
Against the Gods: Transcendent

Yun Che who has once again, been reincarnated into his past. Wanting to change his once fate, he now grasps his own very destiny by all means!

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25 Chs

Heaven Trembling

As the ominous clouds of lightning tribulation converge, their presence is palpable to all those who reside under the vast expanse of the heavens. The sheer magnitude of power emanating from these clouds is enough to render even the most esteemed God Emperors powerless in their wake.

However, among the countless individuals who can sense the overwhelming terror concealed within these clouds, none feel the weight of its impending wrath more acutely than the denizens of the Eastern Divine Region, and more specifically, those who reside within the Flame God Realm.

"What!!! What is this?!!!!"

"What is happening?!!!" Many voices roared.


It appears that a dire and unsettling situation is unfolding in the Flame God Realm, as its inhabitants are consumed by a sense of panic and dread. The once bright and clear sky has gradually become darker and more foreboding, to the point where even the keenest-eyed experts are unable to discern their own hands before them.

Adding to the overwhelming atmosphere is an almost unbearable sense of oppression, bearing down upon the residents of the Flame God Realm with increasing weight and intensity. This suffocating pressure seems to be shaking their very souls uncontrollably, as if threatening to snuff out their life force altogether.

The gravity of this situation is made even more evident by the sense that the sky itself is on the brink of collapse, poised to unleash a catastrophic force that would swallow all life within its grasp. The sense of impending doom and hopelessness is palpable and pervasive, leaving those in the Flame God Realm to face a daunting and uncertain future.

In the face of such overwhelming terror, those who remain composed and able to act have sprung into action, utilizing all the profound energy at their disposal to construct a barrier of protection around their homes and loved ones. Divine Sovereigns from far and wide have joined forces to create various forms of barriers to shield the most vulnerable and young from harm.

Despite their efforts to safeguard their realm, many are filled with a sense of urgency to leave the Flame God Realm immediately. However, with the ominous clouds blanketing the sky above, trapping them within the realm.

As the black clouds continue to gather and thicken, a suffocating pressure bears down upon them all, causing their hearts to palpitate with a sense of dread and helplessness. The unrelenting oppression only serves to intensify their fear, leaving them to wonder whether they will emerge from this calamity unscathed.

A sense of chaotic panic has taken hold of the entire Eastern Divine Region, and in particular, the Flame God Realm. The inhabitants of the region gaze up at the sky, which has been shrouded in darkness by the ever-growing mass of black clouds. The ominous clouds seem to serve as a harbinger of an impending apocalypse, one that would bring about the end of all things.

Overwhelmed by the shock and horror of their current situation, the people of the Eastern Divine Region are left with no choice but to turn to prayer.

A stunning and terrifying sight unfolds as lightning begins to gather among the clouds, leaving bright streaks of purple light in its wake. The lightning traces multiply rapidly, with three, five, ten, and then countless lightning bolts converging to form an immense lightning domain.

As the scope of this phenomenon becomes apparent, those who have ever set foot in the Divine Spirit Realm are left in disbelief. From the Eastern, Southern, Northern, and Western Divine Regions, people stand in shock as they witness this extraordinary event, unable to comprehend what they are seeing.

"Lightning....Tribulation?... It can't be!"

The sight of the Tribulation Lightning Clouds is a shocking and terrifying one, and it leaves many in the Divine Realm questioning their beliefs and understanding of the world. The realization that someone going through lightning tribulation could attract such a phenomenon seems impossible and defies all known logic.

Despite the disbelief and denial that prevails among most of the inhabitants of the God Realm, those in the Flame God Realm have already had their beliefs shattered. They watch in horror as a streak of heavenly tribulation lightning rips through the skies and hurtles towards the God Burying Inferno Prison.

The sound of thunder reverberates through the air, filling everyone with dread and terror.


The power of the Tribulation Lightning was immense, and it struck Yun Che with a force that shook the entire Flame God Realm. Despite the sea of flames that surrounded him, the lightning passed effortlessly through them and hit him directly.


The impact was enormous, and a massive explosion of purple light erupted around Yun Che, creating a ten-thousand-meter-long ray of light that illuminated the sky. The sheer power and energy released in that moment were overwhelming. Heaven above wail in horrors as if devil god have awaken.

