
Air and Water. (Zuko x Reader.) Very Slow Updates.

Not knowing much about who you are and what you are. You travel with the 2 water tribe kids and 1 air bender. He thinks he is the last air bender which he is wrong. While he has to learn water bending he has to teach you air bending. Can he really end the 100 year war. book 1 of 3. I don't own anything. Started: 10 June 2021 End:------

Nicky_Angel_Arlert · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Prologue Part 2.

One I forgot to mention is the ages of the other people.

You are 7, Sokka is 7, Katara is 6.

Zuko is 8, Azula is 6, Mai is 7, and Ty Lee is 7.

This if the uniform. You can choose which one you like.

(Can see the outfit and other pictures on wattpad. Sorry.)

I've being here for a few months now. Everyone is so nice to me, except for Azula and her father. Mai is in-between nice and not nice. Uncle Iroh said I can call him pappa Iroh. They both had to leave to go fight in the war. I became good friends with Ty Lee and okish friend with Mai, since we are the same age.

Today is beautiful day to be outside. Both Zuko and his mom sat by the pond feeding the turtle-ducks, while I sat behind the tree, looking up at the clear blue sky.

"Hey mom. Want to see how Azula feeds the turtle-ducks." He said. Then I heard a big splash and a small quack. I got on my hands and knees to look around the tree. To see what is going on.

"Zuko, why would you do that." His mom asked. The baby came up and looks fine. I let out a sigh of relief. 'That's good.' I thought.

The mamma duck first went to her baby to check if it was alright, before she quack angrily, she went to Zuko and bit onto his ankle.

"Ow, ow, ow. Ow." He screamed. Zuko's mom took the angry mamma turtle-duck of Zuko's ankle. I just shook my head. 'That's what you get for hurting its baby.' I thought.

Zuko's mom puts mamma turtle-duck back into the water and she swam off. She called her babies and they followed her.

"Stupid turtle-duck, why she do that." He sulked. "Zuko." His mom sat next him again.

"That's what moms are like. If you mess with they babies. Gump. They gonna bite you back." They both laughed.

I sat back down with my back against the tree. I hugged my legs, putting my face on my knees. Thinking of my mom, she was always there for me, and now she is no longer here with me. Tears started to ran down my cheeks as I sniffed a little.

"(Y/N) are you ok." I heard Zuko's voice. It sounded like it was very close. I looked up to see Zuko right in front of me on his hands and knees.

"I was just thinking of my mom." I answered. "You are missing her, aren't you." Zuko's mom asked.

I looked next to me to see Zuko's mom there standing on her knees. "I am. She sacrificed her life to try and protect me." I said crying even more.

"Come here (Y/N)." She took my hands and got me up on my feet and hugged me. I wet her clothes as I cried on her shoulder. I can feel Zuko tried to comfort me as well as he rub circles on my back.

"Shhh. Shhh. It's ok (Y/N). Let it all out." She said while stroking my head. I was crying a good few minutes before I started to calm down. She pushed me back a bit, and wipe a tear away with her thumb.

"Where she is now, she will always keep an eye on you. As long as you keep her here." She points to my head. "And here." She points to my heart.

"And she will always love you, and protect even though she isn't here." Zuko said. "Thank you. I really appreciate it." I gave them a closed eyes smile.

"Group hug." Zuko announced. Zuko's mom and I giggled a bit. After we giggled we all three hugged together.

Time skip brought you by my best gymnast teacher, Ty Lee. The next day.

I'm now sitting next to Mai under a tree while reading a book with her. "Hey (Y/N)." I looked up and saw Ty Lee ran up to me. "Want to do cart wheel with us." Ty Lee gave a close eyes smile.

"Ummm." I looked at Mai and she nodded yes it's fine I can go if I want to. "Ok sure. That sounds like fun." I looked back at Ty Lee and also gave a close eyes smile to her.

"Come on than lazy bones." She grabbed my hands and pulled me up. "Ok ok I'm coming."

She dragged me where Azula was standing. "Nice of you to join us." Azula smirked.

'I think she is going to try and embarrass me.' I thought. "Why don't you go first." Azula smirked even more. 'She is.' I thought. But little does she know I had a great teacher.

I looked at Ty Lee. And she just smiled at me, knowing that I'll do great. I got in position, and did 4 cart wheels and 2 back flips and landed on my feet.

"Yay. Well done (Y/N)." Ty Lee cheered while clapping and hopping at the same time.

"Hpmh. Beginners luck, that's all." Azula crossed her arms and looked away.

"Azula it's your turn now." Ty Lee said. "Hpmh. Fine." She did a cart wheel good. But when she wanted to do a back flip she tripped and fell on her butt.

Ty Lee was next and she did hers perfectly as well. But Azula wouldn't have any of it. So she got up and pushed Ty Lee down.

"Azula." Ty Lee said annoyed. I ran to Ty Lee and help her up. Azula just laughed. "Thanks (N/N)." Ty Lee whispered. I just nodded my head.

"Azula. Why did you push her?" I turned and looked at Azula, while I put my fists on my hips. "I don't know what your talking about (Y/N)." She giggled, trying to play innocent.

"Uuggh." I let my arms fall to the side in defeat. Knowing if I fight with a royal, I'll just get punished for it.

I looked away from Azula towards the palace. Then I notice someone, actually two someone's, walking out of the palace.

Zuko saw me and waved. I did my closed eye signature smile and waved back while my cheeks warmed up a little bit.

All the time I spent with Zuko was nice. I ended up developing a small crush on the prince. But I know it won't work out because he is a prince and I'm a nobody.

