
Against the Gods: Transcendent

Yun Che who has once again, been reincarnated into his past. Wanting to change his once fate, he now grasps his own very destiny by all means!

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25 Chs

Instant Annihilation



"IS THIS REALITY? IT HAS TO BE A DREAM! I need someone to pinch me now!"

A cacophony of shock, disbelief, and fear erupted across the Conferred God Battle Stage. Every spectator, young and old, felt a chill down their spine, with many collapsing in disbelief, their eyes nearly bulging from their sockets.

It was as if their very spirits were on the verge of departing from their bodies!

"Divine Sovereign.....!!!!!!!"

Yun Che is emanating the aura of a Divine Sovereign Realm! How can this be anything but ludicrous?!

"Impossible..." Even the Dragon Monarch, reputed to be the apex of existence in the world, ancient beyond compare with over 300,000 years of accumulated wisdom that eclipses all others, finds himself at a loss in the face of what he is witnessing.

"Hahaha..." Cang Shitian can only laughed as he points his finger toward sky "I am dreaming haha...It's a fucking dream hahaha..."

"He....he...he even surpasses...her" This thoughts flashes across Moon God Emperor mind as he looks at the monster in the sky, a monster named Yun Che.

When Luo Changsheng initially appeared with his Divine King Rank Three cultivation, it defied all their expectations and understanding. But now It's probable that even the gods of the ancient eras had never beheld such an occurrence, right?!!!

Those with particularly sharp perception were even more shocks in full horror, as they recognized that the aura emanating from Yun Che was not that of an ordinary Divine Sovereign, but that of a Divine Sovereign at the Peak Stage!

"Yun... Che?...." Mu Bingyun's gaze was fixed on the figure aloft, her eyes wide with astonishment. She could sense that Yun Che's power matched her own – that of a Divine Sovereign Rank Ten! "What exactly... is going on!!!!?" she whispered, struggling to comprehend the scene before her.

"What... uh... ah... uh..." Luo Changsheng, the esteemed Young Master of the strongest realm beneath the King Realm, had his eyes stretched to their limits, his shock seemingly unparalleled. He knew the aura of the Divine Sovereigns within his sect all too well, as they were his elders and mentors. Now, he could sense that Yun Che's aura was unmistakably akin to theirs.

Disregarding the fortune, he encountered when he ventured into the Heavenly Land of his world, disregarding the treasured find that allowed his breakthrough – what in the heavens was he witnessing at this very moment?!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FLYING GOD FUCK?!!!!!


Suspended high above, Yun Che came to a halt as he arrived at the vicinity of the Conferred God Battle Stage. His gaze drifted downwards, sweeping over the various God Emperors and the Dragon Monarch stationed below. His eyes then shifted towards the members of the Snow Song Realm, the Flame God Realm, and others.

In that instance, Yun Che bore the semblance of a deity gazing indifferently at the mortals beneath him. He exuded an air of overwhelming presence, seeming untouchable and formidable.

With a brilliant "FLASH!", he chose not to exchange words with the God Emperors or the Dragon Monarch, nor did he acknowledge the others. In an instantaneous movement, Yun Che vanished from the sky, and as he reappeared, he was positioned directly in front of Luo Changsheng.


Luo Changsheng, like many, was staggered by Yun Che's overpowering aura. He struggled to steady his roiling aura and mind, yet it was a futile effort. He was so bewildered and in denial of the sight before him that he failed to notice Yun Che's departure from the heavens above.

By the time he came to the stark realization that Yun Che stood right before him, Luo Changsheng could only let out a shriek. It was the kind of cry one might expect from a creature that has encountered a specter. But no, the figure before him was something beyond ghosts.... beyond anything he had ever encountered in his life.

Unconsciously, he had retreated several steps when his gaze collided with that of Yun Che. The man he had battled less than a week prior and the one standing before him now seemed like two entirely different entities. How could they be one and the same? It defied all logic!

"You... you..." The words barely formed on Luo Changsheng's lips. The esteemed Young Master Changsheng, renowned for his stature and prowess, was reduced to incoherent mumbling. He had ascended to the power of Divine King Rank Three. Yet now, facing his hatred enemy, he sensed an aura that was leagues beyond his own.

