
Ai Npo Kyoryoku

First book, I hope you enjoy! it's been my dream to start a series, and a good friend told me about this place. I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY

Kevin_Miller_4886 · Võ hiệp
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"After 12 years long lost Haruka Ito, son of Miyuki Ito and Yumeko Ito, has been found stranded on Senkaku Island! This is Hokkaido city news bringing it to you."

Present time one week later

"Damn Kurumi you're so sweaty! Do you even shower?"

The boy ask waving his hands by his nose

"Yes I shower, but I couldn't this morning."

Kurumi says looking at the boy

"What? That couldn't be me, I wonder what it's like to be like you!"

"I don't think you can be like her even if you tried!"

The girls said laughing

*How can she just take this? She works in the morning delivering newspapers on a bike for her father, of course she's sweaty, these guys are so annoying.*

"Come on, we need to talk."

The boy said to Kurumi

"Haruka?! Come on, you're always ruining the fun! Do you like Kurumi?!"

Haruka grabs Kurumi's hand and walks off

"So what if I do? You have a problem with that?"

Haruka and Kurumi leaves the class

"Tsk, what was that?!"

The boy said angrily

Calm down Haruto! It'll be a waste, there's no Point. There's something weird about that guy, he's been here for a week and there have been people trying to pick a fight with him, but it never happens. They just seem quiet the next day."

"What are you saying?"

"You'll be the same, don't risk it."

On the rooftop of the school

"Why do you let them bully you? You can easily tell or solve the problem yourself. And why don't you try making your appearance better and stop hiding your eyes with your bangs."

Haruka asks Kurumi looking her in her eyes

"It doesn't matter what they think of me."

Kurumi wraps her arms around Haruka's neck, moved her bangs and closes the distance between their face

"Only what you think of me Darling."

"Your father's newspaper job, why are you still taking it? You can do something simpler to not sweat."

Haruka ask

"It's good training, I'm still not as good as you in combat."

Kurumi explains

"That doesn't matter. What you lack in fighting skill, you make up with your power. We should go now, before they get suspicious."

Haruka removes Kurumi hands from his neck and left the roof

"Oh my, see you later darling."

Kurumi left the roof after Haruka

"Haha! I see that they are together, I always knew something was weird with them."

After school

"Hey Haruka! Is it true that you and Kurumi are together?"

Haruto ask

"Where did you hear that?"

Haruka ask

"It's all over, I have a photo of you two together. So don't bother lying!"

*If you have a photo then that's your proof… guess he wants to hear me say it. I have to hurry and get back to Kurumi before dinner. Guess I'll give him the truth to make it easy.*

"Yeah we're together. She's my fiancé."

On the other side of the school

"What do you want?"

Kurumi ask

"You're message said after school, hurry I have somewhere to be-

"You're going to Ito's place I bet aren't you?

The girl ask


"Huh? What does Haruka have to-

"I know y'all are together! Admit it!"

The girl said loudly

"Who are you?"

Kurumi ask making a fist

"My name is Yuri!"

Yuri replies

"What's your relationship With Ito?!"

"What does Haruka have to do with this?!"

Yuri shows Kurumi a picture on her phone

"How do you explain this?!"

Yuri ask angrily

Kurumi looks at the photo in shock then in anger

"Where did you get that…?"

Kurumi ask angrily making fist with both her hands

"Someone was on the rooftop when you and Ito were there and said this happened. Now I'll ask you again, what's your relationship with him!"

"It doesn't matter to you!"

"Yes it does! I've had feelings for Ito for a long time, and I was planning on her telling him how I felt. Then this happened…"

*Huh? What is this? Why am I so angry? I know My relationship with Haruka is forced but there's no way I actually have feelings for him! My bloodlust is acting up. I'm so angry I just want her To… just want her to…!"

Kurumi walks forward but is stopped by Haruka

"Don't even bother, let's go."

"H… Haruka"


"You want to know our relationship right? Fine, just like I told Haruto, we're together, in fact we've been engaged since I got back thanks to our fathers. Now if you'll excuse us we need to get going."

Haruka and Kurumi walk away

"W- Wait!"

"Yuri come on, we have practice!"

Walking home

"You're saying Haruto came up to you as well?"

"Yeah, I was careless. I should've checked the roof before bringing you there."

Kurumi looks at her hand to see Haruka still grabbing her then tightens her grip

"You want to hold on longer? That's fine with me."

"Alright. What happens next is on you."

Kurumi wraps Haruka arm around her chest

*Marshmallow? That's what her chest felt like when she touched my arm with her chest. It was another way to seduce me. If I was any other man, I'd hurry and fall for her. But I know her tricks.*

At Haruka and Kurumi house in Haruka room

"Welcome back master Haruka."

