
AGK: King of Insects

What is an Emperor to a King? Hado grew up without a name, money, or friends, but when he died, an entity offered him a job to help conquer all, and gave him the gift to control insects. With nothing to lose, Hado accepts the offer and is thrown into the dangerous world of Akame Ga Kill. As Hado navigates this treacherous world, he quickly realizes that his ability to control insects is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a deeper power within him waiting to be unleashed, and he's determined to unlock it at any cost. But as Hado rises to power, he'll have to face dangerous enemies, make difficult choices, and confront the darkness within himself. Will he become a hero or a villain in the world of Akame Ga Kill?

ChosenSage · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Chapter 11: Blackmailing Najenda(R18)

It's not an actual R18 scene yet but I thought I'd put it since it has a short depiction of sex, and some people like to look out for that stuff


Hado watched the purple-eyed woman as she walked through the streets of the empire. He had to admit, this part was much more lively than the slums he was staying in.

'I should move here for sure...' He thought as she jumped to the next rooftop, keeping low as the woman stopped in front of a small house lodged in with the other buildings.

Just west of them were the noble living areas, and down north would have been right back to the slums Hado had left Sayomi in.

The woman turned again, walking forward after her pause at the house.

'Weird...' Hado thought to himself as he continued following her.

She led him on an extravagant exploration, walking all throughout the western side of the empire before stopping back at the house she'd paused at before, only this time, there was no one around.

"How long do you intend to follow me?" The woman called out, turning and locking eyes with Hado.

He widened his eyes as the woman was right in front of him, a huge machine gun pointed right at his face.

'I thought... This was medieval?'

Hado jumped off the roof, barely dodging the burst of orange energy being pumped out of the barrel of the gun.

"Where are you going?" The woman asked, flashing in front of Hado once again, smacking him with the huge weapon and forcing him to the ground.

The woman paused before she pulled the trigger, noticing Hado's attire. "You're a guard?" She asked, bringing the gun away from the shocked Hado's body.

"Uhh... Yes," He lied, the insects inside of him scrambling around as his heartbeat slowed to normal.

The woman nodded, then kicked him onto his back and placed the massive gun against his head. His breathing came quickly, not because it hurt or scared him, but rather excited him as he felt the heat coming from the weapon pressed up tight against his forehead.

"Who is your commanding officer, and why are you following me!?" She yelled, pressing the gun harder against Hado's head.

"Uh... Well, you are Miss Najenda," Hado said, recalling the information he'd gotten from people around. This woman was under General Esdeath, so if he was to continue with the lie, then she would technically be his leadership.

Najenda paused, squinting her eyes and looking at him with caution as if she was deciding whether he was joking or trying to lie.

"I've never seen you a day in my life," She replied, her tone dangerous as her finger tightened around the trigger. Her gaze lowered, taking in Hado's appearance again, specifically checking what weapons might be hidden somewhere underneath that jacket.

"I'm new here..." He told her, giving a slight smile to show how honest he really was. It was technically true, he was quite new to the empire.

"And... Why were you following me?" She asked, easing ever so slightly as Hado laughed inwardly.

"I was told to come to you to fill out my paperwork and get it submitted to General Esdeath... Lieutenant Najenda, I didn't mean to seem like a creep... You are quite beautiful but-" Hado paused his words, pretending they had just slipped out.

With women, if you wanted to trick them you needed to seem vulnerable, and the easiest way to do that is admitting you were attracted to them. They felt they had power when something like that happened, and they drop their guard.

As did Najenda, though she didn't blush he could tell she was quite pleased at his little "Slip-Up."

Najenda took the gun away from the boy's head, extending a hand toward him. "I see, and your name?"

Hado smiled, unable to contain his mood. "Hado, just Hado."


"Alright Hado, it seems there is no documentation for you at all, do you have any transfer papers? Or maybe test results?" Najenda asked, seeing that he clearly didn't have them.

Hado was quick on his feet though, three different Jeweled wasps were already rewiring the woman to accept whatever he said.

"No ma'am, I was kind of robbed on my way up here from the east, bandits are getting quite daring these days, so, unfortunately, I need to remake my documents..." Hado said, a sad undertone in his voice.

