
chapter 6


Sirone, who handed Fleur coffee, asked if he had any clothes he had brought with him.

The flue said it was used up on the way. There were many things that could be used in an emergency, such as bandages and ropes.

After changing into the clothes Sirone gave her, she told her story while recovering her strength.

The reason why Gaold was not arrested was his paranoid distrust of humans.

No, maybe it was because his wish was so earnest that he couldn't believe anything in the world.

This was evident from the one iron rule that Gaold laid down when he started the project 20 years ago.

When even the smallest variable occurs, cancel all plans and monitor the situation.

There was a time when Gando was absent from the Magic Association for about two hours without any reason.

In fact, it may have been just a private incident that could happen to anyone.

However, Gaold did not let go, and while disbanding the SS, he also left the association.

However, Wangseong's response was much faster than expected, and most of the SS were arrested.

Only Gaold, Gangnan, and Fleur managed to escape by resorting to force, but the association's pursuers also relentlessly followed their tails.

After being chased and chased like that, the place they finally arrived at was Gaold's alma mater, Alpheas Magic School.

Sirone looked at Fleur with a pitiful expression. According to her words, it was a miracle that she got here alive.

"You really worked hard."

Thanks to the sugar intake, Flu's complexion improved rapidly.

When he stretched out his arm and activated the Kubrick, a magic wand decorated with a phoenix was born in front of his palm.

"I didn't have a place to hide, but that's not why I came all the way here. The president of the association wants to meet Alpheas. But they sent me because the tracking was too bad. Even if I'm caught, if I die, that's it. Anyway Sirone, I need your help."

With Gaold's skills, it would be impossible to track them down in a normal way, but since there are many regular eaters in the association, it was better not to show up in case of an emergency.

"Where is the association president now?"

Flew got out of bed, swung his wand quickly, threw it behind his back, and headed for the door.

"I will guide you. Of course, if you want to follow me."

Flew's words were meant as a warning. If he wanted to get out of this situation, he meant to end it here.

"First of all, I want to meet and hear from you."

It is inefficient to risk one's life on false hopes.

Anyway, from the moment I entered the association, I was entangled with Gaold. In this case, she had to find a solution herself rather than hiding her face under the blanket.

'You trained desperately, Sirone.'

Sirone's temperament was different from three months ago. Just as life evolves in an extreme environment, Sirone also grew up in the fierce competition of the senior class.

"Yes, first listen to the president of the association and make your own judgment. But if possible… … ."

Flew passed the wand behind his back and was silent.

"I want you to help us."

These were words that could never be uttered in front of Gaold. It was also the first gesture to treat Sirone as a wizard.

"We are leaving now."

Sirone delayed answering and opened the door.

Wearing raincoats, the two climbed the mountain behind the building. It's easy to cast magic, but there's a probability close to 100% that Jonah will take it.

Gaold was hiding on the other side of the mountain range surrounding the magic school. He is not far in distance, but it is already dawn when he arrives because he has to cross the mountain.

Hiking up the mountain on a rainy day isn't usually a forced march, but Flew flipped over the hood of his raincoat and entered the cave without even a chance to catch his breath.

"President of the Association, I brought Sirone."

After letting Sirone in, she went out of the cave again and was wary of any pursuers.

All I could see inside the cave was darkness.

At the end of the darkness, flames soared and Gaold appeared as if only his face was floating.

Gaold, who was leaning back against the cavern and standing on one leg, smiled and raised his hand.

"Hey, Sirone."

Just looking at Fleur's condition gave an idea of ​​how difficult life must have been on the run, but Gaold was still alive and well, with his signature mad smile.

"You look relaxed."

"Hehe, it's worth living as an unemployed person. Well, I didn't do much work at the association either."

Gaold pointed to the seat in front.

"Sit down. Even if I can't serve tea, I have a bunch of stories you might like."

Sirone asked directly.

"How did you get hurt?"

Gaold put his chin on his chin and shut his mouth like a porridge. Rather than resentment or resentment, the main feeling was resentment.

"Gando broke my corruption. Of course, most of them are fabricated corruption. It seems that even King Adolf thought that this time would be unacceptable. Actually, I've been patient for quite some time. The problem is that most of my bodyguards have been arrested or are still being hunted down."

"Why didn't I expect Gando's betrayal? The bodyguards of the president of the association are people who have been picked and picked."

"That's your question. Certainly I have nothing to say about that part. That's a good thing. But thanks to that, it's easier to find out who's behind the scenes. There is probably Theraze behind Gando."

"If it's Theraje… … ."

She is the queen of Kashan. She was also the mother of Uorin and the head of the Valkyries, whom she met in Kazura.

It was easy to guess just how powerful Theraze was by simply listing what he knew.

However, it was still unknown why Gando's betrayal was connected to her.

"Did you ever meet Uorin in Kazura?"

"yes. I got a lot of help. She wouldn't be where she is today if it wasn't for her."

"Hmm, I got some help. Yes, that's right. Kuk-kuk."

Sirone put on a sullen expression. She saved her life because of her, so what's the point of laughing at her?

Gaold's laughter stopped abruptly.

"Perhaps Theraze… … It must be mitochondrial Eve."

"Mitochondria, Eve?"

"Except for the temple, few people know about it. Perhaps the woman you met, Uorin, is Empress Teraze."

"Please speak so I can understand."



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Gaold described mitochondrial Eve.

