
Against the Gods: Transcendent

Yun Che who has once again, been reincarnated into his past. Wanting to change his once fate, he now grasps his own very destiny by all means!

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25 Chs


"This... DEVILS?!!!" A throng of cultivators had amassed at the outskirts of the Eternal Heaven God Realm, drawn by the cataclysmic energies unleashed within. The tempest of power spilling from the realm had captured the attention of all cultivators in the vicinity capable of sensing the overwhelming forces at play.

The Dragon Monarch's wrathful bellow reverberated through the skies, its force rattling the very heavens. Cultivators of lesser might, those below the level of Divine Masters, felt as if their very souls and eardrums would rupture from the sheer intensity, prompting them to withdraw to safer distances. Yet, even from afar, the magnitude of the tumult instilled deep trepidation.

"What in the realms is happening there?!!!" A Divine Master exclaimed, his voice laced with fear. He dared not approach the star realm, sensing an ominous peril emanating from it.

"Spread the word... send a profound message! Inform all — the Eternal Heaven is under siege by devils!" His command was urgent, compelling the weaker cultivators to act. One by one, they broadcast profound sound transmissions, alerting every star realm to the dire events unfolding.

Word of the attack spread like wildfire, sparking a myriad of reactions and speculation. Sympathy mixed with disbelief; of all the realms the devils could have chosen to assail, they targeted the Eternal Heaven at a time when numerous God Emperors and even the formidable Dragon Monarch were present. To many, it seemed a suicidal move.

Little did they realize that the situation within the Eternal Heaven Realm was not unfolding as they might have anticipated.


"Wangui!!!" Yan Two shouted, his voice laced with alarm as he witnessed Yan Three collapsing to the ground. In terms of power, Yan Two surpassed his fallen brother, yet he had barely seen that attack!

The weapon that felled Yan Three was a cauldron shrunk to the size of a fist, its velocity not the issue—rather, its ability to rend through space was the true terror. In a mere blink, it had traveled from Zhou Xuzi's grasp to ambush Yan Three, leaving no chance for defense.

"DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" bellowed Zhou Xuzi, materializing another cauldron in his palm. This one, though not space-piercing like its predecessor, hurtled towards Yan Two with such ferocious momentum that it was horrifying in its own right.

"ARRGGHHHH!!!!" With a surge of desperation, Yan Two unleashed his darkness to form multi-layered barriers, hoping to withstand the impending onslaught.

"BOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!" The ground was shattered, rendering hundreds of kilometers to desolation as the released energy laid waste to the land.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Yan Two's defiant roar split the air, fully aware that a direct hit by such might could be his end.

"CRACK!...CRACK!!!!....CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!" The haunting symphony of his barriers fracturing one after the other struck a chord of dread in Yan Two's heart, each fissure bringing him closer to despair.

"BOOM!!!!!!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!!!" The sound was deafening as the darkness barriers shattered one after the other. "How has his strength surged so immensely?" Yan Two's mind was in turmoil, his gaze piercing through the onslaught to behold the wretched state of Eternal Heaven God Emperor Zhou Xuzi.

"You..." Yan Two stared in horror at his assailant. Zhou Xuzi's condition was far graver than before. Blood gushed from every opening in his body; his flesh seemed to disintegrate with each moment that passed. It was clear that Zhou Xuzi had sacrificed far more than just his Blood Essence. His entire being was committed to a deathblow against them!

"DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Zhou Xuzi's roar was cataclysmic. He had poured his life's essence, his convictions, his very soul into this assault. He was determined to annihilate the demonic duo before him at any cost.

His earlier reluctance had cost the lives of his guardians and kin. The misplaced hope that the Dragon Monarch Long Bai would arrive in time had led to catastrophe. He had waited for miracles, held back for salvation, but no more. With his hatred piercing the heavens and the earth quaking under the magnitude of his fury, there would be no more hesitations. This was his final stand.

"AHHHHH!!!!" His cry pierced the sky as he pointed upward, summoning another cauldron to materialize above Yan Two's head!

"SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!" The terror in Yan Two's heart was palpable, sweat cascading down his brow. With his power already strained to its limits holding back the first devastating cauldron, this new threat directly overhead meant certain doom.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" With a deafening "BOOM," Yan Two channeled every last shred of his power into the barriers. Yet, time and strength were not on his side; there was no chance to fortify his defenses above.

"Drip... drip..." The chilling sound of the last drops of blood leaving Zhou Xuzi's body rang out, and with a weak utterance, he commanded, "...perish..."

"BOOOM!!!" The cauldron above crashed down, cleaving through space at a terrifying velocity, a speed unlike anything Yan Two had ever encountered.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Yan Two's defiant scream echoed. His demise seemed certain, but just as fate appeared sealed, an unexpected happens...


A brilliance of cerulean, more lustrous than the deepest seas and brimming with frosty might, erupted behind the Eternal Heaven God Emperor. This arctic surge swiftly encased the emperor, his essence, his consciousness, his very existence, in a cocoon of ice.

The God Emperor couldn't discern his assailant before succumbing to a frigid demise.

"Why... so cold?" These were his final, bewildered thoughts as the cold seized him entirely.

With a thunderous "CRASH," the frozen figure of the God Emperor fragmented into nothingness. The mystical bond between him and his weapons severed; the life force and power that once fueled the weapons dissipated in a mere moment.

A God Emperor have fallen!

"AHHHHHH!!!!" Yan Two bellowed in both surprise and relief as the once-deadly weapons lost the bulk of their might. With swift action, he repelled the Wilderness Suppressing Divine Cauldron, snatched Yan Three's inert form, and retreated just in time.

"BOOMMMM!!!" The cauldron that loomed overhead crashed, its impact resonating powerlessly across the land.

Heaving breaths of exhaustion and relief, Yan Two's sweat drenched his frame. Then, "ugh....." a pained groan from Yan Three broke the silence.


"You... you're alive!!!!" exclaimed Yan Two, embracing his brother tightly.

"Ugh... did you really think... I'd die... from that?" Yan Three managed to respond. Despite their relief, the close brush with death left them profoundly unsettled; they had severely underestimated the Eternal Heaven God Emperor. No! They did not underestimate him! They were just too arrogant and didn't take this fight seriously which led to an almost disaster! But they were alive, and that was what mattered now.

"BOOM!!! BOOOMMM!!!" The cauldrons, now devoid of their former threat, zoomed into a spatial rift by a suction force, vanishing from sight.

"Thank you... Lady Xuanyin," the Yan brothers expressed their gratitude toward the unseen ally who had saved them. However, no acknowledgment came; they were met only with silence.


Across the Eternal Heaven, the land that was once a place of honor and heavens to many, now lay wasted. During the same time that Yan Three and Yan Two are fighting with the Guardians and Eternal Heaven God Emperor, another fierces battle erupted out.

"BOOOMMM!!!!!" The golden color aura that belongs to the Brahma God Realm practitiners explodes out in all directions!


Amidst the stormy heavens, a fierce battlet was unfolding. Qianye Ying'er, with a golden aura and a feisty attitude, soared through the sky, her weapon, the Divine Oracle, shimmering like a streak of sunlight. Across from her, Yan Wu exuded an aura of darkness, her Yama Spear crackling with the sinister force of Darkness Profound Energy.


The two clashed in the air, their energies intertwining like a tempest, darkening the world below. Qianye Ying'er's golden aura illuminated the sky as she charged forward, the Divine Oracle, its belt-like form gleaming, extending and slashing through the air toward Yan Wu's heart.

"DIE!" Qianye Ying'er snarled, her fierce gaze locked onto her opponent.

Yan Wu effortlessly spun her Yama Spear, its dark energy forming a protective barrier. The spear collided with the Divine Oracle, "BOOM!!!", the force of the impact sending ripples through the stormy sky. BOOM! The shockwave from their collision tore the space around them, making voids tremble and threatening to unravel the fabric of reality. Their eyes locked, neither yielding an inch.

As the two stared each other down, the very air between them seemed to vibrate with anticipation. The sky rumbled ominously, clouds churning and roiling as if trying to escape the impending battle.

