

No one would want for their mistake to be pointed out to them. Not even Huo Ling, who already died and has become a soul. 

"What does that mean?" Huo Ling asked. "Are you trying to pick a fight with me?" he frowned as he glared at Yi Bing. 

Your mistake being pointed out to you is shameful. And shame can also be brought after death. That's why the descendants shouldn't commit a crime or a sin since it will bring dishonor to their family, up to their ancestors. 

"That means that you shouldn't get your arrogance over your head." Yi Bing answered as he pushed Huo Ling's forehead using his index finger. "Let's go." He told him as he stood up. 

"Huh? Where?" Huo Ling asked as he rubbed his forehead even though he can't feel pain from the physical attacks.