
Ageless Watchers

She was a mess—Aubrey. She always has been. Her life has always been a never-ending war. Even so, she always shone through the darkness. She always found a way to triumph. But never in her wildest thoughts did she imagine she'd become what she is today—immortal. Well, it's more like frozen in time. She can't die, she can't age, and she looks like a teenager. She's simply here—existing amongst the mortals. She's no vampire. She simply had the curse that was put on her family. Demon blood runs in her veins and every six generations, one of them is born to live until the higher beings decide to put her down.  There was no explanation of the supernatural. In order to live, she had to disappear. She left. Her family claims she disappeared mysteriously one night and never came back. They say she must've killed herself due to depression and never spoke of her since.  The only comfort she had was the natural ability she had. She had magic and compulsion, and she could do whatever she wanted. She was ageless. She was strong. She can't die. She had a new identity and she was free to live her life the way she wanted. Her curse became her strength and the cure to her miserable life. The cure to my miserable life. 

MissDaphneGonda · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

I woke up. Everything was bright. Before me were kids. Kids I rescued in a tragedy seven years ago. Instantly, I regained my strength and was on my feet. 

There were six of them—Darcy, my sweet boy, was the youngest at just nine years old; Thun, my weakest child was only eleven years old; Aki and Bread were twelve years old; Potato and Nha were thirteen. I saved them and took them in as my own. They—other than my pup, Skye—are the only ones I took with me from my past. 

Amihan was surrounded by troops and they were well-armed. She had cold eyes, staring me down as though to scare me. "You didn't think I would find out about your best kept secret, did you?" she says, pointing at my kids. "They're humans, Aubrey. They don't belong to you."

"It's not against any law that I can't help orphans," I said, glaring at her. I looked at my children—not a single one of them showing signs of fear. Still, I can see past the mask they're wearing. I shifted my gaze back to Amihan. With a cold death glare, I swore, "Touch them and I will rip you apart." I came forward and pulled all my kids behind me. "You know what I'm capable of, right?" I arched my brow, "Go ahead and try something. Let's see what happens."

"You'd really risk the lives of innocent children, Aubrey?" she taunts, folding her arms over her chest. "Don't worry. We won't shoot them. But we have a heavy problem—they know what you are. The Council—not even the White Veil—would allow this. You can only keep them if you turn them."

"Into what?" I questioned, "Monsters? Turn them into vampires? I'm not going to take their life away from them, Amihan. To become a monster is their choice to make; not mine. Frankly, they're children. They can't decide on what they want."

"But you're they're guardian," she points, "You can choose. It's simple, Aubrey. You keep them or you lose them."

"Fuck you!" I cussed. 

"Careful now," she taunts, "There are children in the room."

This isn't right. I can't decide for them. If I let them go, no one will look after them. The world is cruel and they wouldn't stand a chance. If I keep them, I'd be taking away their life. They'd become creatures of the night and they won't be able to enter the gates of heaven. The first choice—I know—is the right choice. I can't be selfish as to keep them. 

I bent down, meeting the eyes of my kids. "I'm sorry," I spologized, "But playing house is over, kids. I was once your teacher; I became your mother; now it's time to go back to your reality. The reality you have doesn't have me in it."

"Mom!" Darcy begged with tear-filled eyes. "You can't let them take us! We're a family, aren't we? If they return us, we wouldn't be siblings anymore. We'd be separated forever."

Nha, my only girl, added, "We'd rather be monsters like you. We can't go back to how it was. We're not leaving you."

"You're our family," Potato adds, "We'll be happy to give up our mortality to be with you."

I shook my head. "You don't get it, kids," I reasoned, "People like me don't have peace. Your life will be full of danger. Besides, if you turn willingly, they'll turn you into a member of the Dark Oaths. I don't want that kind of life for you."

"The kids have spoken," Amihan applauds, "Well done, Aubrey! You've officially ruined innocent children's lives!" She looked at the guards, commanding, "Take them away."

"No!" I growled, screaming as loud as I could. I've never felt rage this strong before. I wanted to kill her. I wanted so badly to kill her. I couldn't help them. I couldn't keep them from her. All I could do was scream and shout and cuss. Fuck her. Fuck this. I may not be their biological mother, but I do love them. I feel sick in my stomach thinking about what they might do to them. 

"You could've easily protected them if you were one of us, Aubrey," Amihan says, "Your glares don't scare me. In fact, they amuse me. You're helpless. You're always gonna be helpless if you don't join us. I'm giving you a chance to get what you want. Do you think the council would be this considerate? They won't. Let me tell you what they'd do. They would feed your little minions to the vampires in our armies. They'd become a living supply of blood; that's what'll happen." She circled me like a vulture circling its prey. "This is what's going to happen, Aubrey. You're going to follow me and become one of us. Your kids will be protected and safe from all this. You're going to train and become a world-class killer, and you're going to be far better than I am. You're going to be the one who gets us peace because you—for some reason—have gifts we don't have."

I shut my eyes, wiping the tears away from my face. I feel so frustrated. I need to go violent. I need to release this negativity on something. Preferably her face. 

"So?" she asks, "What's it gonna be, Aubrey?"

"Fine," I agreed unwillingly, "But you better keep your word. No harm shall befall my kids. I want your word that they won't turn. They'll remain as they are until they're adults and have decided on their fate."

"You have my word," she vows, bowing as though she was a commoner. She smirked, getting what she wanted. "Rest," she says, "In a few hours, we'll be meeting with the council." She threw a duffle bag at me, adding, "Wear whatever's inside that. Make sure you look presentable." With that said, she left me to my solitude.

I looked around the room. It was minimal. It had a bed, a table, and a door that led to a bathroom. I opened the bag finding a white silk satin dress that had an open back, a pair of stilettos, a few toiletries and a few things I might need to look "presentable." I sighed, dropping the bag on the floor. I took a cold long shower to think about everything that happened. 

I'm trapped. I have to serve that cunt and waste my immortal life. I wanted a fun ageless, fearless, and powerful life; not this. Fine. Seeing I have no choice or power, I have to give in and follow orders. I'll play nice, but I won't be playing their game; they're playing mine and I make the rules. The minute I gain power, I will kill every single one of them that forced this on me. 

After getting out of the shower, I got dressed and fixed myself to look presentable. I let my hair down. And I didn't really bother applying the makeup she gave me. I didn't need it. I know I'm beautiful. There's power in beauty that doesn't need to hide beneath makeup. I'll let them see me as I am. 

Hours passed and I was convinced I was losing my mind until Amihan showed up wearing a red dress and higher heels. She gestured for me to follow her and I did. She's scared. She doubled the guards around her to be extra cautious. I wouldn't blame her. I'd be scared of me too.

"Don't get any ideas, Aubrey," she warned. 

I replied, "Just lead the way. I'm in no mood to talk to you."

The walk was long and cold. I never thought the Hidden City was set in a real castle with lots of hallways and rooms and stairs. I thought it would be more modern than cottage core. There were paintings hung on the walls. They were mostly portraits of the Morningstars, the generals, and other important people. After what seemed like forever, we finally reached a large door. As it opened, our arrival was announced. 

The room we entered was minimalistic and modern, unlike the castle. The walls were painted white and there was a long table with plenty of people seated. It almost looked like a normal meeting room. 

"So this is her?" one of them said, "This is the girl? I thought she'd look fiercer." 

"Sorry to disappoint you," I mocked. This is the beginning of a horrifying chapter I never once imagined I'd have in my life.