
Age is just a number:Young master Jin is younger than his wife

“Hubby,I think my face has some wrinkles I’m I getting old. hubby,look I’m getting fatter the doctor said that it’s a sign of old age. The hubby picks up his phone, “Send the police to arrest Doctor kang he is a fraudster….. Su Li and Jin Feng got married after going on a blind date set by their elders,but the both blind date partners had been switched, then the eldest miss of the Su family and the youngest master of the Jin family got married out of convenience with a contract signed with the above conditions First:No sexual interaction between couples. Second:No interfering in each others business and Lastly:No breaking of any of the conditions or the penalty would be divorce….

BigHeart20 · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 (Marriage contract 2)

The Jin family was among the richest in the whole of City A,they were a family of high ranking in the society so their mansion uphold this fact,when the car pass through the long gates and drove up ahead the pathway from the gates to the mansion was about some distance from the main mansion.

By this time Jin Feng had put his laptop aside with his eyes closed he watched the person sitting next to him relaxed as she was looking through her phone and sometimes looked outside the windows at the peach blossom that was already at full bloom.

They hadn't spoken anything since their journey who saw them now might think they were both having a Cold War as couple but no they were really just like this between them ever since their marriage one month ago.

Sensing a sharp pair of eyes gawking at her Su Li turned to look at the person seated next to her, but just like he knew she had caught him staring he closed his eyes quickly, he didn't know why he closed his eyes he could have let her see him staring! Jin Feng exclaimed in his mind.

The car stopped and they both walked out,the Butler came out of the house with a smile on his face.

"Young master,missus you are here",Butler Zhang called out to both couples

"Come in everyone has been waiting for you " butler Zhang led both couples inside the huge mansion,

Elder Jin who had been busy reading his magazine when he had the butler call out from outside,he quickly drop what he was doing and walked to the door.

"Xiao Li, you are here quickly come in..come in,the old man gestured towards his grand daughter-in-law and totally ignored the tall figure standing tall behind.

"Grand father how have you been"Su Li asked the old man who was holding her hand as they walked forward,

"Don't worry,Don't worry this old man is still very strong and I will live longer than others expected when he made this statement he turned back to look at the tall figure who was following behind,he looked like he was saying this statement to Jin Feng.

The man who was being directed at looked at the sly old man who was his grandfather,

His hands her already shaking,and his head was all full of white hair with no trace of black,hmph live longer my foot..

" Xiao Li"

" Yes grandfather "

"Please don't mind what those people say,hmm I know this rascal he would never do something like that"Elder Jin said as he held both her hands.

Su & Jin:Both confused

" I know you don't have to pretend in front of I maybe old but I see everything,Xiao Li anything this rascal does to you tell grandpa immediately, and I will make him kneel in front of the ancestral temple and give him a good beating for your sake,okay.

Jin Feng:Was this old man really his grandfather.

Elder Jin was first a well known street hunk before he started the Jin family business,he was known to be rough and not easy to deal with,even in his old age he still gave off that mighty aura that when people see him they immediately fall on their kneels.

Su Li looked on as the old man patted her head, it was no doubt that the Elder doted on her,even before she had marry into the Jin household,he had always showed his concern about her since the Su's and Jin family had a close relationship.

"Xiao Li,I asked the chef to make all your favorites since you haven't visited ever since you got married,sinc you did not miss this old man.

" Grandfather it isn't like that I....

" Don't worry about it Grandpa understands,come, come you should wash your hands.Elder master Jin said and led Su Li out of the dining,meanwhile the person who had been following behind was left ignored.