
Chapter 1

I scratch all the stories I published earlier on this online platform I don't want to write anybody stories on my page because I am fade up of all the stories that made me believe in happily ever after but in reality, there is no happily ever after people exist in real, no prince charming and no Cinderella, no truly madly deeply in loved people exist. All are here to take advantage of each other or to comprise with each other which will be mutually benefited.

Here beauty needs money, money needs brain and brain needs beauty all in the loophole, chasing after one another. If you don't have any of the three beauty, money, and brain you are useless as me. I am 31 years old woman with no job, I am not smart neither I am beautiful nor do I have a boyfriend and my chance of getting married is existence to none. Even in my family, I have to struggle for the attention of my parents always my talk cut short because my younger brother has speck at that time. If I ask my brother about something, I am reminded in front of my parents that I am being rude to ask him and later I am being scolded for the same thing later before my parents to not upset him. I have been rejected many times because I am fat and ugly, I didn't got a job because I have no connection, I cant move forward because I feel both sorry and anger for myself.

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