
Ailing Love

A gloomy and uninspired teenage boy finds himself in a dreadful predicament when the girl he saved from sexual assault develops an unhealthy obsession towards him.

Brouhder · Thành thị
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11 Chs

A new student

"Looks like we have a new student. Please introduce yourself from your seat." My chemistry teacher politely asked, projecting her voice in the back so the student could hear. I didn't take my head from my desk as she spoke. Why should I care? Just another person. Nothing of importance could come from this school or especially this class. Just a place to waste my time.

"Caleb please show some respect to your new classmate and take your head off your desk." Mrs. Torske ordered. I reluctantly angled my head up and turned to my back to listen to the new student speak.

Huh a girl, and a cute one too. She had short black hair that ended by her collarbone, brown but almost maroon eyes, and a nice smiling face, I thought. The girl lightly cleared her throat and spoke quietly.

"Hello my name is Hannya Mont. I just moved in last week. I hope I can be friends with you all." She smiled and quickly shot back down in a seat in the far back left, a few chairs from me. Interesting name. The rest of the boys would definitely do everything they could to secure a date with her. I continued to do my work silently and turned it in before the bell rang.

I made my way through the crowded and stuffy halls that plagued my high school, after I deposited my chemistry binder in my locker. Chemistry was my least favorite class of the day. Out of the few people I could call myself friendly with, none were with me. I never saw the point of learning it either. Just as I was entrenched in my thoughts, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly jerked my head sideways to be greeted by my pal, Noah.

"Oh it's just you," I sighed and regained my composure, "you need to stop sneaking up on me."

"No matter what I do you'll still wet your pants." Noah snickered and took his hand off. "Just got out of chem, right?"

"Yeah, boring and useless as ever. Don't think I'll have to know the noble gas configuration of a cucumber when I go to a store."

Noah was one of the few people who could put up with my pathetic whining attitude. I knew him for a good four years.

He chuckled at the joke and moved to the side to let a person pass him in the hallway. You think Mr. Pike will still be here? I heard he's out sick."

"Don't believe everything you hear. Rumors are rumors." I slouched forward and breathed out.

"Jeez you're no fun." Noah scowled lightly. He definitely wasn't wrong. It seemed in any happy conversation I would find myself a way to deject it just by being me. Everything was a bother. "You think you're gonna try out for baseball this year? You used to be great back in middle school."

I glared at him and made a tsk. "No. I don't think I will. I hate this school, what's the point of representing it? Everything fuckin sucks."

"Cmon, again with that attitude. If you tried I swear people would like you. Can't you understand nobody wants to hang out with a... er uh pessimistic person."

Hmm I wonder what you were gonna say buddy, I nearly said. "Hey I'll catch you in class, gotta use the restroom." I patted his back and made a turn.

"I thought you were all empty after I scared you?" Noah jeered. Haha very funny.

After I washed my hands I rushed out of the restroom as to not be late for class. Sure I hated school but I didn't want to get sent to the disciplinary office. That would be even more of a drag. Not a second out the door did I slam into someone. It was the new girl from first period chemistry. She smells... nice. Jeez stop acting like a creep and apologize! What was her name...? Hannya I think it was.

"Oh Ah Sorry. Hannya right?" I mumbled awkwardly. She stared at me and wouldn't answer. Great job at talking to girls Caleb. You nailed it, I sarcastically mused.

I turned around and continued my pace.

I looked back a few seconds later to see her still standing in the open empty hallway, her back facing me so I couldn't see her face. Did I hit her too hard? I turned my head forward and continued my rush when I heard the late bell. She showed no signs of moving. Weird. Didn't she have a class to get to? I wondered.

After sitting down, I only looked up from my seat when I heard the voice of Mr. Pike coming from the front of the class.

"Alright class please turn to page forty seven in the workbook. Complete the first ten questions and we'll review once everyone finishes."

