
Skill theory class part two

Professor Neum's eyes suddenly turned to the clock on one of the room's walls as he explained and noticed the time.

"Oh... It's getting a bit late already, I guess I have to start with the second part I had planned for this class."

Kayla looked at Professor Neum curiously. He had only been explaining concepts about skills for the past two hours.

Even though it was somewhat tedious, Kayla enjoyed it. She was sure that she had learned more today than she could learn on her own in months.

Gustiff, on the other hand, had a blank look on his face as he stared into space. Neum's constant explaining seemed to have melted his brain...

Professor Neum looked at him with contempt, but quickly hid it. "I think you already have an idea of what you'll have to do, right?"

Kayla and Gustiff, who seemed to have been resurrected when he realized the long explanations were over, exchanged glances. They nodded.