shout the name of the spells I use," Aizen pondered to himself, his mind filled with thoughts of strategy and the desire to keep his techniques hidden from prying eyes. His fusion of jutsus and kido gave birth to a new concept he referred to as "Spells."

While Aizen's thoughts wandered, Iruka's gaze shifted towards Naruto, his intent to address him palpable. However, before the teacher could utter a word, Naruto surprised everyone with his preemptive response. "Yes, sir, I am paying attention to the class just fine," he stated confidently, his eyes focused on the front of the room.

The room fell into a stunned silence, the students and even Iruka taken aback by Naruto's inexplicable awareness. Whispers of astonishment and intrigue fluttered through the air, heightening the curiosity surrounding Naruto's uncanny abilities.

Among the crowd, Sasuke's mind raced with a mix of envy and ambition. He craved Naruto's power, convinced that it held the key to his own ascent. Determined to surpass his rival, Sasuke delved deeper into his scheming thoughts, contemplating ways to acquire Naruto's extraordinary abilities.

Elsewhere, a certain individual observed Naruto with keen interest, intrigued by his enigmatic nature. ______ ______, the prodigious shinobi and _____ __ Sasuke Uchiha, couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity toward Naruto's hidden potential. ______ recognized the spark within Naruto, a flickering flame that could potentially ignite into something extraordinary. Comment if you know who this is.

With Iruka left momentarily speechless, he mustered a response, albeit unsure of what else to say. "Uhmm, ok," he stammered, deciding to continue the lesson, hoping to regain control of the class's attention.

Little did they all know that this encounter marked the beginning of a captivating journey, intertwining destinies and forging unbreakable bonds. The story would weave a tapestry of adventure, sacrifice, and the enduring power of friendship, as Aizen, and Inglis embarked on a path that would test their strength, resilience, and the very essence of their beings. The echoes of their names along with some others' would resound throughout the shinobi world, leaving an indelible mark on history.

That night -

Mindscape -

That night, within the confines of their shared consciousness, Aizen and Kurama engaged in a profound conversation about unlocking the true potential of Aizen's spells. Determined to surpass all limits, Aizen sought Kurama's guidance in mastering the art of spellcasting without the need for verbal cues.

"Kurama, can you tell me how to use spells without shouting the name or chanting?" Aizen inquired, his voice filled with unwavering resolve.

Kurama, the powerful Nine-Tailed Fox spirit, regarded Aizen with a mix of caution and understanding. "Sure, but it's going to take time, and the process won't be easy," Kurama responded, his deep voice resonating within Aizen's mind. "It will be a painful journey, Aizen, but I can guarantee your success. However, be warned—it will push the limits of your endurance."

Kurama nodded, acknowledging Aizen's resolute determination. "The path is simple but arduous. You must undergo a process similar to when you fused with me before. This time, however, the intensity of the experience will be magnified a billion-fold or more, depending on the extent of power you desire. To truly reach the pinnacle, you will have to endure pain a quintillion times worse than during your fusion. It will be agony beyond imagination—a suffering that will make you wish you were never born. It will surpass even death itself," Kurama cautioned, his tone grave.

Aizen's lips curled into a confident smirk, a reflection of his unyielding resolve. "Ah, Kurama, I forgot to mention. But I possess pain resistance that exceeds the normal limits—negative one trillion times, to be exact. This means the amplified pain will be reduced to a mere 201,159,420,290 times worse. Not nearly as daunting as you might think," Aizen declared, his voice laced with an air of certainty.

Acknowledging Aizen's extraordinary pain tolerance, Kurama sighed. "Very well. Permission granted, then. Shall we begin?" Kurama asked, accepting Aizen's unwavering determination.

"With pleasure," Aizen responded, his smirk growing wider. The prospect of attaining even greater power thrilled him to the core. He was ready to embark on this journey, no matter the cost.

"Then, for the next 5 centuries you shall undergo fusion-like torment, intensified beyond imagination, in the real world 6 hours will pass. But you will attain power beyond comprehensible" Kurama proclaimed, his voice filled with both caution and anticipation.