Theraze can pass on her memories to her daughter through mutations in her mitochondria. It is estimated that the timing of awakening memories is different for each individual.

However, if Uorin had already awakened at the time, Sirone would have met Empress Theraze, not Uorin.

"In that way, Theraze holds all the memories from the genesis of mankind to the present. It penetrates the essence of human beings through its vast database. To her, you are just an accessory that turns the wheel of history. The proof is the strongest object that you are holding, <Demonic Sword Armand>."

Sirone touched Armand on the waist.

I expected that it would not be a simple favor, but when I heard it, I got goosebumps. The most frightening thing was that even now, after realizing Theraze's true identity, I couldn't even guess what the meaning of this gift was.

"Theraze's ability is not limited to that. You see, we live in an unusual world. Erase Guffin. In other words, it has already been reset, and it means that you are living the life after the reset. It's speculation from here on out, but it's highly likely that Theraze still retains her memories from before the reset. If so, it is also possible to explain why Gando was able to break through my paranoid management and join the SS."

"From the moment Gando was born, he foresaw and planted today's events."

If you understand quickly, there is no need to waste time. Gaold nodded honestly.

"You got it right. No human could have predicted that far. It's possible because it's TheraJ."

Certainly, in this case, even Gaold of the world could not help it.

In the end, all the limbs were cut off, and the project that had been planned for 20 years was in vain.

But with everything lost, Gaold would have had only one choice left.

"What are the odds left?"

Gaold goes to heaven. He will go even if he loses his bodyguards and even if the plans he has been designing for over half his life are in vain. Because he is the one who would risk the lives of all mankind to save the labyrinth.

Gaold leaned back leisurely and crossed his arms.

"I can't do anything like this. But I haven't been playing for 20 years either. It's hard to say it's a last resort, but everything is not lost. Anyway, you are there too."

"I haven't said anything about helping the association president yet."

"Quack! Baby, don't push yourself too hard. The reason I told you my situation is to convince you of the instructions I will give you from now on. If you do just one favor, I'll say goodbye to you. Study hard and graduate."

Sirone was convinced with the words he had now.

At the point of fighting the world, there was no time to worry about the welfare of students.

"But would you have made me an offer?"

One of Gaold's eyebrows went up.

It was a transaction at the time when everything was perfect, and above all, it was a time when a year was given.

"You're not saying you've found a way, are you?"

"It's not even how… … ."


Gaold stroked his beard.

I am not a child who will make a proposal with a clumsy lie. But he didn't have the confidence to say that he had really found something.

"Okay, listen. How are you going to destroy Heaven?"

"Before that, promise me. If you meet the conditions, please share all the information the president of the association knows. It is a matter directly related to my life. Also, the final choice to decide on going to heaven must always be with me."

It was an unfair deal.

This is because Gaold divulges all information that could endanger his safety, while Sirone can withdraw at any time.

"Okay, let's listen."

Gaold readily agreed.

After all, negotiation is a process in which two selfish people meet and find a compromise. Rather, if the words were swayed by emotions, he would not have been able to trust Sirone.

It can't be seen as particularly disadvantageous, but Sirone added the condition 'if the conditions are met'.

Of course, if there is a way to destroy Heaven, I'm willing to take any risk.

However, even though I gave it a year, I entrusted it with the thought that it would be worth it to lose from the beginning. If it's a foolish way, just ignore it.

And perhaps, judging from Sirone's current skills, the result would inevitably be the latter.

'Because there's nothing wrong with getting even trivial information.'

Gaold thought so.

"Basically, it's magic using ataraxia,"


Sirone explained magic for 10 minutes.

Gaold never intervened. He just looked down at the ground and listened until the story wrapped up.

"… … If that happens, no, maybe it will destroy Heaven… … what such… … ."

When there was no response from Gaold, Sirone's voice gradually sank. It is because when he finally said it out of his mouth, the difficulties he had only thought of in his head came higher and his confidence disappeared.

Even after Sirone finished speaking, Gaold did not answer. He was just endlessly replaying, replaying, replaying the story from a while ago.

Sirone, who was even more intimidated, added his words.

"So, as the president of the association said, once you find a possibility… … ."


A rustle escaped Gaold's mouth.

"Quack! Kkkkkkk! Kkkkkkkkkkkkk!"

No matter how hard I tried to suppress it, a laugh scratched my throat. Finally, unable to hold on, he raised his head and burst into a frenzy.

"Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

As the cave roared, Flew entered, looking startled. However, after confirming that there was nothing wrong with Ga Old, he went back to being on high alert.

Sirone stared blankly at Gaold. I didn't know what the meaning of his smile was.

Gaold licked the corners of his mouth and glared at Sirone. The eyes reflected in the flames were blazing with fire.

"mi… … friend… … bloke."

It was the highest compliment Gaold could give anyone.


Middle East. Paras kingdom.

On a map west of Paras, the origin of an ancient civilization, the world's largest Akkadian Desert is colored ocher.

An endless sea of ​​sand.

It is extremely difficult for living things to endure in this place that has been heated for eons of time.

However, human footprints were imprinted on the smooth, spread sand as if it had been applied with cream.

Where the footprints were headed, a giant pyramid called an ancient ruin stood tall like a mirage.

In the heart of the Akkadian Desert, all the oases have dried up, and even travelers can't reach it, but few people know that this is the dungeon where the world's most famous mage lives.

A dungeon that belongs to A2 infiltration difficulty.