He scanned Najenda's brain, and instantly tons of information on battle plans, techniques, fighting styles, and overall imperial information flooded into his mind.

But the most useful thing was the fact that she planned on betraying the empire.

'I can use that...'

Najenda, being easily convinced thanks to the wasps, nodded and began writing, asking him questions about himself, like his hometown and experience, age, etc.

He gave short answers while still scanning the woman's memories; she grew up in a rich family, her father being an important politician who died early due to illness. And as such, Najenda decided to join the imperial army, leaving her father's name behind and choosing just to go by her first name.

She had been having a secret affair with another general, in fact, she was expecting him tonight.

'How hilarious...' Hado thought, knowing so much about someone without the need to ask them was pure ecstasy.

Finally, they finished up the documents, and with a few signatures, Hado was now officially a soldier under General Esdeath, as well as a citizen of the empire, he could now do more and act more freely in the world.

Hado had a disadvantage living how he did in his old life, with this life, he'd made sure he was always a step ahead.

"I'll give these to Esdeath tomorrow, you know where the training grounds are I assume?"

Hado Nodded, he knew now because of her mind scan.

"Good, then buzz off, I am tired, be at the training ground at 0600, do not be late..." With that she clipped his documents together, shooing him off.

Hado smirked as he left the house, looking around before jumping on a neighboring rooftop. The beginning of his plans would start here.

He could always rise through the ranks, getting the shitty jobs for a few years and then ranking up naturally until he was a general... But why should he?

And as the red-haired man walked down the street, stopping in front of Najenda's house with flowers, Hado smiled to himself.

"Two generals having an affair with each other? Now that's a scandal... And as my old friends used to say, A scandal is the key to blackmail..." Hado said to himself as Najenda opened the door, inviting the man inside and quickly shutting the door.


Najenda pushed her lover, Rokugou, down on her couch, climbing on top of him and kissing him deeply.

Their dinner sat forgotten in the dining room as the two made out, grasping at each other's clothes, the thing fabrics all that was keeping them apart.

Najenda opened her eyes as she pulled away, breathing heavily as she brought her hand to the zipper holding her outfit together. Unzipping it slowly as Rokugou inhaled sharply, unfastening his belt.

Najenda let her clothes drop, revealing her plain white undergarments, the brah looking ready to burst as a small wet mark could be seen on her panties.

"Najenda..." The man said quietly, licking his lips as the woman got to her knees, pulling his pants down and revealing her target.

"Yes?" She asked, smiling as she squeezed Rokugou's dick against her cheek, letting her tongue slip out of her tongue ever so slightly as just the very tip licked up the shaft.


Hado walked into the house, smiling down at the couple as they both looked at him in shock that their time had been interrupted.

"Ah...," Hado said as the shutter of a camera sounded out, props to the jeweled wasps who had stolen it from someone walking down the street.

"Well look what we have here, two high-ranking members of the imperial army, having an affair? Now isn't that a bit... Unprofessional?" Hado said, smirking widely as the insects inside of him practically cheered.

A scandal was the gateway to blackmail indeed.

The couple shared a worried look for a few moments before the man looked at Hado with a mix of anger and confusion. "Who... Are you?" He asked standing up and pulling up his pants quickly as Najenda covered herself, glaring at her new recruit.

"Nevermind that, why are you here in my house Hado!" Najenda yelled, zipping up her jacket and pulling her black skirt back up, glaring at her recruit as he snapped another picture.

"Well, I saw the general here stop by, and just couldn't help being curious... I'm a low ranking member in the army... And I don't have much patience to do all you did to get in your position... I think you know what I want?" Hado said, smirking as he looked at the printed out pictures, waving them both at the two.

"I'll be seeing you at first formation Liuetenant Najenda... Just keep in mind," Hado waved the pictures at the couple, leaving the door as is and walking down the street, taking in a deep breath of fresh air.

"If I want this world to be mine... Then none of these people can matter to me..." He said to himself as the sun set...


Let's shoot for rankings starting next week Acolytes! Also if you want to chat, ask questions, or just chill with some cool people, go ahead and join this discord

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