"HMM!" Qianye Ying'er snorted, her voice echoing through the storm.

Yan Wu smirked, her eyes never leaving her opponent. "

Suddenly, Qianye Ying'er narrowed her eyes, as she asks. "By the way, who are you?"

"I am Yama Realm Ya.....," she replied, her voice cold and unwavering, but before she could finish her word a heartless voice from Qianye Ying'er came over again.


Yan Wu brows twitch as she charges over with Yama Spear again.

With that, their weapons clashed again, the sky echoing with the cacophony of their battle.


Qianye Ying'er's Divine Oracle danced and coiled through the air, its golden energy clashing with the dark depths of Yan Wu's Yama Spear. The two moved with inhuman speed, each strike pushing their opponent to the edge.


The sounds of their weapons colliding tore through the air, making the space around them shatter like fragile glass.

As the fight raged on, Qianye Ying'er found an opening. She willed the Divine Oracle to strike at Yan Wu's spear hand, momentarily disarming her. Yan Wu staggered back, her Yama Spear slipping from her grasp.

Qianye Ying'er's eyes narrowed as she prepared to strike down her opponent with a final blow. Her sword was raised high in the air, ready to bring it down with a deadly precision. However, just before the sword could make contact, Qianye Ying'er suddenly pulled back with almost an instinctive movement.


In that same moment, a deafening "Cackle...BOOM!" sound resonated in the air, and a column of dark energy erupted from the ground in front of her. Qianye Ying'er's heart skipped a beat as she realized that if she hadn't moved back in time, her clothes would have been stained with dark energy, and she might have been severely injured.

"Are you alright Wu'er?" a man have appeared by Yan Wu side as he picks up the Yama Spear and give it to her.

"Royal Father!" Yan Wu called out to her saver.

"Quite ruthless, aren't you, Lady Goddess..." Yan Tianxiao said with a mixture of feeling and respect as he looked at Qianye Ying'er. The woman in front of him was a force to be reckoned with. Well, to most people anyway. But he, is the Yama God Emperor! He wishes he could show her why is the strongest man in Northern Divine Region, but unfortunately, the words of Yun Che and Devil Queen Chi Wuyao still rang in his mind.


Just a distance away...




Jie Xin was attacking the two dogs of Brahma God Realms, but they were running away with their imaginary tails held high. Although they were all Divine Masters, they were only level 8, and no match for a level 10 Divine Master like Jie Xin. The best they could hope for was to survive the attack.

They could have chosen to fight to the death using their Brahma God technique, but with the Dragon Monarch present, that would have been a pointless sacrifice. The Dragon Monarch was more than capable of defeating the invading devils on his own, and there was no need for them to use a technique that would only result in their own demise. So, running was their only option. That's all they cared about. Just run!

"Bitchhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" The two Brahma Kings continue to shout left and right.

"AHHH!!!!" Jie Xin shouted, her lips switching between enjoyment and anger as she was called names by the two practitioners in front of her. If the Mistress hadn't given her strict orders, she would have long ago killed these two fools!


"BOOM!!" In another nearby space, Gu Zhu and Jie Ling engaged in a fierce battle. Gu Zhu was going all out against his opponent, his attacks unleashing a torrent of golden light that surged through the darkened world as if it were the true ray of light and salvation.

"Why do you always run, young lady?" Gu Zhu asked the devil in front of him. He had a strange feeling that Jie Ling was just dragging out the fight for time.

"No reason," Jie Ling replied with a smirk. Suddenly, she erupted with a darkness profound energy, shooting out a powerful palm attack that destroyed the spaces and void around them.


Then, without so much as a backward glance, she continued to run away, leaving Gu Zhu to wonder what had just happened.

As he watched the woman fleeing into the distance, Gu Zhu suddenly stopped chasing her and changed direction. His brow furrowed in concentration as he focused on a new plan of action. Her highness is in danger!

"!!!!" Jie Ling suddenly realized what Gu Zhu was doing, and she quickly turned around. However, by that point, there was already a significant distance between them. She quickly chased after the old man.