The person walking leisurely inside was Kang Nan, the former chief secretary of the Tormia Magic Association.

Wherever she passed, monsters of tier 5 or higher were wriggling against the wall.

The sound of high heels hitting the stone floor echoed with high-pressure suppression of their groans.

Gangnan's attire was a mess due to the long battle.

The button was missing, so the front was open, and the stockings were expanding in places in the form of droplets.

In his right hand he held a long horn, one of the dozens on a monster's tail.

The tail was connected to a green body that weighed well over two tons, and at the end of the body, a basilisk, the king of the desert with a hideous depressed nose, was coming along with its tongue out.


The appearance of Gangnan dragging a monster 20 times bigger than himself was obviously foreign, but even that was a minor problem compared to the light gait that he could not feel the weight of.

Kang Nan, who arrived at the end of the labyrinth, pushed through the stone door.

It was a huge cavity, and countless creatures living in the desert were stuffed with dried skin like tree bark.

At a table 80 meters away, someone in a turban could be seen intently working with his back.

Instead of knocking, Gangnan grabbed the basilisk's tail and threw it.


A majestic echo resounded in the Great Cavity.

"If you know, can't you just let me in?"

Only then did the turbaned figure look back. She was a slender woman in a desert-colored cape.

The eyes without double eyelids were large and long, and the chin was delicately slim. He was biting on the pacifier used by newborn children, and contrasted with his deep dark eyes, it created a mysterious atmosphere overall.

"It's been a while, Kangnan."

The woman's name is Zulu.

He was a certified first-class wizard of the kingdom of Paras and the only one among tier 1 monsters who could summon a lich and was the strongest summoning wizard on earth.

"yes. You seem to be doing well."

Gangnan spoke Middle Eastern, but Zulu insisted on the continental language.

"What am I? I haven't been out much since then."

The custom of attaching honorific words to certain endings remained the same.

It didn't match the grammar of the continental language, but it couldn't be helped if it became a habit from the beginning.

"sit down. I will bring you something to drink."

Kang Nan moved with a worried expression.

With Zulu's skills, he could make water in one sitting, but the problem was that he didn't do that. It seemed that when he became a first-class archmage, he developed his own rationality that was different from common sense.

As expected, Zulu poured an unknown liquid into a test beaker and set it on the table.

Kang Nan's expression as he looked at it was uncomfortable.

If it's not magic, water in the desert is more valuable than jewels. Even if it wasn't drinking water, a huge amount of water would be needed to run the experiment equipment in the Great Cavity.

The fact that the stuffed monsters around them were squeezed together without a drop of moisture was not because of their eccentric tastes.

Zulu removed the black teat and savored the liquid in the beaker. Since it was precious water, Gangnando had no choice but to pretend to drink it.

"I'll have a good drink. Surely it won't be like the urine of desert maggots like it was 10 years ago?"

"I can't give something like that to someone who hasn't been in a while. It is very precious water."

Kang Nan tilted the beaker slightly and tasted it.

As soon as my tongue started to get wet, a feeling of exhilaration rose in my throat.

"It's fine. Then what is it?"

"It's my pee."

Gangnan held the beaker and spat out the water in his mouth.

It could be said that just by not spilling it on the floor, it was an enthusiastic response to the first-class archmage's favor.

said Zulu with a smile.

"don't worry. It is distilled water."

"Of course it should. But I think I have a lot of this in my body."

"Whoops. It's still the same, Gangnan."

Zulu recalled 10 years ago when he first met Gangnan.

Although he had a much more rustic and youthful appearance, the harshness that gripped Gaold, the world's madman, was no less than now.

'You've grown a lot.'

Gangnan at the time was a wolf shedding blood. A hostile beast that set its fangs against anyone.

But now, much of that belligerence has been captured.

If he came down to the 19th floor of the pyramid without Gaold, he would have to assume that Simma had escaped.

"The elements in the natural world cycle. There is a cycle within a cycle. The act of drinking water is not to have water, but to intervene in the great cycle of life and death and cause another cycle. Humans can assimilate with nature when they entrust themselves to a perfect cycle with nothing to throw away or leave behind."

Gangnan listened to Zulu's words.

Not a magician, but the truth meets at the pinnacle.

If it was the teachings of the 1st class archmage, there was nothing to discard.

"Is that the secret to being able to command the King of the Dead?"

A lich is a thought body created by combining the flames of the great wizard. Therefore, it is known that since the target is already dead, the final stage of the boss, extinction, cannot be cleared.

Rumors circulate in the academic world that Zulu himself became a lich and that the summoned beast was just a doppelganger, but Gangnan, who actually saw him summoning a lich, knew it was a lie.



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When I saw it 10 years ago, I just thought it was overwhelming, but while working as the chief secretary of the Magic Association, I really became curious about the secret.

"How on earth is that even possible?"

Zulu turned her head away with sad eyes.

"This is the land of the dead."

The explanation was there, but it seemed like he knew Gangnan.

If you are a magician who realizes the principle of circulation that you can fill it only when it is empty, there is no reason to hide the secret of your boss from the beginning. However, since that is all of life, it was just too huge to put into words.


The Great Cavity of the Pyramid is the cradle of Zulu.

Abandoned here as a baby, she survived alone without anyone's help.

Did the monsters in the dungeon become their parents?

Zulu wasn't sure.

When she came of age to come to her senses, she was still alone, and all that was left was a small black nipple that her parents must have left behind.

