
AGK: King of Insects

What is an Emperor to a King? Hado grew up without a name, money, or friends, but when he died, an entity offered him a job to help conquer all, and gave him the gift to control insects. With nothing to lose, Hado accepts the offer and is thrown into the dangerous world of Akame Ga Kill. As Hado navigates this treacherous world, he quickly realizes that his ability to control insects is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a deeper power within him waiting to be unleashed, and he's determined to unlock it at any cost. But as Hado rises to power, he'll have to face dangerous enemies, make difficult choices, and confront the darkness within himself. Will he become a hero or a villain in the world of Akame Ga Kill?

ChosenSage · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Chapter 5: The Rebels

Reviving is a strange thing. One second your guts are spilling out onto the cold dirt, the little rocks stabbing and stinging your cuts, and then the next you're fully healed.

I will say, feeling every one of the insects I had living inside of my body was not a good sensation. You can feel each and every leg tapping on your muscle fibers, bringing a tingling sensation to your arm.

As I looked at the soldiers, the knife in my hand and a large smile on my face, I knew it was over.

Not for me of course, for them. My adrenaline pumped through my body, their movements looked so slow and minuscule as I watched them scurry for their weapons.

Why was this happening to me? What had changed, am I human or am I something... More?

All these questions raced through my head as I took a step forward, and soon I got my answer...

(Third Pov)

Hado flashed past the soldiers, the knife in his hand whistling through the air and slicing every available part of their bodies.

Napes, ribs, neck, and every open piece of flesh were quickly sliced and stabbed before they could reach for their weapons.

The soldiers fell to the ground as Hado looked down on them, his veins bulging through his skin and an unstable smile on his face.

"I guess that answers my question..." Hado said as a tear ran down his cheek, his smile widening. "I'm a god," He said, his voice cracking as he held his face, his smile deepening even more as tears flowed from his eyes.

"I'm a god!" He cried out, falling to his knees and dropping the knife.

"Haha..." He laughed, shaking uncontrollably, "Hahahahahaha!"


Hado walked through the forest, an oversized set of armor on his skinny form as he held the dull knife in his left hand, whistling as he walked.

The boy was carefree, and for once, he felt happy.

At least, that was the only emotion he could match with his current state. "Next step Hado, take over this empire, an easy task for someone like me," He talked aloud.

Though some would find this strange, it was natural to him. He had done it all his life, and now he was doing it in his second life.

"I need to get rid of this crappy knife," He muttered to himself, looking down at the blade. It was a simple weapon with a single edge. It was made of steel, but the edge was so dull after cutting up those soldiers it felt useless in his hand.

The insects inside of his roamed, finding different areas of his body, as if they were looking at a new house. Though he found this weird, he had to admit to himself that they were calming.

He could feel each of their emotions, and could almost understand their thinking. They were all very excited for reasons he couldn't figure out, but it didn't worry him one bit.

Having them live inside of him was comforting, and yes he felt a little weird about it, but it was almost like having a family to take care of.

As Hado was lost in thought a noise snapped him out of it.


Hado barely dodged the explosion, jumping back as he heard the click of a landmine.

"Die!" He heard off to his side. The sound of bushes rustling and heavy steps on the dirt sounded out as twelve people jumped at him as he was mid-air.

'The... Hell?' He thought as he forced his hips to turn, spinning to the ground and landing hard.


Hado dodged the large spear, grabbing its handle as he flipped over it. "Hey, since you guys seem familiar with this place..." Hado said landing and throwing the spear at one of the men rushing toward him. "Then can you point me toward the empire!"

The spear flew at supersonic speeds, ripping the man he'd thrown it at in half, sending both parts of his body to the ground, dead.

The rest of the group stopped running towards him, turning around and taking cover behind trees or rocks. They were organized, 6 on each side of Hado minus the one dead.

"No?" He said, turning his head a little as he looked back and forth between the two groups. "Then you guys are useless..."

Hado rushed the squad that was behind him, jumping on a tree and propelling himself at one of them.

He grabbed their neck, stabbing his dull knife deep into the woman's back, a small smile coming to his face as his heart began pounding.

"Sayomi!" A man yelled, rushing Hado and sending the boy tumbling to the ground as the squad stopped their movements, all of them landing next to the wounded woman.

"If not the empire then maybe the closest civilization? I don't mind starting small," Hado said, standing there with them.

"The-" A man tried to say before his neck was twisted all the way around, his skin ripping and his head popping right off.

Hado smashed the separated head into the man who had thrown him to the side, both skulls smashing and blood splattering on the injured woman's face, her eyes widening.

Hado turned, smoothly dodging a dagger and grabbing the attacker by the arm, snapping it with his superior strength and throwing him against a tree, the sound of bones shattering music to his ears.

Hado looked to the last member of the squad standing in front of him, utterly shell-shocked at Hado's performance.

"W-What-" She said before two knives entered her eyes sockets, sending her body to the ground.

"Hah..." Hado let out a breath as he slicked his hair back, his eyes targeting the next group, who seemed to be trying to gain the high ground.

"This body you gave me was great space guy, I should definitely pay you back once I own this place... Until then though..."

Hado crouched and jumped higher than any human should have been capable, kicking off a tree and flying at an airborne man, who threw three knives down at the boy as he attempted to dodge the incoming attack.

It was futile though, with Hado's new mindset and strength, he simply let the knives stab into him, sending a well-placed punch right to the man's crotch.

Hado landed on a thick tree branch and grabbed the man, smashing his head right into the hard bark, killing him instantly.

"Retreat! It's an imperial arms user!" A voice yelled out as Hado turned, seeing the last 4 members jumping away from him through the trees.

"Haha... Having power is so great..." He muttered as he let the dead man fall to the ground, the soft thud as he hit the dirt provided all the satisfaction he needed.

"I'll just need to find a way to get rid of these annoying insects... Not you guys haha," Hado said as he dropped down in front of the girl he had stabbed.

"Don't pretend, I know you aren't dead," He said as he looked at her, her body jerking as she jumped up and brought the dull knife he had stabbed her width right into his shoulder.

"Seriously?" He said, backhanding her and sending her body flying off to the side.

"Let's try this again shall we?" He asked, crouching in front of her as she breathed heavily.

The girl's blue eyes stared up at his brown ones, her fear evident as Hado reached and grabbed the red ribbon wrapped around her head that concealed her features.

"Y-You're a monster," She said, not resisting as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Aww, I like that look, so much anger and fear, but also stubbornness, so fun..." Hado said as he ripped the cloth off her head revealing her face.

Her long black hair fell over her shoulders, covering half of her face, her skin pale white, her eyes bright blue and full of rage.

"Hmm... Not bad," Hado murmured as the girl jerked away from his hand.

"Just kill me and get it over with," She said, swatting at him as he smiled a bit.

"Do you know your way around?" He asked, bringing his hand to her chin, this time she was too scared to move away.

"Yes..." She said, glancing between his hand and his face.

"Good... Lead me to the empire..." Hado said, standing up and reaching out his hand. "Do this and I promise to reward you later on..."

The girl shook as she took her hand, her fear growing, not because she thought he was going to kill her. No the way he was looking at her, she expected much worse.

"What is your name?" He asked, noting that she was still holding the stab wound he had given her before.

"Konya... Konya Sayomi."