I started to think back to what had happened after I left the restroom. I felt a bit bad. Hopefully I didn't leave too bad of an impression. Maybe I hit her too hard?Heh why do I care... dwelling on stupid things like that will only stress me out, I thought. Mr. Pike snapped his fingers inches from my nose. It jolted me back to the bleek setting of class. A few people laughed, including Noah.

"Ahem Caleb. You seem to be bored of the material. I'm sure you'll find it quite interesting after I explain it to you after class." "Uh y-yes sir." I answered him. Great absolutely peachy. I sarcastically mused in my mind.

Again a few giggles escaped the room. My classmates meant no harm. I was just a nobody, at least weird kids were given attention in the form of bullying. Most of them wouldn't be able to conjur my name into their head even though I had been attending school with them for years. But could I really blame them? I never answered questions, always kept my head down, and didn't have any outstanding or likeable traits to make people want to approach me. Pathetic.

After class had ended, Noah stuck his tongue out to tease me. Mr. Pike got my attention with a loud sigh.

"Caleb You're one of my most unmotivated students. Your laziness won't be tolerated with me any longer, mr. I won't hesitate failing you and I know we both don't want that. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir." I uttered while resisting a growing urge to grind my teeth. I took my books to my locker, nearly slamming the squeeky metal door shut as I rushed to my next class.

Most times in class I would reluctantly do the work, the bare minimum and get a mediocre grade. I wasn't particularly dumb I was just never motivated to excel.

After school I grabbed some of my supplies from my locker and started walking back home. The same boring routine. Every. single. day.

I got a text from my mother as I was walking. It read "pick up milk." Guess I'll have to take the longer path. I sighed and tightened my grip on my book bag strap.

I wish I could just escape. School is a bore and home is torment.

The bell on the door jingled when I stepped into the airy and dimly lit convenient store. I waved to the owner and trailed to the clouded refrigerator door and picked out a gallon of milk. I placed it on the counter and cleared my throat. After I get home I'll do my homework, warm up the old Chinese in the fridge, get berated by my parents for being late, go to sleep, rinse wash and repeat until I get to move out. I'm living the life.

"Ahem," The man waited for me to pay. "I said that'll be three fifty."

"Oh uh right." I fiddled through my wallet before paying and leaving. Jeez stop day dreaming you absent minded idiot.

I reluctantly took a longer more shady path to my house. Couldn't she just get the milk while I was in school? "I hate this route- always worried about being mugged." I muttered as I sped up my pace.

And then the scream.

I stopped dead in my tracks, almost tripping over my shoe laces. Holy shit what was that?! It sounded like it was just around the cor... I creeped out the side of the edge of the alley to find a large man towering over someone. I knew it was a girl, the scream was so high pitched. Cmon it's nobody. It's none of your business. Just get home and don't be late; do you want to get lectured? I continued walking, my heart beat rising with every step I took.

"Get off me! St-stop!" I took a peak at my hand, I was clenching the strap of my book bag so hard that my palm was bleeding. I hadn't cut my nails in sometime. Fuck. Cmon are you just gonna stay transfixed at your hand like a pussy or go stop... whatever horrible thing is about to happen. For once in your life stop being a passerby, an observer. Stop moping. Sure you're an uninspired lazy pathetic teenager but you still have a conscious? A sense of morality? I was frozen in place as the man started to grab at her white uniform shirt. Cmon Caleb, that guys gonna rape her and maybe even kill her. She'll never forget that trauma. It's pathetic that you've waited this long to even make a choice you Jack ass!

I turned around and ran at the man. I switched the milk jug to my bloody but dominant hand and drilled it into the back of his head, pitcher style. It knocked him down.

"R-Run!" I barked at the girl and she of course listened; she jet out of the alley, while she buttoned up her shirt. Her black hair brushed against my face. It was the new girl. I could tell. She smelled just the same.

Relief and pride swarmed me. I accomplished something, I did something good.

That was until I was punched in the gut.

Please give your thoughts!!! This is my first time doing anything like this (edit: changed the girl’s name, new one has more meaning

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