From then on, the Zulus made the huge dungeon their home.

Death always rested on her shoulders. When you sleep, when you have to eat, even when you breathe.

It was a different kind of survival than what people in the slums like Radum experience.

For Zulu, survival was not a longing for life, but just another death in a changed form.

Gang Nan also had a rough life, but I couldn't even imagine what Zulu's life would have been like.

She spent her childhood with hundreds of monsters in a dungeon where she could not find food or water.

It may have been inevitable that Zulu became the world's strongest summoning wizard.

"I came because I have something to ask of you."

Kang Nan, who got to the main point, bowed his head and begged until his forehead touched the table.

"Help Gaold."

Zulu was lost in thought with her gaze somewhere. Then he slowly opened his mouth and answered in Middle Eastern.

"I get it."

Kang Nan's head flashed at the faster-than-expected acceptance.

In fact, getting the Zulu out of the pyramid was extremely difficult. Many of her high mages, even the royal family of Paras, begged her to become her aides, but all were refused.

Above all, Zulu is unaware of the current situation. Now that the plan we talked about 10 years ago is completely different, we have to take a risk with little chance of survival.

"sorry. There's something I haven't told you. Things suddenly changed… … ."

"Gaold is like a child."

Zulu recalled the first time he met Gaold.

"He is not trying to empty anything. He holds on to the end and refuses to let go, even though he is so wrapped up in it that he is about to explode, even though he is about to die in pain."

Kang Nan closed his mouth and listened.

"Nevertheless, the reason I was able to hold on was because I was waiting for the time to pour everything into it. Now is probably not the time. If this is also part of a larger cycle, then I think Gaold might as well stop relaxing."

"Mr. Zulu."

Kang Nan held back his tears and gave him strength.

Why do I shed tears when I hear the words that understand that disgusting human oblivion?

Sympathy for a madman abandoned after 20 years of hard work? If that's not the case… … .


Zulu said with a pretty eye smile like a child.

"Because when I'm with Gaold, something fun always happens."

Kang Nan raised the corner of his mouth with wet eyes.

That's it. A pure obsession that ordinary people will never understand.

It may be that he was possessed by the madness of a person who bet everything on one thing.

Zulu got up and prepared to leave.

All I had to do was to bite the pacifier and pack two water bottles in a small bag. It was a simple burden to see as a first-class archmage's appearance.

"let's go. It's a quick ride to the continent if you take the Kydra."

Kaidra, a tier 3 summon monster, was a gigantic bird that could fly 7,000 kilometers a day.

Kang Nan looked at Zulu's back as he left the Great Hall, then lowered his head in the unique attitude of Ram Muay.

In a different way from Gaold, he was someone he respected.

'thank you.'

Kang Nan looked back at the beaker on the table.

cycle. It can be filled only when empty. If you can't fill it, you can't empty it.

Taking a deep breath, she took the beaker and drank more than half full water at once.


Again, this doesn't fit.

The taste was definitely water, but it seemed that the trick of the Ilsimjo was not for anyone.

Wiping the steamy inside of his mouth with his tongue, Kang Nan followed Zulu and left the Great Hall.

* * *

As soon as the sun rose, Sirone went to the principal's office.

The first thing Gaold asked for was to deliver the note to Alfeas.

Seeing Sirone who suddenly came, Alpheas made a surprised expression, but after reading the note, he silently nodded.

Sirone also left the principal's office without saying a word.

There must already be kingdom intelligence agents around the school.

As long as there was no confirmation that Gaold was coming, he wouldn't be as vigilant as the capital, but he had a sense of danger for Gaold to act alone.

'If it's the principal, he'll take care of it.'

Alfeas, who has gone through all of the prenatal battles, can be relieved.

Also beside him was Olivia, a certified 2nd class archmage, so he was going to figure it out somehow.

It was not the time to worry about Gaold. Sirone is a suspect entangled with Gaold in some way, and she could end her life without being able to do anything.

There is no one who cares about Sirone's well-being in the face of a world-class event called heaven.

It was a situation where I had to make my own judgment and find a way out.

'Ikael… … .'

There is a reason to meet at least once after throwing away everything, but the situation was different from a year ago.

Even if he returns alive, he will become a traitor for the rest of his life and will not be able to escape being pursued.

Fortunately, Sirone still has the initiative.

After discovering the possibility of destroying Heaven, Gaold would classify Sirone as a key figure in the project, and if so, at least the foundation for survival would have been laid.

'First of all, information collection comes first. We have to solve them one by one, as carefully as possible.'

Short-sighted thinking can be more effective if things get out of control and out of control.

It was best to solve the immediate problem by following it like a blind man.


[403] Final Decision (3)

After completing the battery implementation evaluation, Sirone headed to the restaurant with her friends.

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Although I got a perfect score, there were quite a few sections where I felt uneasy, perhaps because I was disturbed.

As if my friends had already noticed, the atmosphere at the table was different from before.

Sirone was not in the mood to care about other people's feelings.

When will you hear back from Gaold? No, even if they contacted me, what choice would I make?

Everything was just unsettling.

"Sirone, what are you worried about these days? The expression is not very good. Aren't you sick?"

Amy put down the dishes and asked.

Even if it wasn't Sirone, all the students were down, but today, their faces were so pale that they couldn't bear to see them any more.

"are you okay. It's just that I'm not feeling well."