How could he reconcile with this reality? How could he make sense of this absurdity? This was beyond nonsense, beyond belief! Even the fabled monk Modesky, who penned the legendary Rejoices Arts in the legend, seemed insignificant in comparison to the entity before him.

"It's been a while, Young Master Changsheng. How have you been?" Yun Che offered a casual greeting, ignoring Luo Changsheng's evident shock, speaking as if to an old acquaintance.

Luo Changsheng, however, hardly managed any response.

"Yun Che! What's going on!"

Suddenly, a forceful cry pierced the surreal quiet, jolting everyone as if from a trance. It was the Dragon Monarch. Although taken aback like the rest, he quickly rallied his composure—befitting the most powerful entity in the entire Primal Chaos. Gathering his mental fortitude, he managed to steady himself.

With heightened scrutiny, the Dragon Monarch deployed his spiritual sense to repeatedly examine Yun Che's aura, confirming the undeniable truth before him. As much as he resisted belief, the evidence was clear: Yun Che's aura was genuine. He had ascended to Divine Sovereign status!

The last time Yun Che was seen, he was merely at Divine Tribulation Rank Nine. And now? He had achieved Divine Sovereign Rank Ten! Such a feat seemed impossible even for gods mentioned in ancient texts; not even hundred years of cultivation with the aid of the Eternal Heaven Pearl could account for such a rapid progress. What was this madness?!!!

The Dragon Monarch's outcry snapped everyone back to reality. Soon, a chorus of bewildered voices from the other God Emperors filled the air, all echoing the same incredulous demand: "What happened?!!!"

"Surely you've been faring well, Young Master Changsheng?" Yun Che inquired, his focus solely on Luo Changsheng, paying no heed to the barrage of questions from the onlookers.

"I... I..." The words choked in Luo Changsheng's throat as if seized by some infernal grasp. The smile on Yun Che's face and his dark abyss like eyes, as he uttered those words, sent a shiver down Luo Changsheng's spine. No effort on his part could quell the panic that took hold.

"Since you seem to be in good health, shall we conclude our unsettled duel?" Yun Che proposed, turning his attention to Qu Hui, who was presiding over the conference.

"Wouldn't it be appropriate for you to declare the commencement of our battle now that we are both present, esteemed adjudicator Qu Hui?" Yun Che's voice carried a smile, but the undertones were devoid of respect; the disdain in his tone was palpable to all.

"You!!!!" Qu Hui, having recovered from his initial shock, found it nearly impossible to contain his emotions. His aura, that of a Divine Master, nearly burst forth in its entirety. Yun Che had disregarded the barrage of inquiries from the God Emperors, not even acknowledging his authority. Such insolence was unfathomable!

"Qu Hui, commence the battle!" The command from the Eternal Heaven God Emperor cut through the tension. Despite the stinging disrespect Yun Che had shown to all the present God Emperors, there was time to deal with him later. The God Emperors, as Divine Masters, stood above any Divine Sovereign. Yun Che's audacity to overlook them was an affront they could not ignore. Once this conference concluded, they would exact their retribution upon Yun Che.

Yet, a growing sense of disquiet troubled the Eternal Heaven God Emperor, an unease that seemed to intensify with each passing moment.

"Since both contenders have now arrived, we shall proceed with the final battle of the Conferred God Battle!" Having received the directive from his superior, Qu Hui was compelled to announce the start of the fight. Any positive regard he held for Yun Che due to his previous matches had evaporated, and any concern for Yun Che's well-being against Luo Changsheng, who had ascended to Divine King, had dissipated. Instead, resentment began to fester in the heart of the esteemed and impartial Adjudicator.

"Changsheng, concede now!" A voice unexpectedly pierced the air from the Holy Eaves Realm section. It was Luo Guxie. She had verified repeatedly that the man facing Luo Changsheng was indeed Yun Che through her spiritual sense, and the aura she discerned was unmistakably genuine. She arrived at one stark conclusion: Luo Changsheng stood no chance of victory, even if he grown millions more arms and legs!