I first heard giggles, before I saw Azula run past me. "Mom, can you make Zuko play with us? We need equal teams to play a game." She had her hands behind her lower back, trying to look and sound innocent.

For the few months I got to know her, she is not as innocent as everyone think she is. Even her mom knows that.

"I am not cart wheeling." He lend on the railings, annoyed.

"You don't have to. Cart wheeling is not a game." she crossed her arms. "Dumb, dumb." She mumbled softly, but I heard her. I'm not very happy that she called her brother that.

"I don't care. I don't want to play with you." He is even more annoyed at her.

"We are brother and sister. It is important for us to spend time together. Don't you think so mom?" She put her hands behind her lower back again.

"Yes darling, I think it's a good idea to play with your sister." She said aloud. Then she whispered something in Zuko's ear. "Go on now." She ruffled his hair a bit. "Just for a little while." With that she left and went inside. Zuko came and stood next to me.

Azula stood in front of us, Zuko, Ty Lee and myself, before she spoke. "(Y/N), go and get Mai's nose out of that book." She commanded. 'Man can she be anymore bossy.' I thought.

I turned around and walk to the tree where Mai was sitting under. "Hey Mai." She looked up at me. I crouched down so we were eye level. "Azula wants you to come and play a game." I stretched my hand out for the book.

"Ok." She gave me the book before she got up and went over to them. I just turned my back to them when I heard Azula. "And where do you think you are going?"

I turned back and looked at her. "You have four players. That's an even number." I pointed out to her.

"Oh, I'm not playing. I'm just going to make sure no one cheats." She stated.

"*Sigh.* Ok fine I'll play with then." I went over to them.

"(Y/N) and Mai, you two come and stand here." She pointed next to her, in front of the fountain. Mai went to stand next to Azula's left side, while I went to stand next to Mai on her left side, away from Azula.

"Here's the way it goes." Azula picked two apples from tree. "Now what you do is, try and knock the apple off the other person's head."

Azula places the apple on Mai's head. "The catch is, there is no bending allow. Do you mind demonstrating Ty Lee." Azula asked while taking a step back.

Ty Lee nodded yes. She did a few a few flips. When she was in front of Mai, Ty Lee jumped high up and did a round house kick. Knocking the apple off Mai's head.

Ty Lee did something unexpectedly. She landed on her feet, she kissed Mai on the tip of her nose, making Mai blush a little. I was a bit shocked, but who am I to judge. I turned to look at Azula and saw her make fake gags in silent.

Then she stood up straight and cleared her throat before she spoke. "And that's how you do it. Minus the kissing part of course." She smirked. "Ok Zuko its your turn." She had a big smirk on her face. She is up to something I just know it.

Zuko got into a fighting stance ready to knock the apple off my head. To be honest I wasn't scared, I trusted Zuko. Azula came over to place the apple on my head. She moved me a little. I was just staring at her while she moved me.

When she was done moving me a bit, she took a step back. "Ok Zuko whenever your ready." She said.

I turned my head to face Zuko. One minute he was calm, the next he was panicking and rushing towards me.

When he was in front of me, he slip, trip or something, because he began to fall on top of me. I closed my eyes, before I felt something soft hit my lips while I fell backwards right into the fountain.

I heard two people started laughing. "See I told you it would work." Azula laughed. "Ahhh they are so cute together." Ty Lee said.

I opened my eyes to see Zuko's face too close to mine, with his eyes wide open. He moved away from me blushing. 'Wait was it Zuko's lips what hit my lips.' I could feel my cheeks getting warm.

Zuko got up and started walking away. "You three are such uggh." Mai started but didn't finish because she was at a lose of words, or just angry, and she is blaming me as well. I moved my hand to touch my lips a little bit, I'm still in deep shock of what just happened.

Zuko's mom came out the palace and walked towards us. "I was just coming to get you. Uncle Iroh send us a letter from the warfront."

She pulled a scroll out of her long sleeve. Zuko was just about to walk past her. "Your soaking wet." She said a bit worried.

"Girls are crazy." He stormed inside the palace. Her eyes followed Zuko until he disappeared inside the palace, to properly put on some dry clothes.

'I think Zuko is blaming with me too.' I looked down at my hands, while I sat crossed legs in the fountain, not bothering to get out the water. It was quiet before I heard a somewhat of a familiar female voice spoke.

"(Y/N) are you ok." I looked up to the voice and saw it was Zuko's mom. I just my head nodded at her.

"Come on. Let's get you out of the fountain and into some dry clothes. Ok." She hand her hand out stretched in front of me. "Ok." I said shyly.

I took her hand, and she helped me to stand up first before helping me to step out of the fountain. Not letting go of my hand, she led me inside the palace.

We just at the doorway when she stopped. "Azula meet me in the dining room in 20 minutes." She said to her daughter Azula, before we entered the palace.

We walked in silence to my room. When we got there Zuko's mom opened the door, and pushed me in before she came in and closed the door behind her.

She went to my wardrobe and took out (F/C) towel. She came over to me and pass me my towel. I took it gently from her and laid it on my bed. She turned and went back to my wardrobe to get dry clothes out for me.

While she did so, I took off my wet clothes and started to dry myself off. Zuko's mom came back to me and laid my dry clothes on my bed, before she started to pick up my wet clothes and hanged them on hangers to let them dry properly.

"You don't have to do that, mam." I was a bit worried. "No its fine, don't worry sweetie. I wanted to help you out." She smiled at me.

Once I was dry enough, I put on my dry clothes. "Ok (Y/N). Why don't you go to the dining room so long. I'll meet you there. I need to go look for Zuko first." She said. "Ok see you there then." With that said we both left my room.

Word count: 2355