"Sometimes there are kids who can't control their condition before the midterm. I was like that last year too. Hold on a little longer though. Vacation is coming soon."

Sirone tried to smile.

As Amy, who has already experienced her senior year, she must be worried about herself shaking before the turning point of the 15th week.

"Sirone, water here."

Maya personally poured water and handed it to Sirone.

It was pitiful to see him not eating properly and playing with his fork.

"Yeah, thank you."

Sirone obediently accepted Maya's favor.

When dealing with someone, it can be said that his attitude towards Maya was unusual because he measured the distance of the relationship before emotions.

Amy pouted her lower lip and watched as Sirone and Maya exchanged words.

Maya is a nice and bright child. That's why she wouldn't hurt getting to know Shirone.

But at the same time, I felt strangely uneasy.

Do you feel like you've been deprived of a place you didn't even know you were?

Sirone asked while examining Maya's plate.

"what? Maya, why aren't you eating?"

"I ate it all. These days, I don't go in as much as I used to."

After the evaluation of occupying the high ground, Maya reduced the amount of food she ate.

To be precise, the original body has returned to the amount of food required.

Realizing that she had no talent for vocal music, Maya decided to enhance her sonic magic with her original voice, following Iruki's advice.

You have to become a wizard, the primary goal, to have a future.

But more important than her career path was the aspiration in her heart.

I want to be loved by Sirone. I want to appear in front of him with a more beautiful appearance.

Just by not binge eating, Maya's appearance became noticeably prettier.

As he lost weight in his face, his eyes became bigger and deeper, and the bridge of his nose also came alive.

His plentiful flesh had shrunk, and his clothes were loose, and his shoulder line came down to his arm.

Even the seniors couldn't openly ignore Maya like they used to.

In a sense, it was bittersweet, but the human nature of giving power to beautiful things seemed helpless.

Nade and Iruki were also curious as they looked sideways at Maya's changing appearance day by day.

'Certainly a lot has changed. The faces you saw in picture books are gradually appearing.'

As such, the strange tension intensified.

Everyone knew that Emiya was a miser, but Maya was bad at hiding her emotions, so she fell for Sirone.

Amy suddenly raised her voice.

"Do you have rice now? Even today's battery evaluation is okay. If I hadn't been careful, I would have made a mistake on one issue. Class Two is the stage where you compete with Class One. If you make a mistake in the first half, it will be more difficult in the second half when your stamina is relatively low. Keep your mind straight and do it."

Amy, who had already failed the graduation exam once, knew that now was the most important time.

Even if everyone is depressed about the Magic Association incident, they must face it with a firm sense of purpose.

It's rice. It's not like dying from starvation.

If you're not alert now, you're missing out on the biggest part of your life.

Amy hoped that Sirone would not regret it.

"Sirone, try eating this too."

Maya cut Sirone's favorite part of the meat so it was easy to eat and released it.

It was an act that revealed as if to block nagging, and there was actually a tearful side.

As the team grew closer, the question was whether Amy really loved Sirone.

Of course, Maya also wants Sirone to become a great wizard, but he thought that what a person who is stressed out with nightmares needs is not advice, but comfort.

'It's too much, Amy. If I were you, I would go crazy with happiness. I should be able to do anything Sirone asks me to do, but treat me carelessly like this.'

Sirone took the meat that Maya had given her and put it in her mouth.

I picked it because it was in the best condition to eat, but I didn't even know who brought it.

My head felt like it was going to burst with all my thoughts.

Had Gaold met Alfeas?

If the NIS is caught, continuing the evaluation as it is could be dangerous.

Just as navigation does not guarantee the safety of students, it is foolish to be optimistic about entrusting one's life to someone else.

Sirone put the tableware down.

Since Amy and Maya were in the middle of a war of nerves, Nade and Iruki flinched and looked back.

"sorry. I'll go to the dorm first. I am very unwell."

Maya got up right away, but Sirone left the restaurant without making eye contact with anyone.

Amy was just frustrated.

She knows that Sirone went to the Association. She is, so she wanted to tell me first.

Like when I went to heaven, like when I went to Kazura, like when I went to the old castle ruins, I wanted you to come to me first.



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'What's the reason? Why didn't you say anything this time?'

Maya looked at the door until Sirone left, then turned to Amy biting her upper lip.

There is no reason to hate Amy. What made her angry was the current situation where even her own feelings had to be approved by her.

Feeling Maya's gaze, Amy raised her head. Then she hurriedly turned her head away.

When I felt a firmer determination than ever in Maya's eyes, I thought that something had finally come.

"Amy, can you talk to me for a minute?"

Amy's heart sank.

I thought it couldn't be, but in a corner of my heart I knew that this time would definitely come, but when it came to me, I thought 'just a little later'.

"Can't we do it next time? I'm a bit busy today… … ."

"It only takes one minute. I'll wait outside."

As Maya walked away with the tray, Amy's head went pale. But in the end, I got up from my seat with a bit of reason that the future will come.

Nade and Iruki shrugged as they watched Amy follow Maya as if possessed.

* * *

The book 'Looking into the Darkness', which was placed in the principal's office library, went into the bookshelf by itself, tilted at 45 degrees.

The lock clicked with a thump from inside the closed library with the sound of gears turning.

A secret place designed by Alpheas long ago to store Erina's memories.

But now, all of her belongings have been moved to the annex, and the room on the 3.5th floor is empty.