The gulf in power between Divine King and Divine Sovereign was too immense for comparison!

Yet, as her words rang out, her already wide eyes, along with those of everyone present, widened even further in shock. Before the assembly of God Emperors and the Dragon Monarch, a familiar light emerged — a light that belonged solely to Northern Divine Region practitioners...devil.

A swirl of Black Flame materialized in Yun Che palm, without waiting for Luo Changsheng to react Yun Che appeared in front of Luo Changsheng!

In an instant, Luo Changsheng's body lite up with black flame in Yun Che's grip, the dark fire consuming him entirely. There was no time for Luo Changsheng to utter a scream before he was reduced to ash, leaving those present in a state of terror, horror and disbelief.

From the moment the black flame appeared in Yun Che's hand to the obliteration of Luo Changsheng, not even a second had passed! They had no chance to react!




"DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!DEVILLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" roared rang out.

"HE A DEVIL!!!!!!"

All the God Emperors and the mighty Dragon Monarch rose swiftly, a collective realization dawning upon them. Yun Che had never been a mere Divine Tribulation Realm; he likely utilized some profound artifact to conceal his true power and to deceive their spiritual senses, thus infiltrating the Profound God Conference and the true power they're seeing now, it likely his true power! He probably isn't even thirty-year-old!

"How dare you!" A murderous bellow erupted from the Eternal Heaven God Emperor. Earlier, the conference had already been tainted by a devil's interference, leading to the death of a prodigy from their Eastern Divine Region, tarnishing their reputation. Now, with the obliteration of their premier genius, this day was set to be recorded as an era-defining disgrace.

Worst, everything that's happening right now is broadcast live across the entire Eastern Divine Region! This shame will forever be unable to be erased for eternity!

"Bingyun...WHAT IS GOING ON?!!!" The elders of the Snow Song Realm turned to Mu Bingyun in alarm, her being the one who introduced Yun Che into their realm.


Yet, all they met was her own visage of shock, indicating she was just as bewildered by the unfolding events, just as unaware of the true devilish nature hidden behind Yun Che's facade.

"Qu Hui! Kill him!" Eternal Heaven God Emperor commanded. 

Qu Hui who was stunned by everything that happen was about to explode with power when...




An explosive surge of power detonated from the Holy Eaves Realm, as Luo Guxie, overwhelmed by fury and grief, unleashed her formidable Divine Master's might. Her profound energy, corresponding to the late stages of a Rank Nine Divine Master, burst forth, its overwhelming force sending members of her own realm reeling. Some of the less powerful practitioners were obliterated instantly, this is the power of a Divine Master!

Xīn Yán didn't even have time to scream, just like her beloved, was turn into a blood mist instantly.

At this moment, though, Luo Guxie was heedless of the destruction her outburst caused, her gaze fixated on the place where Luo Changsheng, once stood.

"Changsheng... my Changsheng... my..."

With a cataclysmic roar, the world itself seemed to tremble.

"Everyone, erect a barrier now!" bellowed the other Divine Masters, as they hastily conjured shields of profound energy to protect those around them.

Luo Changsheng was known to be the adored son of Luo Shangchen, but it was well-known that he had spent most of his life under the tutelage of Luo Guxie, rather than with his father. The sight of her esteemed disciple being reduced to nothing more than dust was a sight that undoubtedly ravaged her soul.

"Qu Hui! Withdraw immediately!" commanded the Eternal Heaven God Emperor, his voice thundering with urgency. Without delay, Adjudicator Qu Hui soared away, vacating the space and leaving Yun Che isolated on the conference battle stage. Although Qu Hui himself bore the rank of a Divine Master, his was only the power of a mid-stage Divine Master, which paled in comparison to the furious might of Luo Guxie. He would stand no chance against even the residual shockwaves of her wrath.

"Changsheng... my Changsheng... MY CHANGSHENG, MY CHANGSHENG!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

Luo Guxie's scream pierced the heavens as her eyes stained crimson with rage and her profound energy convulsed through the air. The ground quaked under the might of her sorrow and wrath.

"BOOM!!!!" She launched herself at Yun Che with the full, unrestrained power...