
Age of City State: Thousandfold Increase

Soul Beasts are sweeping the human world, and humans are awakening to the gift of owning their own city and becoming absolute masters of it.

LangMan · Du hí
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12 Chs

Burn Red Beast's Den

"Nearly a thousand people?" Pei Yong couldn't help but exclaim out in shock, it's only been three days tomorrow and he was able to have a team of nearly a thousand people.

Pei Yong couldn't believe his ears, but being able to establish the city as a level 3 in two days was already a great surprise to him.

Su Fan let Cai Sheng prepare a bounty of ingredients, and in the middle of the night the crowd had a beautiful meal.

Until the middle of the night, the system suddenly transmitted the sound of a reminder.

"City Lord, the establishment of the marketplace is complete, and the stables are complete."

Su Fan hurriedly opened the system, first checking the marketplace situation, and sure enough, it was filled with a wide array of dynamics converging on the trade.

In order to protect their city, the names of the city and its owner are hidden when people here trade.

Depending on one's level, the corresponding trading partners were all city lords of the same level.

And the only trading options currently available are grain, wood, stone, and iron ore.

The purchases of all of these either require other supplies to be exchanged, or they can be made directly with copper coins.

The troop types within the stables were currently very sparse, there were only two types, one was the light cavalry just like Pei Yong and the others, holding lances for combat.

The other is the Bow Cavalry, these cavalrymen are mainly equipped with bows and arrows as weapons, perfectly blending the advantages of archers and light cavalry.

Currently, his city had not yet reached level 4, and he could not build an archery range to recruit archers, and this Bow Cavalry just made up for the shortage.

But the number that could be recruited was a bit unsatisfactory, light cavalry could be recruited for 400, but bow cavalry could only be recruited for 100.

For each unit produced, the materials needed are 1 point of iron ore in addition to 2 points of food.

Just though it was true that some materials were consumed, but at the moment there was no other choice, Su Fan directly filled the recruitment quantity. It will take 5 hours, and by tomorrow's dawn, all the recruits can be recruited.

Upgrades are now available among the options for the main city as well.

However, when he saw the resources consumed, Su Fan still couldn't help but suck in a breath of cool air.

1,000 iron ore, 1,000 wood, 2,000 stone, 3,000 copper coins.

It was also on his own that he had obtained a huge supply of resources in the 'Masterless City', if not, it was how many years and months would these resource lands be able to save enough.

This is completely understandable, why so many city lords choose to plunder other people's cities, resources to obtain more direct, but it is much faster than saving.

And the time build time went from 5 days to 20 days exactly, so it seems the only way to do it is to wait until tomorrow to use Thousand-fold Acceleration.

By the next day's clearing, there was an instant increase of people coming out of the city.

The city, which was wide before, immediately became a bit crowded.

But seeing this scene Su Fan's heart is pleasant, the more the number of people will only prove in their own strength is stronger.

Taking some inventory of all the troops, there are currently 120 greatswords, 100 lancers, 100 great shields, 100 heavy armor, 416 light cavalry, and 100 bow cavalry, for a total of 936 men.

Su Fan walked to Liu Bowen and handed over the City Lord's token in his hand.

"Bo Wen, leave the construction of the city to me, and I'll leave the troops to you, even General Zi Long is at your disposal."

"Don't worry City Lord, Bo Wen will live up to City Lord's expectations, just wait for the good news."

With Liu Bo Wen's promise, Su Fan didn't say anything more and personally sent his entire family out beyond the city gates.

"How does the military division arrange it?" Zhao Yun, who walked out of the city, asked Liu Bo Wen.

"General there is no need to be in a hurry, I will make my own arrangements when we get near the beast's den. Have you prepared all the 200 bags of charcoal I asked you to prepare yesterday?"

"It's all in the back of the car."

Liu Bo Wen smiled and nodded, no longer saying too much.

After walking for about two long hours and finally arriving at the vicinity of the beast's lair, Zhao Yun couldn't help but continue to ask: "The military division should have arranged it this time."

Although they are both SSS guards, after all, Liu Bo Wen is a support type, and Zhao Yun still has a very skeptical attitude towards his combat ability.

"Pei Yong, you lead 100 bow cavalry, spare the back of the beast's den, have every bowman's arrows lighted with kerosene, and immediately let loose arrows at the beast's den at the first blow of the horn!"

"General Zi Long, take 400 light cavalry and ambush them in the mountains and forests directly across from the Beast's Den, and when the second trumpet sounds, kill them at once!"

"Great Shield Soldiers 100 take up a defensive formation around the beast's den and surround it."

"Short swordsmen, lancers, and each of you take a bag of coke, and when you get to the den of the beast, throw it into it as hard as you can."

"Heavily armored soldiers stand by from behind the den, and kill the Red Beast as soon as it protrudes from the shield soldiers' encirclement!"

Zhao Yun immediately grabbed Liu Bowen's arm and said: ''Military Counselor, you're not kidding, right? Do you think those red beasts are fools? Our soldiers passed by in plain sight and they didn't react? "

"The general will just watch quietly, and if anything happens, I, Liu Bowen, will carry out the responsibility."

Zhao Yun heard him say all that, so he didn't say anything more, but in his heart, he always felt vaguely worried.

In accordance with Liu Bo Wen's command, the crowd scattered, just at this time see Liu Bo Wen mouth I do not know what to chant, threw a golden light into the air, showing the appearance of a talisman, can vaguely see written above a "hidden" word.

All the soldiers only felt that their bodies were instantly lighter, and soon ran to the bearings that Liu Bo Wen had arranged before.

After that, Liu Bo Wen continued to chant under his breath, and threw out two talismans one after another, a "speed" character and a "force" character.

After the flagman waved the flag, two hundred infantrymen holding coke, just like the speed of a swinging arm, in just a few moments they threw the bags of coke in their hands into the beast's den.

At the same time as the charcoal was thrown down, a hissing sound could be heard coming from that den.

Liu Bo Wen laughed lightly and continued to raise his hand, this time a green curtain of light enveloped the entire beast den.

The flag bearer waved his flag once more, and the infantrymen threw their torches into the den.

Another spell appeared in the air, this time the word "fire".

And at this time then listen to the sound inside the den, it is not hissing at all, but gusts of wailing sound, about 10 seconds time, numerous red beasts full of flames pouring out of the den.

Red beasts are one on top of another jumped out of the den, grimacing and rolling all over the ground, because of the crowded back there are not out of the red beasts, wailing sound endless.

Zhao Yun was able to see this scene even though he was in the woods, and he was immediately stumped.

"What kind of skill is this? "

Another talisman, this time it was "Thunder."

Right above the beast's den, a dark cloud appeared, and there was a flash of electricity and thunder, countless bolts of lightning struck the earth, and the Red Beast that had just come out of the den was greeted with a bolt of lightning that fell on its body before it had time to react.

At that moment the first bugle call blew!