

Yi Bing really forgot to mention it to Huo Ling, since he also forgot about what section was Huo Ling allocated to by Iris. But, he remembered that Iris included it in his e-mail sent to him. He took out his phone to check the e-mail, only to utter a low curse after he read it. 

"What?" Huo Ling asked. He immediately became nervous when he heard Yi Bing cursed. 

Yi Bing showed him his mobile phone's screen. "Special classes." He answered. 

Huo Ling's mind immediately turned blank. "… huh?" he muttered. "'special classes'… what does that mean?" he asked. 

Yi Bing opened the handguide as an answer. "Special classes mean… special classes." He said and expressionlessly handed the handguide to Huo Ling.