And so, the grueling process commenced—a transcendence of pain and power that would test Aizen's resolve to its very limits. Time slipped away as Aizen's consciousness was submerged in an eternal sea of agony and revelation. Centuries passed, with each passing moment etching a new layer of strength into his being.

Within the vast depths of their intertwined souls, Aizen and Kurama forged an unbreakable bond, their respective powers intertwining and merging. Aizen's spirit resonated with Kurama's indomitable will, evolving and transcending boundaries previously thought insurmountable.

Little did they know that Aizen's journey toward unparalleled power was far from over. The true magnitude of his transformation and the repercussions it would have on the world remained yet to be seen. The stage was set for an epic clash of wills, where the fate of nations and the balance of power would hang in the balance. And through it all, Aizen's resolve burned brighter than ever before, ready to seize his rightful place as the supreme being of the Omniverse.

499 years 12 months and 30 days later(Inside mindscape) -

Inside the mindscape, Aizen contemplated the magnitude of the power he had attained. Tomorrow marked the end of his torment, the culmination of five centuries of excruciating suffering. Yet, despite the pain, a sense of anticipation coursed through his veins. The prospect of unlocking the untapped depths of his abilities filled him with an exhilaration he could hardly contain. He was determined to harness this newfound power to protect the world from any threat that may arise.

5 centuries later(Inside mindscape) -

Finally liberated from the confines of his mental crucible, Aizen turned his attention to Kurama, his faithful partner. "Kurama, with the strength I've gained, will there be a boost to my level cap?" Aizen inquired, his voice tinged with hope.

Kurama, the wise and powerful Nine-Tailed Fox, responded with measured words. "If luck favors you, Aizen, you may achieve a level cap of up to 5,000, and those levels will be fully maximized," Kurama revealed, his voice carrying a hint of optimism.

Aizen's satisfaction was evident as a small smile formed on his lips. "That is good news indeed," he acknowledged, his focus shifting to the task at hand. There was much to be done, and he was eager to explore the depths of his newfound powers.

With a calm yet excited demeanor, Aizen uttered the command that would reveal his current state—his status. The air brimmed with anticipation as the status bar materialized before him, displaying the remarkable enhancements he had achieved through his enduring trials.

The status revealed a transformation beyond imagination:

Status -

Physical Strength: 225,000 to <Maxed-4,500,000>(Surpassing the average ninja's capabilities, which typically hovered around 3,000, and even surpassing the Sannins, who stood at approximately 8,000).

Mental State: Level 500 to <Maxed-Level 2,000>, a realm of unparalleled mental fortitude.

Sharingan: 4 Tomoe Sharingan to 3 Tomoe Blue Sharingan, a secret power hidden within his eyes.

Mangekyou Sharingan: <Unacquired> to <Unacquired>, a dormant power yet to be awakened.

Rinnegan: <Unacquired> to <Unacquired>, the mystical eyes of godhood still beyond his reach.

Rinne-Sharingan: <Unacquired> to <Unacquired>, the ultimate ocular manifestation remained elusive.

Availability for Rinnegan: 90% to 100%, a tremendous power within his grasp.

Availability for Rinne-Sharingan: 10% to 30%, a door to unimaginable power that remained partially open.

Requirements to Obtain Rinnegan/Rinne-Sharingan: <ERROR>, an enigma yet to be deciphered.

Chakra Quantity: 4,500,000 to <Maxed-90,000,000>, surpassing the average shinobi's reservoir of 20,000 and even the Sannins' capacity of 150,000.

Ninjutsu: Level 15,000 to <Maxed-Level 300,000>, an augmentation of his mastery over the arts.

Taijutsu: Level 22,500 to <Maxed-Level 450,000>, a testament to his physical combat prowess.

Genjutsu: Level 1,000 to <Maxed-Level 20,000>, inferior to Kyoka Suigetsu, but still formidable.

Intelligence: IQ 15,000 to <Maxed-IQ 300,000>, a key factor for his success.

Speed: 300,000 Km/s to <Maxed-6,000,000 Km/s>, faster than light itself.

Stamina Quantity: 4,500,000 to <Maxed-90,000,000>, never succumbing to exhaustion.