As the light slowly began to dissipate, it revealed Yun Che standing in the center of it all, his body radiating an aura of power that seemed to come directly from the heavens. The lightning tribulation had slowly transformed him.

The power of the heavenly tribulation lightning was beyond imagination. The people in the Flame God Realm could only stare in shock and horror at the apocalyptic scene unfolding before their eyes. They had never seen anything like this before, and they didn't know what it meant or what would happen next.

Meanwhile, Yun Che was at the center of it all, enduring the immense power of the heavenly tribulation lightning. He was bathed in a blinding purple light, but he didn't falter or give in. He stood his ground, facing the tribulation head-on, his body seemingly unbreakable.

As the lightning continued to strike down, one after another, Yun Che's body started to emit a faint glow. His skin, muscles, and bones seemed to be undergoing a profound transformation, becoming stronger and more resilient with each passing moment. The heavenly tribulation lightning was not just a test of his endurance, but also a trial of his body and spirit.

BOOM! BOOM!!! BOOMMMM!!!!! The lightning strikes increased exponentially, from one to two, from two to four, from four to eight. The sky above the God Burying Inferno Prison was now completely covered in dense purple lightning, and the rumbling sound of thunder was deafening.

Yun Che remained standing in the center of the lightning domain, seemingly untouched by the ferocious lightning strikes, bathed in a brilliant purple light, his eyes closed in deep concentration as he underwent the tribulation.


Yan Wancang stood at the peak of the Vermillion Bird Sect's highest mountain, overlooking the chaos that has consumed the Flame God Realm. His eyes were fixed on the sky, observing the lightning strikes that continuously descended onto the God Burying Inferno Prison.

As a Divine Sovereign, he had encountered many strange phenomena, but this was unlike anything he had ever seen before. He remained calm and composed, his mind working furiously to figure out the reason behind the tribulation lightning strikes.

"Sect Master Huo, Sect Master Yan....Our realm is being struck by lightning!!! What should I do???!!!!"

He quickly passes the message over the sound transmission to Huo Rulie and Yan Juehai about the lightning that are descending into their realm.

"...." Huo Rulie, Yan Juehai.

Huo Rulie and Yan Juehai were at a loss for words upon receiving the message about the lightning strikes in their realm.

"The fuck you mean??? What are we supposed to say???"

After a while, Huo Rulie said "Where the lightning strike?!"

"God Burying Inferno Prison!!!" said Yan Wancang.


In his previous life, despite being aware of Lou Changsheng's ascension to the Divine King status, Yun Che still chose to challenge him in a battle, utilizing all the skills and resources at his disposal in an attempt to emerge victorious. Despite his monstrous prowess in combat, which allowed him to traverse entire realms of power, Yun Che ultimately proved no match for Lou Changsheng, suffering a brutal defeat that left him nearly dead.

However, as Yun Che teetered on the brink of consciousness, his aura as a Divine Tribulation Rank 9 called forth lightning tribulation that interrupted the match and prevented Lou Changsheng from being declared the victor.

In the aftermath of the lighting tribulations, Yun Che underwent a profound transformation, enduring nine rounds of heavenly tribulations that elevated him to the lofty heights of Divine Spirit Realm Rank five. With his already impressive combat abilities and mastery of profound arts, Yun Che was able to easily turn the tide of his fortunes and triumph in the Profound God Convention, earning the esteemed title of the strongest among the younger generation and the Child of Heaven.

Throughout the recorded history of the God Realm, there was a single individual who stood out as a supreme genius, drawing the attention and envy of both people and heaven alike. This exceptional talent was so profound that it invited the descent of the six stages of lightning tribulation. However, tragedy struck when the fifth stage of the tribulation nearly killed him, leaving him on the brink of death. When the sixth stage descended, he perished in an instant, without even the chance to scream before turning to ashes.

It is a well-known fact that individuals possessing extreme talents are both envied and coveted by both mortals and the divine. The cultivation of one's powers is, after all, an act that runs counter to the will of the heavens themselves, and those who possess exceptional aptitude will invariably draw down more stages of the lightning tribulation.