"Hey Rina. I have a question?"

"Yes master Haruka?"

"Would you do anything for me?"

"Yes, I am yours."

"Even after what happened when I found you?"

"Yes my lord. I've learned to cherish my time with you and find you enjoyable. In other words, I've grown fond of you and am proud to be with you."

"I see."

Rina start to take off Haruka clothes

*I already have a pawn, Rina is already loyal to me.*

Loud talking is heard so Haruka and Rina left downstairs

"Just apologize! If you weren't so stupid you would've noticed that person on the roof!"

"Calm down, everyone makes mistakes."

*Oh, it's my brother and mother. Saburo and Hina.*

"Like I said, I don't owe you anything, please get out of my face."

"What was that?! You bitch!"

"Saburo don't!"

Saburo slaps Kurumi

"Now apologize. Filth like you don't even deserve to marry into my family, let alone be-

Haruka slaps Saburo and steps in front of Kurumi

"You little shit you have some nerves!"

"Who do you think you are? Don't ever touch my fiancé with your filthy hands again. Next time it won't be a slap. It'll be you on the floor dead."

"Is that right? I'd like to see you try."


The voice of their father stop the boys

"Let's not do anything we'll all come to regret."

Haruka and Saburo looks at their father then Haruka grabs Kurumi And start to Leave

"Let's go, Rina."

"Yes master."

Haruka, Kurumi, and Rina left the room

"Ahh look at you begin all commanding! He gets it from his father! I couldn't be happier!"

In Haruka room Haruka throws Kurumi on the bed

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"That's what I should be asking you. What are you doing? You were supposed to be taking a bath, why were you in there?"

"… I… I was getting something for your mom. Then he showed up asking me things."

*Hmm could it be a setup? Nah Yumeko wouldn't do that unless she was forced. Plus she loves Kurumi like her own child.*

"Rina, give her some clothes. I'll be right back."

"Yes master Haruka, shall I accompany you after I'm done?"

"You're okay, I should be back by the time you're finished."

"Yes master Haruka."

Haruka leaves the room

"Who does he think he is?! It wasn't my fault… it wasn't."

"I know my lady. Would you like to wear this?"

Rina shows Kurumi a white Sweater dress and black stockings


Haruka is Walking around the house

*Hmm how'd he get information about what happened at school? Hmm? Oh, it's Kazuya and Kasumi.*

Haruka looks at The twins training

*Something about this world is that we have powers passed down from our parents. There's a low and high chance of power and whichever you get from your parents will combine to make the perfect child in their opinion. But it's nothing but a joke if you ask me, it's skill within determination from you that should determine how strong you are.*

The twins spot Haruka and runs towards him

"Hey brother! What are you doing here?!"

*If it's two low it goes into a medium, two high and it's perfect. One high one low takes both sides of their power and has full mastery over it from a young age. My family is a family of assassins, you'd think we'll be high but assassins are part of a low family. Both my parents were low which makes their kids medium.*

"Hey Kazuya and Kasumi. Have y'all seen anything suspicious with Saburo or Mom? Have they been talking?"

Haruka ask

"Are you talking about how you and Kurumi's relationship got exposed? Even, we know about it, it was posted on the web!"

Kasumi explains

"Oh I see, thanks for the information. I'll give you a little about mom's power."

"Really?! Yeah we're getting information from big brother!"

"Try to ingest multiple things, see which one feels right for your body. Water would be your best since the human body is 70% water."

"Oh! We never worked on that cause we didn't understand it! Now we get it!"

Kazuya yells loudly as Haruka gets up and walk away

"Let's work on it now!"

The twins said

*Guess I'll go back.*

Haruka gets on his phone and opens an app to see the post of himself and Kurumi

*I see… so Ayane Shiho was the one who took the photo and uploaded it. Found the culprit, guess I'll deal with it.*

Haruka enters the room and sees something

*As the Light spread in front of my eyes, I gazed upon the sight to behold. I saw a kingdom of snow.*

Haruka walks in to see Kurumi getting dressed but still in her white underwear


Kurumi looks at Haruka Scared

*Kurumi family is a family of Yakaza. They were mostly born in the high family, unfortunately for Kurumi her mother was Low while her father was high. She's still strong, especially when her bloodlust is high. It's just the strain on her body, to her father she's disinfected. Scumbag also wished he had a son. She doesn't say anything about it, but Kurumi only uses her father's power because she wants to please him. She wants to show him that she's not a failure.*

"Oh my exactly what will I do with my exposed body?"

Kurumi pulls Haruka down onto the bed

"Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity? It'll be fascinating to experience."


Haruka pushes Kurumi on the bed and gets on top of her

"Ehh…?! What?"

"I hope you're ready."

"Ehh?! Wait!"

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