Stamina Recovery: 1,500/s to 30,000/s, rapid replenishment of energy.

Hand Seals: 225/s to <Maxed-500/s>, the ability to perform 35 jutsus in a single second.

Reiryoku(Spiritual Power) = 3,000,000 to <Maxed-60,000,000>, old powers back

Reiryoku Recovery (New!): 5,000/s to <Maxed-100,000/s>, a new wellspring of eternal power.

Kidō/Bakudō/Hadō/Kaido: <Maxed-Can cast up to level 99>, complete mastery of the spells.

Ability to think spell names instead of shouting: <Unacquired> to <Acquired>, a massive power boost.

Ability to perform spells without chanting: <Unacquired> to <Acquired>, a formidable power enhancement capable of saving lives.

Overall = <Maxed-Level 5000>

Mindscape -

As Aizen absorbed the overwhelming information, his mind delved into the vastness of his mindscape. The possibilities seemed limitless, and the weight of his newfound potential settled upon him. This was only the beginning of his journey to claim his rightful place as the ultimate being in the Omniverse. The time had come to set his plans in motion, to bring about a world molded by his own design.

"It seems I have obtained the maximum level cap possible," Aizen mused, his voice filled with both satisfaction and a hint of doubt. "However, I doubt it will be enough to overcome the challenges that lie ahead, those who await us from other dimensions."

Kurama, always the voice of reason, responded with a chuckle. "Well, Aizen, that is a concern for the future. For now, revel in the power you have obtained. You are destined to become even stronger than anyone else. After all, your goal is to stand at the pinnacle of strength within the Omniverse."

Aizen nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Indeed, Kurama. I shall cherish this moment and wield this power to its fullest potential. But the path to true supremacy is still long and arduous."

Real world -

Aizen's surroundings mirrored the meticulous order that defined his character. His room was immaculate, every item in its designated place, reflecting his penchant for cleanliness and discipline. Not a speck of dust dared to mar the pristine surfaces. He believed that maintaining a pristine environment was conducive to his pursuit of power and perfection.

Leaving his room behind, Aizen ventured into the heart of his home. The aroma of breakfast wafted through the air as he entered the kitchen, where his family had already gathered. Minato, his father, had set off for his duties as the Hokage, leaving Aizen's mother, Kushina, to preside over the morning meal. Naruto, along with his brother Menma and their younger sister Naruko, joined in the family feast.

After enjoying a hearty breakfast and bidding farewell to his family, Naruto embarked on the familiar journey to the academy. The sun rose high in the sky, casting its warm golden glow upon the village. It was a new day, brimming with possibilities.

Arriving at the academy, Aizen found himself seated next to his close friend Inglis, just as they had done the day before. The other boys and girls couldn't help but be captivated by Inglis' enchanting beauty, their gazes lingering on her with admiration and awe.

As the lessons unfolded, Iruka, their teacher, imparted knowledge that Naruto already knew. His mind often wandered, preoccupied with thoughts of the power he had gained and the trials that awaited him in the future.

During a brief break in the day's lessons, Inglis leaned towards Aizen, her face flushed with a subtle blush. "Naruto, do you have any free time today?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness.

Curiosity piqued, Naruto replied, "Yes, I do. Why do you ask?"

A smile graced Inglis' lips as she responded, her voice filled with anticipation. "Would you like to hang out together then?"

Naruto's blue eyes sparkled with a mixture of surprise and delight. "Certainly! I'll pick you up at 4. Could you please share your address with me?" Aizen knew he had to be polite to the people that could result in success to his plan

Blushing even deeper, Inglis shyly revealed her address to Aizen. "It's **************."

"Thank you, Inglis. I am looking forward to our time together," Aizen said. Inglis' face the color or a ripe tomato

With a shared sense of excitement, Aizen and Inglis returned to their lessons, their hearts beating with the promise of an afternoon filled with companionship and the prospect of a deeper connection. Little did they know that their fateful encounter would serve as a catalyst for adventures that would surpass their wildest imaginations, intertwining their destinies in ways they could never have foreseen.


This is it for this chapter, hope you liked it. Next chapter "Chapter VII", see you next time!