
AGK: King of Insects

What is an Emperor to a King? Hado grew up without a name, money, or friends, but when he died, an entity offered him a job to help conquer all, and gave him the gift to control insects. With nothing to lose, Hado accepts the offer and is thrown into the dangerous world of Akame Ga Kill. As Hado navigates this treacherous world, he quickly realizes that his ability to control insects is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a deeper power within him waiting to be unleashed, and he's determined to unlock it at any cost. But as Hado rises to power, he'll have to face dangerous enemies, make difficult choices, and confront the darkness within himself. Will he become a hero or a villain in the world of Akame Ga Kill?

ChosenSage · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
24 Chs

Chapter 12: General Esdeath

"Ha!" Soldiers yelled in unison, striking down with their weapons in one swift motion.

"Reset!" General Esdeath yelled, sitting on a random soldier, who had green hair and was on the ground as if he was a chair.

"General, your body, it..." The boy stopped complaining, his cheeks flushed as he felt the soft ass rub against his back, triggering a certain male reaction.

"Ah, Seargent Lubbock, first you show to formation late, then you complain? If I didn't know any better... I'd think you were challenging my authority."

Esdeath looked down at the soldier as the boy gulped, looking down at the stone and deciding to keep his mouth shut.

"Anyway," Esdeath said after a few moments, looking at Lieutenant Najenda lead the drill practice. "Najenda! Where is this new recruit, I have all these papers, but no physical proof he even exists, where is this... Hado?"

"Sorry!" A voice suddenly rang out as Hado burst through the large doors that sealed off the training grounds from the rest of the empire. "I overslept!"

That wasn't true, Hado had lost track of time training his new insects, The Moth Wrigglers, and had come as fast as he could.

He didn't even have time to stop by and collect the commissions that morning, instead giving the jeweled wasp living in Sayomi's head to give a suggestion that the girl do it.

It was almost like mind control, except it was foolproof. He'd find that though, it was only a matter of time before he trained the wasps enough to fully rewrite the brain.

He'd tried on a few randoms, but they died within the hour of changing their brain.

"Oh? You overslept? Lubbock get up."

General Esdeath stood up as Seargent Lubbock ran to join the troops in mass formation, feeling nothing but pity for the new recruit as Hado walked up to General Esdeath, kneeling.

"My apologies General, I live all the way in the slums, I had no-"

Esdeath ignored his words, tapping her foot and interrupting his words. "Chair," Was all she said, looking at the boy.

It was a test of course, to see how loyal her new recruit was, and of course just to gain satisfaction from making him do her bidding.

Hado understood what she meant immediately, seeing as the green-haired man had been her chair when he'd walked in.

Sighing inwardly, he got in the same position, leaving a disgusting taste in his mouth as she sat on him.

He held her eyes as best he could, feeling that same hunger from before surge up in him again. His head turned around a few times until he realized this wasn't just a random movement. It felt as if there was an itch on the back of his head that needed to be relieved, an urge.

"Much more comfortable than the seargent," Esdeath declared, kicking Hado's arms out from under him, forcing his face into the stone floor. "Huh, clearly not as sturdy though..."

Hado gritted his teeth, the insects inside of him buzzing in anger, all of it aimed at the blue-haired General who simply looked at Hado coldly, as if seeing what he would do.

"My... Apologies," Hado said through gritted teeth, forcing himself back up as she wriggled on his back, a smile on her face.

'I will get you back for this...' Hado thought as he looked at Lieutenant Najenda, a smile coming to his own face as she turned away quickly.

An affair with a general could mean the end of her career, or worse. She knew how the empire was, she'd be labeled a seductress and her head would be on a pike before she could get a full sentence out.

Hado focused his attention on the General, allowing a Jeweled wasp to crawl up her leg.

It crawled slowly up her calf, making it to her thigh before turning, finding it's entry point and-


Esdeath's hand decimated the wasp, causing Hado to widen his eyes slightly as a searing pain erupted in his side.

None of his insects had ever been killed before, not that like. It had happened so suddenly that he couldn't even see her move.

"It seems a bug wanted to sting me... Chair, lick it up," Esdeath commanded, standing up and holding out her leg, the guts and remains of the jeweled wasp there in plain view.

"Lick... It up?" Hado said, completely confused as to what she was asking, even though it was obvious.

"Yes, Chair... Lick. It. Up."

Esdeath smiled down at Hado sadistically as he looked her in the eyes, his anger rising.

"Fuck you."

Everyone froze, the words ringing in everyone's ears as Esdeath stood there, her expression unchanged.

"Excuse me?" She said, as if she hadn't heard.

"I said fuck you, I am not doing that," Hado said, making a disgusted face at the general as her face dropped.

"And... Why is it you think you have a choice?" Esdeath asked, grabbing the back of Hado's head, and forcing it against her thigh, his face smashing right into the insect remains.

He tried to resist, but this was his humbling experience.

It was at this moment Hado realized the world he had once completely underestimated was actually quite strong.

And how did he know this? Because even though Esdeath used one hand, he couldn't pull away from the death grip as she rubbed his face against her cold pale thigh, getting the insect remains off before letting go of the shocked Hado.

"Welcome to my troops recruit, do not be late again..." General Esdeath warned, turning away from Hado as the boy sat on his knees, looking at the woman with the gunk all over his face.

'I... Am going to own you, damn bitch...'

Besides first formation, Hado's first day as an imperial soldier went fairly well, his commander, the one in charge of him, was Seargent Lubbock, a perverted green-haired individual who took a liking to Hado when the boy assured him he wasn't attracted to Lieutenant Najenda.

Hado's first assignment as an imperial soldier? A night expedition with the imperial guard to investigate mysterious murders. They needed extra people, and Hado had no freedom to say no.

When you were the lowest level, there was nothing you could do but suck it up.

Hado however, made sure to mentally note everyone who disrespected him, and The General? She was the highest on the list...