


After calming myself, I switched off the lamp and laid down, covering myself with the bed sheet.

I sighed as I thought about the present situation.

Don't know what life holds for me.

That was the last thought in my puzzled mind before slumber took over.

Chapter VII


The next day I woke up at 7. It was a routine now. Even if the alarm was not set, I always woke at 7. Everyday starts like this and it had altered my sleep pattern too. Folding my sheet, I grabbed my phone and headed to kitchen. I filled a glass of water and put it in the microwave for a minute before going to freshen up. Returning after a minute, I took the glass out from microwave and drank the warm water.

I took off my t-shirt and hanged it on the dining chair. I turned on the treadmill and started with slow walk. Turning on the bluetooth headset, I plugged in the earphones in my ears and played my workout playlist.

After 10 minutes, I started jogging. Everything is fixed. Walking for 10 minutes, jogging for 10 minutes and running for 20 minutes.

I exercise everyday to stay fit. It started as a time pass but over the years, it has become a routine. This is the time, I use to think about my life and choices. Think about my decisions and actions.

This habit came to me from Mr. Srivastav. The man is organised as hell. He has a sorted life for over forty years and is gonna live it like that till the end.

Staying healthy is a fun as well as tiring job.

The treadmill beeped and slowed down to completely stopping.

I breathed hard as I knelt down on the treadmill for a few minutes before getting up. I pulled out my weights from under the cupboard and took them to the centre on the room.

Placing the matt on the floor, I started my strength training. Doing 20 reps of each exercise, I finished my training. Folding the matt again, I pushed it under the cupboard. Getting up, I walked to the main balcony for the last exercise of the day, kick boxing.

No one really suggested me this activity. This is just for my own self. I was always a angry young man but kick boxing really helped me in calming down. I wore my gear and started punching and kicking the boxing bag. Any emotion I'm feeling is always replaced by positive feeling and every stress element is pushed out after this one. It really helps me get my feelings out, even though I'm only punching, kicking, or jabbing the air.

Getting done for the day, I took off my gear and placed it back to its place.

An hour and half later, I sat down on the dining table, gulping down water. I worked out for an hour daily and today was no exception. Jogging and strength training. I was just going to take bath when the bedroom door opened.

Krystle stood in front of me, still wearing her pyjamas with her hair in a mess and sleep in her eyes.

I should have given her clean clothes.

I thought as I looked over her still bloodied t- shirt.

"Good morning." I greeted. She yawned and rubbed her eyes as she looked around her, trying to remember where she was. I gave her a minute to remember while my lips slightly lifted upwards, observing her.

"Good morning." She finally answered back as realisation set in her eyes.

"Do you want to freshen up first or should I go take a bath?" I asked as she sat down on the chair.

"No. You go first." I nodded and got up. I waited for a few seconds before going into my room. I opened my cupboard and took out my bathrobe. Closing it, I went inside the washroom.

When I came out, Krystle was in the kitchen, making coffee. Sensing my presence, she turned around after stirring the coffee one last time. Her eyes were a little wide before she mentally shook herself.

"You don't mind? if I make coffee?" She inquired. I could see that she felt bad for using my things without asking for my permission.

"No. You can use and do anything." She passed me a grateful smile and turned her attention back to her coffee. She liked her coffee same like me. Sugar and milk. But just adding more coffee and making it more strong.

I went inside my room and took out some clothes for her. I think she would like to take bath and get changed. I picked out a navy collared t-shirt and khaki caprees for me. After wearing my clothes, I let the bathrobe in the balcony before going back to the living room. When I walked back in the living room, Krystle was setting two coffee mugs down and with them were some toasts, jam and butter. The plates and spoons were already set. She passed me a smile while leaning on the chair as I sat down on the opposite chair.

"I'll freshen up. You start." She said, gesturing to the food.

"There's a clean towel and a toothbrush under the wash basin cupboard." I told her before she walked inside the washroom.

I heard a faint 'thank you' from her before the shutting of the door.

I turned my attention back to the meal and was about to pick up a toast and butter it but stopped midway.

I should wait for her.

If she can prepare this for me, I can atleast wait for her. Sighing, I dropped my hand back on the table, waiting for her.

Ten minutes later, she emerged from the washroom, looking fresh. Her hair was in a ponytail now, her face clean and eyes without sleep.

She is definitely beautiful.

Her green grey eyes shone brightly and they contrasted beautifully with her pink lips.

She sat down, opposite from me and drank a sip from her mug before her eyes fell on my plate.

"You don't like toasts? Coffee?" She asked, hurt was evident in her eyes, with worry.

"I was waiting for you." I replied giving her a half smile. Hearing my reply, a smile made its way to her beautiful face.

Stop it, you jerk!

I quickly wiped the smile off my face and grabbed a toast, buttering it. Putting two toasts together, I took a bite before taking a few sips of the coffee.


We ate our breakfast in silence.

"I brought some of your clothes yesterday with us. The bag is kept beside the cupboard. You can bathe and change. I have taken out my t-shirt and shorts. You can also wear them if you want." I spoke, breaking the silence, taking a bite from the toast.

"What will happen now?" She asked out of the blue, looking into my eyes intensely like if those will give her an answer.

"I'll take you to Dev. I know you don't know him but that man is paying thousands for you to be safe."

"I know. It's just that how can I trust a complete stranger?" Her voice was low as she looked at the coffee mug, finding its print interesting.

"You trust me."

She looked straight into my eyes. I could see a lot of things going inside her mind as her eyes glazed.

"You do because if you didn't, you would not have been sitting here, casually drinking coffee in front of me after spending the night at my house." I stated.

She stared at me for a few seconds before blinking a few times and looking away. She started tracing the rim of the cup. I watched her as her eyes got unfocused again and decided to give her some time. I stood up, grabbed the dishes and left the room.

I washed the dishes as I thought about our conversation. What I said to her on the dining table was true. No girl would ever sleep in a house with a man if she didn't trust him. I know that coming here was not her choice but after waking up, she could throw a tantrum about not wanting to stay here with me but she didn't. That was enough to tell me that, that she trusted me. And soon enough, she'll trust Dev also.

That man is spending thousands for her literally.

I puffed out a breath as I heard a chair scraped as she stood up before pushing it back in place. The next was opening of bag zip and then lastly closing of the washroom door. A few seconds later, sound of water hitting the tiled floor reached my ears as she took a shower.


I'm an agent. I know how to use each and every part of my body, skillfully. I have been trained for several years to reach at this peak of my courier where I know how to use my body.

This is my last case and despite how badly I want to walk out from this job, alive, I'll not back away from completing my mission. Even if I have to give my own life like my father.


Votes & comments would be appreciated.


Kaur D