
Bad Luck

"AH! What a fine day!" Huo Ling exclaimed in a loud voice as he leaned out of the window to look at their surroundings. He took a deep breath and breathed in fresh air from their surroundings.

"Seriously… who are you, people?" Lu Xiu asked as he drive the carriage.

Huo Ling heard him but he ignored him. Yi Bing, as usual, is silent. Wu Ling is frowning in displeasure while Qian San just smiled. Qi Bai, after seeing that Lu Xiu won't harm them, he resumed eating his snacks.

Instead, it was Shi Yi who spoke. "Didn't boss Luo tell you?" he asked and blinked, keeping his innocent act. "We are looking for the elixir of immortality." He told Lu Xiu.