

Before they could start to bicker with each other, they suddenly smelled something in the air amidst the smoke from the battle. Although the scent was faint, but they felt like their soul trembled for some reason. Their heart skipped a beat and their eyes widened when they realized what it is. 

"This is - !" Liu Lin exclaimed after he picked up a piece of rock from the remnants of Huo Jinghua's mech. 

Feng Er smelled the burnt rock. "It has the smell of a Soul Fragment." She said. 

"Soul Fragment?" Huo Ling turned. 

"A Soul Fragment is a piece of a soul." Yi Bing answered. "It contains the memories of the soul, as well as its power." He explained. 

"Soul Fragments… souls have a smell?" Huo Ling asked in surprise. 

Feng Er nodded. "The stronger the power of a Soul Fragment, the stronger its smell. The weakest Soul Fragment has a smell that almost nonexistent." She explained.