
Aiding My Queen With My System

Chu Feng transmigrates to a fantasy world only to realize that he’s a handsome but useless man who’s marrying into the family of Ji Rui, a capable woman of very high cultivation level. He quickly falls for his beautiful fiancee only to find out that she just wants to maintain a fake marriage to appease her powerful father, Ji Zheng. He finally finds himself in a situation that he would usually find in novels upon getting married—he is blessed with the Divine-level Son-in-law Freeloader System. The irreverent system rewards him with mysterious gift packs and rare treasures for his efforts in completing missions, resulting in him quickly advancing from an ordinary person to a cultivator. Ironically, Ji Zheng becomes more powerful due to a treasure Chu Feng receives from the system, which culminates in Ji Rui becoming the supreme leader of the four major sects in the world. However, opposing forces remain lurking in the shadows and Ji Zheng decides that a special treasure is required to aid Ji Rui in her ultimate advancement in cultivation. In her search for this rare treasure, a stranger from afar comes with information of a cryptic ravine that splits the Purgatory Sea into two. She decides to follow the stranger and brings Chu Feng with her on the dangerous trip to the faraway Purgatory Sea which teems with itinerant cultivators, demonic beasts, and valuable treasures. When they run into a life-threatening situation, Chu Feng says to Ji Rui, "My instinct is to protect you." She is amazed with this man in front of her. Why would this weak and useless man want to save her when he knows that their marriage is only a sham? What should she do with this husband of hers? What would happen to their relationship when they find the special treasure?

Spirit Caster · Huyền huyễn
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40 Chs

All Three Old Foxes Are Here!

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

"Ahem… It's fine. Even if they were already unhappy with the Dual Polarity Sect, they wouldn't choose the day of your marriage to cause trouble."

Ji Zheng said firmly.

As opponents for many years, the four of them knew very well the differences in strength between them.

Ji Zheng knew the differences in cultivation level between him and the others. Even after he failed to transcend the tribulation, none of the others could cause him any fatal damage.

"There's no need to worry."

He shook his head and comforted Ji Rui by saying, "The three of them are at the peak of first-stage Martial Sage level. Although I failed to transcend the tribulation and can only be stuck in this position forever, these three old farts can't surpass me."

Seeing that Ji Rui still had some wariness on her face, Ji Zheng continued, "Even if my life is about to end, they won't provoke me at this time. Hmph, just watch. These are all old foxes who have lived for thousands of years."

"Even if I have to die together with them, my dying body is enough to take any of them away and protect you! Don't worry, daughter."

Instead of relaxing, Ji Rui's expression became even sadder.

She knew in her heart that if her father had not been in a hurry to transcend the tribulation and had hurt his foundation, his cultivation would not just be at the first-stage Martial Sage level.

Moreover, her own cultivation level was only at the ninth-stage Martial Sage level, which was a level that was better than most but worse off than some. Once her father really passed away, the Dual Polarity Sect under her would become a fat piece of meat on the chopping board, waiting to be butchered!

"Rui'er, don't let your imagination run wild."

Ji Zheng was well aware of his daughter's thoughts. He waved his hand and said, "Everyone has to die, but even if I die, I'll arrange the affairs of the Dual Polarity Sect before that. I won't leave you with any worries."

Ji Rui's eyes widened and she nodded. "I understand, Father. I've always taken to heart what you taught me when I was young. One can never lose the faith to move forward. Otherwise, one will become a speck of dust in the world."

"Good child!"

"As warriors, we are destined to overcome all kinds of hardships. My only regret is that I was unable to break through to the Martial Emperor realm and wasted more than a thousand years here… Before I leave, it would be great if I could see you leading the Dual Polarity Sect further."

"It has only been a short 3,000 years since you were born, but you have already reached the ninth-stage Martial Sage level that countless people can only dream of. As long as you train patiently, you will definitely be able to reach a realm that no one has ever reached before! At that time, you can help me see the ultimate realm that I dream of."

"Father, don't say that!"

Ji Rui frowned slightly and said, "When that time comes, it will be better for you to be there to watch me step into the Extreme realm with your own eyes."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to live until then… Unless I can find the opportunity of the Heavenly Dao in the next half a year. But this kind of opportunity is hard to come by."