Alpheas and Olivia went down the stairs side by side.

Unlike Alpheas's bitter smile, Olivia's expression was fierce. Perhaps, she seemed nervous.

"It's been a while, old man."

Gaold, who was sitting cross-legged on the bare floor, raised a hand resting on his chin and said hello. Flu was guarding him.

"hello. My name is Fleur, a Certified Level 8 Wizard."

"Long time no see, Fleur."

Fleur lowered her gaze at Olivia's greeting.

He has no shame in the face of the sky, but socially he appeared as a traitor, so he had no face to see his teacher.

'I was a clever kid, but why did someone like Gaold… … .'

It was a child he had been keeping an eye on since he was the headmaster of the Royal Magic School.

But the bright road ahead was now blocked. No, he was a fugitive with no guarantee of a future life.

All of this is because of Gaold.

How many people can one lunatic tire out and disrupt society?

Gaold looked around curiously.

"This is the Panic Room that has been rumored. I didn't know it would really exist, but anyway, the inspiration is also cunning."

Alpheas omitted the gossip.

"Why did you come to see me?"

"this… … A disciple visited his alma mater, and it was a congratulatory order. Isn't that too vulgar?"

"The school turned upside down because of you alone. Not a day goes by without agents coming in and destroying the school. If you had come just a few days sooner, everyone would have suffered."

"Geuk, Alpheas of the world is finished. The gore that walks around here wouldn't even know the agents came and went, and if they still had agents, they wouldn't let me in."

"You know that. So don't ask me again. Why did you come to see me?"

Gaold sighed and exhaled.

If you had come to ask for a difficult favor, you would have to lower your stance, but this guy's school didn't go far.

"I'm thinking of going to Estas."

"at last… … Are you saying you want to meet Miro?"

"Heuk, then I think you came to find something you left behind?"

"Gaold, your dogma is disturbing the world. Miro also doesn't want to see you anymore. She took it all in and went in on her own."

"How does the inspiration know that?"

Gaold's eyes widened.

Flew, who sensed the denial of super fever, squinted one eye, but Gaold only changed his face in a frightening manner, but did not radiate any murderous spirit.

"You know how many times I have sent in goal the guys approaching Estas. Not a single person has been let in for 20 years, including me. But how do you know what Miro is thinking?"

"Gaold, Maze… … ."

"it's okay. I will go into Eastas myself. Because we made it anyway. In fact, I have one more favor besides that, take care of me."

Alpheas asked in a resigned voice.

"So, what kind of situation are you talking about?"

"As you know, my limbs are all cut off. I got them all from the association. Of course, the key factors remain intact, but you can't do anything with your head alone. lend me someone Become a competent guy."

No matter how good Gaold was, it was impossible to carry out all the operations alone.

A person with a powerful one-shot is also necessary, but a minimum party, such as a person who creates tactics, a person who uses it, and a person who supports them, must be equipped.

"You say you are at this school, the Bishop of the Karsis Monastery."

Olivia came out in a fit of fuss.

"Do you think we will send our precious school personnel to limb? And what you're about to do is against the survival of mankind. Rebellion is not enough, are you trying to disturb the world now?"

"You are shutting up."

Gaold entered the room and saw Olivia face to face for the first time.

His stamina didn't explode, but energy that seemed to pierce his body was emanating from his eyes alone.

"Do you know why I'm still keeping you alive? huh? Do you know! Please answer me."

Olivia kept her mouth shut and glared fiercely.

"Because it's not worth killing."

The sound of grinding teeth came from Gaold's mouth.

"abstention? A person from the Teachers' Association, a student from the Kingdom, seems to be dragged into the dimension of cowardice, but what, renunciation? Do you know what they say about someone like you? dissembler. You don't like this or that, you have one of twenty cards that can determine the survival of mankind, and the only thing you choose is to give up?"

Olivia's lips trembled. The gaze that had been glaring at Gaold slowly descended.

"Oh, it was inevitable."

Whatever the choice, it wasn't the result Olivia was hoping for. No, actually, that thought was an excuse.

It was just scary. He was so terrified that he couldn't choose anything.

Transparent tears formed in Olivia's eyes, vividly feeling the sense of helplessness at the time.

Gaold turned away with an embarrassed expression.

She is a second-class wizard recognized by the world, but in the end, she couldn't even shed her skin. That's why she is only a 2nd class Grand Wizard.

'This is why I didn't want to come to school.'

It's all about the past here.

A past that cannot be erased no matter how much you erase it.

Gaold couldn't even remember what happened an hour ago, but the scenery reflected in his eyes on the Day of Judgment of the 20 People could clearly recall even the feelers of insects attached to leaves.


Gaold looked back at Alfeas.

It was a very human expression that probably everyone who knew him would have seen for the first time.

"Help me, please. Master."

"… … ."

There was a day called the 20 Judges.

The day when 20 people representing the world and Miro's position gathered to decide the future of mankind.

The result was 16 votes in favor, 1 vote against, and 3 abstentions.

There was only one person, Mirhi Alfeas, who valued one life more than the lives of all mankind.

The only one on Gaold's side, he gladly carved opposition into his cards.

"You know. I don't trust anyone but Master. Help me. You have to find the maze. It's not even dead. He's still alive there, so why the hell are you not looking for him?"

Alpheas was immersed in anguish.

Perhaps Olivia's choice in the Judgment of the 20 was the most rational decision that Sun could make.

