
Age of Gods: Contest of Champions

A hardy demi-god competes in a Contest of Pantheons to clear his mother's name.

Amen_Hotel · Kỳ huyễn
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At first, there was nothing but an endless ocean of darkness.

Since time immemorial this was the domain of the eternal serpent Apep and its acolytes known as the Nun.

This silent chaos would persist until an explosion of light emanated from the benighted waters.

And thus the originator was born.

It stood on Maat while breathing life into the cosmos.

Instilling the laws that govern existence into existence.

But Apep and the Nun still held much sway in the emptiness of space

The bedlamites conspired to engulf the universe once more.

Alas The Originator, bound by its laws, tasked Maat with a mission

Maat sought out the first beings of the universe.

Taught them the laws of the cosmos.

Prepared them for the upcoming battle.

Despite her efforts, many worlds would succumb to the revenant serpent.

Just as darkness seemed inevitable

A band of ultra-beings from an unsuspecting constellation rose to the occasion

These primeval Gods waged war against the forces of darkness

This war raged on for millennia until the first hero slew Apep

The leaderless Nun dispersed into the dark recesses of the universe

And life triumphed over the void

But chaos never dies

It simply rests, waiting for its day

When that day comes, just as it did eons ago.

The cosmos will need its Heroes.

*Bedlamites just means lords of chaos or darkness

*Maat is the first goddess, one of balance

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