

"So you still want to team up with that vulture?"

Ethel asked, annoyance evident in her voice.

"Yes, despite being a vulture, we get along well and his information-gathering skills are excellent. Plus he's a magician who uses curses" Kayla smiled.

Although all of that was true, her main reason was that she had already said that she would team up with him and planned to keep her word.

"Well, I guess teaming up with a dark wizard isn't a bad option…"

Ethel muttered under her breath. But she still didn't want Kayla to associate with a Vulture.

"Calm down Ethel, although teaming up with a vulture is certainly dangerous, the benefits are just as great if you can train the vulture. And Kayla is a person quite capable of doing something like that."

Brice scolded Ethel, who had gone into overprotective mode.

"You're right, but still…" Ethel tried to protest.