But he knew how it felt when a precious person who could not be replaced with anything in the world disappeared right in front of his eyes.

It is not a choice made for the sake of the world. Alpheas was also an inescapable madman.

"Dear Ethella… … I beg you."

Perhaps Ethella would give permission.

The Bishop of the Karsis Monastery and the immediate successor of the Yin-Yang Wave Fist.

If he hadn't humbled his body and mind with the conviction of one thought and three thousand, he would not have the talent to be in the current position.

It was enough wood for Gaold to use.

"Stay here for a while. The agents will be taken care of by me and Olivia. Let's get ready to open Eastas."

When Alpheas turned around with a tired face, Gaold finally regained his smile.

Then, as if thinking about it, I raised my hand.

"Oh, wait."

Alpheas turned around in front of the stairs.

"Since you asked for it, invite just one more person."


Team Sirone gathered at the park for the first time in a while and discussed their schedule during vacation.

If the second half of the senior year is going to be more intense than the first half, it was better to set up a strategy in preparation for it from now on.

"Last year, I practiced alone, but I found out that there are some kids who form a team and do it. So, we thought it would be a good idea to form a group and do camp training."

It was a part that could not be easily thought of unless it was Amy who went through the senior year, so her friends were also reviewing it positively.

Iruki raised his finger and said as if there was one thing that bothered him.

"Of course, students with a team have an advantage when it comes to occupying a hill or interpersonal combat. But do you know After all, only 10 passers-by. Even if we team up, we still have to compete with each other to make it to the final 10. In short, how far should information be shared?"

If you have a trump card ready, it's natural to want to save it until the graduation exam.

If it was a two-person team, it would be close to a miracle for all five to pass, so it was an issue that had to be addressed clearly.

It wasn't something that Amy didn't know about either.

"I thought so too until last year. But you don't have to use all the vacation days. First of all, we can gather together and focus on basic training, and then study the special moves alone."

Amy emphasized that strengthening teamwork might increase the passing rate rather than studying special moves.

The reason is that the one who controls the current senior class is Fermi, and Sirone and his party are all stamped by him.

Since it was not known what would happen on the day of the graduation exam, the only way to reduce variables was to stick together.

"I think Amy is right."

Nade unconditionally agreed.

Actually, the graduation exam was okay, but it was thousands of times more fun to train with friends than to endure months in a terrible hometown.

"How about doing this? Let's do a short-term training camp for about a month, but let's borrow the senior class system. We set goals for each day and score each other."

Iruki nodded as if he understood.

"You mean to keep up with the senior class routine. that's a good way In a short amount of time, you can increase your achievement level, and in the remaining time, you can practice your own special moves."

Even while various opinions were presented, Sirone kept her mouth shut. He just kept his friends' faces in his eyes one by one.

Nothing has been decided yet, but the feeling is strange.

If I had to think of something in the last moments of my life, it would be the faces of my friends gathered here right now.

"huh? Maya, where are you sick?"

Sirone looked back at Maya for the last time and asked back in surprise.

Maya's complexion was not good. Her face was frightened pale, and her chest was rising and falling wildly as if she was having trouble breathing.

Nade, who belatedly discovered Maya's condition, asked anxiously.

"Are you okay, Maya? Shall I take you to the infirmary?"

Maya quickly shook her head.

Then, as if he had come back from amnesia, he raised his head and looked back at Sirone.



"love you."

Silence fell on the park bench.

Nade opened his mouth, and Iruki quickly blinked. Amy was the only one waiting for Sirone's reaction with a calm expression.

Sirone glared at Maya and swallowed.

It wasn't a joke this time. Her emotions, which had fallen like drops of water every day, formed a lake in her heart before she knew it.

"Uh, there… … Shall we get out of the way?"

Maya shook her head again and said.

"I didn't think I would be able to summon up the courage twice, so I wanted to say it in front of everyone. I'm sorry, Sirone. but i fell in love with you Please accept my heart."

Maya took out a stationery from her pocket. It smelled like flowers.

"Can you read it?"

After delivering the letter to Sirone, she averted everyone's gaze and got up from the bench.

"I will hear the answer then."

Nade looked at Amy as Maya left, leaving behind unknown words. Even in this situation, it was still a poker face that was not disturbed.

Amy walked behind the bench and peeked out from over Sirone's shoulder.

"Envy you. Get a confession from a woman. What is written on it?"

It would be rude to return Maya's heartfelt letter.

However, considering the delicate relationship between Sirone and Amy, it was a problem that could not be said to be absolutely necessary.

When Sirone hesitated, Amy smiled and tapped her on the shoulder.

"It's a joke. what's so serious You knew Maya liked you."

"No, it's too sudden… … ."

"Go to your room and read it to yourself. Read it two or three times. Then you can do whatever you want. Maya is a good kid. I'll go first. I'll see you tomorrow. hi."

Amy sighed and left without a moment to catch her breath.

It was only his face that was calm, but his voice was angry, and his behavior was awkward.

"Hey, what are you going to do? Is there anyone who has decided?"

Sirone held the stationery and looked into the distance.

Amy and Maya. They are so good that you can't even think of hurting anyone.

'Now I have to make a decision.'

Maybe Maya's confession was a good thing.

Heaven or humanity, I wondered if it was something that had to be sorted out first before discussing such grandiose issues.

"Nade, Iruki. I have a favor to ask you."

* * *

afternoon the next day.