Many supremely talented individuals who have achieved the exalted status of Divine Master have only attracted and survived the punishing force of four of lightning tribulation. However, in the annals of history, there has never been a single person who has faced down the incredible force of the nine stages of lightning tribulation... except for Yun Che.

In a feat that defies comprehension, Yun Che not only successfully attracted and survived the incredible power of the nine stages of lightning tribulation but emerged from the ordeal wholly unscathed, with the lightning tribulation even miraculously healing his grievously injured body back to full health!

Elders of Heavenly Mystery Realm informed the God Emperors and all those in attendance that Yun Che is Child of Heaven, that's why he in uninjured. However, Yun Che was not related to this so-called Child of Heaven at all, as he had inherited the power of the God of Elemental's Vein - power belonging to the Creation God itself. This is why he was able to endure the intense nine stages of lightning tribulations.

Although heaven attempted to annihilate him during this process, his inheritance of the unique power of the Creation God granted him dominion over the elements, thus enabling him to survive. It should be noted that if Yun Che had inherited the power of any other Creator God, he would have perished during the initial stage of the lightning tribulation since he was already nearly dead at that point.


Despite being surrounded by a sea of flames and unable to see beyond it, Yun Che was certain that in the outside world, a thick layer of clouds must already be enveloping the entire Eastern Divine Region. He knew this from his past life, when he had attracted lightning tribulations. He was well aware of the kind of disturbance this would create.

Yun Che had specifically chosen the God Burying Inferno Prison for this very reason, as he could train without any disturbance since no one else was present. He could let the lightning tribulations strike down upon him and continue training to his heart's content without any interruption.

"What is going on? What the hell is happening?!" exclaimed the Eternal God Emperor, Brahma God Emperor, Star God Emperor, and Moon God Emperor in unison. Their faces were full of horror and confusion as they gazed up at the sky. They had been in the midst of a meeting, discussing the Profound God Convention and the Crimson Calamity, when they suddenly noticed that the world had darkened and the sky itself had vanished, replaced by black clouds that covered everything.

"Lord God Emperors, we have reports coming in from all over the Eastern Region," an Eternal Heaven's Guardian hastily reported to the various God Emperors present. But before he could finish his sentence, he received even more shocking news.

Looking at the confusion etched on the messenger's face, the Eternal Heaven God Emperor demanded, "What is it, Tai Yu?!"

Tai Yu was the second most powerful being in the Eternal Heaven God Realm, after the Eternal Heaven God Emperor himself. He was the closest confidant and most trusted subordinate of the God Emperor.

With his lips quivering in fear, Tai Yu began to report to the assembled God Emperors. "...Reporting to Lord God Emperors...the clouds...they have covered the whole God Realm!" he screamed out in terror.


All the present God Emperors were in a state of shock as they struggled to comprehend the enormity of what they had just heard.

"What?!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!!!" they screamed out in unison, their voices full of disbelief and horror.

From the Eastern Divine Region to the Southern Divine Region, the Northern Divine Region, and even the exalted Western Divine Region, disbelief, dread, and horror filled the faces of onlookers, whether they were lowly profound practitioners or mighty Divine Masters and God Emperors.

Those with high levels of cultivation were able to discern that these were no ordinary clouds. They appeared to contain all the power in the world itself! Those who had received reports from other regions all confirmed the same thing - everything, everywhere, was shrouded in the dark clouds.

Mortals believed that this was the end of the world, and many cultivators shared this belief as well. The sheer power and scale of the phenomenon was beyond anything they had ever encountered before. It seemed as if the entire world was under threat, and no one knew what to do.


A young woman walked towards the outside world where the sea of clouds could be seen everywhere, looking at the sky she said, "What is this?"

"God Empress, please be careful!" another voice echoed after her, filled with concern.


"This...?" A woman's voice rang out as she gazed up at the sky with a bewildered expression. While picking some flowers, the sky suddenly turned dark, startling her.

"Ling'er, come here" The sound of a pleasing, divine voice called out to Ling'er, rousing her from her daze. "Yes, Master," she replied obediently as she made her way over.