"Half a year…"

Ji Rui could not help but grip Ji Zheng's hand tightly, her heart aching.

Although she was now the sect master of the Dual Polarity Sect, many important matters were still decided by the old sect master. Perhaps she was a genius in cultivation, but she was still too inexperienced in managing the Dual Polarity Sect.

But now, her only family was about to leave her.

From then on, she could only walk alone in this world in search of the ethereal and unpredictable Heavenly Dao.

"Even a Martial Emperor will face death one day. Rui'er, you have to remember that once you start to fear death, you will forever lose the opportunity to advance your cultivation."

"Look death in the face and seize whatever opportunity you can. Don't leave regrets, even if it means death."

Ji Zheng looked at the three people slowly approaching and snorted a laugh.

"This is really unexpected. I've long heard that you, old man, are about to die, but you actually hung on until now. Hahaha."

"Congratulations. You've finally waited until the day your daughter gets married."

The three of them walked side by side on the red carpet, with smiles on their faces that could not be read.

Ji Zheng also smiled and said, "How can I bear to die before you old fellows?"

"Ji Zheng, oh Ji Zheng, it really is not your time to die yet. A few years ago, when I was traveling around, I happened to obtain an elixir. It can allow the person who takes it to rise from the dead and increase the lifespan by at least a hundred years. I had planned to use it to help me transcend the tribulation…"

Miao Yuan's gaze landed on Ji Rui. After sizing her up, he said, "I've changed my mind now. If you're willing to marry Ji Rui to my son, Miao Tianyi, this elixir will be my betrothal gift. How about that?"

When they heard Miao Yuan mention the elixir, the expressions of the other two men changed. One had to know that this was a Nine Yang Recovery Pill refined from absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for a thousand years and it was the only one in the world.

Miao Yuan was actually so generous as to give it away?

When Ji Rui heard that the Nine Yang Recovery Pill could increase one's lifespan by a hundred years, she could not help but be tempted.

If her father, Ji Zheng, really left just like that, even if she used all her strength and relied on her ninth-stage Martial Sage cultivation, it would be difficult for her to protect the Dual Polarity Sect under the watchful eyes of the other three sects.

Marrying Chu Feng today was only to fulfill one of Ji Zheng's wishes, so that he could personally see her get married and establish a career before he died.

"Hmph, what kind of treasure is that Nine Yang Recovery Pill of yours? Is it worth exchanging it for my daughter? Miao Yuan, my daughter is a peerless martial arts genius. You should just give up!"

"Besides, I've built this foundation of the Dual Polarity Sect over my entire life. If the Dual Polarity Sect is Rui'er's dowry, what can you give us in return?"

Ji Zheng looked up at the sky and laughed. "Miao Yuan, your plan is simply too calculative."

Miao Yuan's expression was a little gloomy. He said coldly, "I'm doing this to save you and extend your lifespan to a hundred years. After that, whether you can live or not will depend on your own luck. Why are you maliciously speculating about me?"

"Ahem, today is Ji Rui's big day. Brother Miao Yuan, it's better if you don't raise this topic."

"By the way, Brother Ji Zheng, has your worthy son-in-law arrived?"

Ji Zheng smiled and pointed into the distance. "Haha, speak of the devil."

Everyone looked in the direction Ji Zheng was pointing to. In the distance, a team of people dressed in red with big red flowers appeared, beating gongs and drums as they headed towards the peak.

The carriage stopped upon seeing Ji Rui and the others from afar and the festively red curtain was lifted from the inside.

A man in a red wedding dress stepped out of the carriage. He had a handsome face and a refined posture. Although he was wearing a bespoke female wedding dress, he did not look effeminate. Instead, he looked beautifully androgynous.

A clamor rose around them.

"Wow! Look at this stance, no wonder the sect master of the Dual Polarity Sect took a fancy to him."

"This guy looks so thin and weak, I wonder what his cultivation level is. Our sect master has already reached the ninth-stage Martial Sage realm. Since he's the son-in-law, he can't be too far off…"