Sirone entered the principal's office.

Alpheas silently pointed to the library and opened the secret door.

When I went down the stairs to my room, the expected and unexpected people were waiting for me.

The former were Gaold and Fleur, the latter Etela and Shiina.



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"You're here, Sirone."

Shiina's face didn't look good.

As I had heard everything about the existence and danger of heaven, and the people involved in the dark side of this incident, I couldn't help but feel it.

Sirone realized why Gaold had come to Alpheas.

Now that his limbs have been amputated, there are not many people he can turn to for help. If he was a teacher at Alfeas Magic School, he would have enough power.

"You must have had a hard time alone. Now the teachers will protect you, so don't worry too much."

Ethella, the Bishop of the Monastery of Karsis, would not fail to take action in the face of the fate of mankind, but Shiina's decision this time was solely for Sirone's sake.

There is no room to reveal Sirone's life, feelings, or dignity in a world-scale event. With the heart of a teacher who only cares about the safety of her students, Shiina willingly chose to go to heaven.

"teacher… … ."

Was it sad without realizing it?

Days of nightmares, fearing that his life would be destroyed by a sudden incident and worrying that he might be caught and sentenced to death by the NIS, passed by like a kaleidoscope.

"Are you here? Called to share all information as per the terms of the contract. Open Eastas today and meet Maze. It will be impossible to have a conversation in samadhi, but it is something you must check before going to heaven."

Gaold's voice reminded me.

This is the first reunion with Miro in 20 years. She also knew that it could be her last day seeing her.

"But can we go on like this? I don't know if there are still agents left."

The NIS set up barricades around Estas and searched the warehouse to find the 'upper level', which is said to contain the space-time of the maze.

Although he made a fuss and turned away, the possibility that he was still hiding could not be ruled out.

"Hey, it's okay. In the yard that came this far, it doesn't matter, right?"

Gaold left the room proudly.

When the wizard known to be the strongest in Tormia acted as if there was no problem, others followed without a sound.

After crossing the barricade of Estas, ninety-eight warehouses were scattered like dismantled blocks. Operation was stopped at the highest level of isolation.

"Nothing has changed here."

Gaold opened the lid of the Istas' instrument panel.

At that time when my hands were wandering because I didn't know which one to touch first, 10 National Intelligence Service agents came out from the back of the building.

"Mikea Gaold, under the Kingdom Security Law, you are arrested for treason."

Sirone hurriedly prepared for battle.

When his fears became reality, he realized how foolish he had been in following Gaold.

It was overlooked that even a first-class archmage was basically insane.

How could he have left such an easy judgment to Gaold? As if possessed by something.

Gaold wasn't even looking at the agents, he was examining the instrument panel.

"Hmm, how did you manipulate this? Hey, was it the red button?"

A cold voice came from behind the agents.

"It's the blue button, you idiot."

The agents split left and right and a man walked out.

The moment she looked at him, Shirone felt goosebumps all over her body.

All Baek's hair had no eyebrows, and her thin, thin lips were indistinguishable from her skin.

Most bizarre were his amber eyes. The irises were ticking like the gears of a clock.

"Ah, right, it was blue, right? As I get older, I keep blinking."

The man ignored Gaold's words and walked towards Alfeas. Then, in what seemed like a perfect isokinetic motion, he bent his back.

"How are you, Headmaster?"

"okay. It's been a while, Sein."

"Se, Sein?"

Only then did Sirone look away from the agents.

One of the first members of the Supernatural Psychic Research Society that Gaold had mentioned before. He was also the creator of the Master Equation of Istas.

Etella gently put Sirone on the shoulder and pointed at the agents.

"Sirone, look at them with synesthesia."

Following Etela's instructions, Sain's Spirit Zone split into tentacles, and he could feel that he was connected to all the NIS agents.

"Mind control?"

"that's right. That is the highest level of mind control."

If they came from the NIS, the force of the agents would be more than average. Also, due to the nature of the job, it had to be seen that there was resistance training in the mental system.

A person who succeeded in mind control on such people with 100% probability.

I've heard from Arin that in order to be able to do that, concentration equivalent to 20 times the opponent's mental strength is required.

Estas started to hum.

Gaold released his hand from the blue button and introduced Sein to Sirone, still looking at the instrument panel. This was also included in the contract.

"Sain is a Servant and a spirit-type mage. He currently works under the pseudonym Snake in Black Line. After all, he's a red-lined triple-A offender. Get your autograph."

"A black line?"

Sirone glanced sideways at Sein with an uneasy expression.

The Black Line is a group of people who deny the taboos of magic and use magic only out of personal conviction.

It is different from simply killing and harassing people.

It can be seen just by looking at the fact that even Arcane, the villain of the world, was located at the end of the red line spectrum.

Arius of the 7 Magical Girls, who illegally infiltrates the human mind and steals intellectual property, is classified as a risk factor that can collapse the social system.

"Usually, in the Black Line, if I were to pick the strongest spirit type, I would pick two people. One is Madou 7 Girls' Kitaruman, and Snake. Our team will take the order. Of course, I am the commander."

Sein snorted.

"The bullshit is still there. Did you really become an idiot for playing house in the association? The reason a guy like you can even imitate a commander is because my orders are accurate."

'He has a similar personality to Iruki… … .'

Sirone saw Iruki's arrogance in Sein.

I thought that if I lived with superhuman calculation ability, my confidence in myself would peak like that.